Saturday, June 15, 2013

Good and Bad Person

Whenever I look at the world,the I find everybody good,sweet,meet-able ...except me.....

Maa Saraswati

“तुम लिख नहीं पाते।तुम कुछ सोंच नहीं पाते।कोई बात नहीं।माँ सरस्वती की अराधना करो।वो चुपके से आकर तुम्हारे नन्हे से हाँथों से लिख जायेंगी।ये बडे बडे वेद, ये पुराण ,ये सारी सुन्दर प्रार्थनाएं -संस्कृत में,हिन्दी मे या किसी अन्य भाषा में, ऊन्हीं ने तो लिखीं है, तुम्हारे लिये।वरना हमलोगों को तो अपना नाम भी याद रखना मुश्किल है।हाँ,पर कभी अभिमान न करना और उन्हे धन्यवाद देते हीं रहना”।
“You are unable to write. You are unable to think. You need not worry. Worship the, Goddess of knowledge Mother Saraswati/God. She/he will come silently and write by/through your little hand/figures. These all great/ vast books Veda ,Purana ,bible ,Kurana ,beautiful prayers of the God are written by her/him only. Otherwise, sometimes we forget our names also. However, never be proud of it, and keep on thanking to her/him always”.


Mother is mother-She may not have delivered us physically........She may have brought up us only-She may be our Aunty by relation or any body .....may not be of our caste,community or Religion...Who ever she may be...Motherly for us......-But Mother is after all Mother..........The most regarded woman...


APOLOGY-One of my Batch mate Sunita Agrawal , brilliant student,always remained topper of our class,since class-II to class-IVth. In the class VI th she was promoted doubly so in the photo of class-VII (1975) she is not there ,because she was attending classes in class-8th.There was a link between us.And surprisingly both of us remained unaware of it for long time.My father is found of Classical music.So he engaged the famous Tabla teacher Mr Birendra of Muzaffarpur ,disciple of the Great Tabla Master "Godai Maharaj",of Varansi) to teach me Tabla at home.(Birendra sir probably music teacher in MDDM Collage ,Muzaffarpur at present) He kept on coming to my house for teaching me to play tabla from 1972 to 1975.Incidentally last year of my training I asked him "sir do you have other disciples of Prabhat Tara School"?.He replied yes yes "Sunita Agrawal ", I go to her house for teaching Kathak dance ,she is my student,she dances well,she would have performed at Prabhat Tara School also,during cultural Programmes of your school.I replied to him -never sir .Nobody of our school even knows that she knows to dance Kathak. Birendra sir got angry and told I am going to your school and tell the teachers.If she is knowing then what is there to keep it secret?People must know,she must perform.After few days of the incidence-she met me in class ,she was a bit annoyed,she threatened me "why did you disclosed that I did not perform dance on stage ,I shall see you".After few days in the next cultural activity she was forced to perform on stage "Kathak Dance".She performed beautifully ,nicely ,every body appreciated.But whenever she used to see me ,she used to threaten me "Achcha tum raaj khol diye na ,main tumko dekh lungi"(You disclosed ,I shall see you.) by pointing me by her fore figure. I used to smile and used to sneak away from her.
Here I have written it to apologize"Ok baba Maaf Kar do ,Aagey se nahi Karunga"( I beg your pardon,please forgive me ,I shall not repeat it again)...Ha..ha..ha..If She sees the above ,someday....Actually whatever happened ,was just my innocence I never intend to hurt/tease her.......


Why to pay taxes ,if there is no significant development work in our States,there is price hike,Railways/Bus/Roads are not maintained.Lot of Gulf countries, do not impose Tax upon employees/service holders,as they are supposed to be the poorest people. .The people of the India must be empowered to stop paying Taxes if Government is corrupt or we should stop paying taxes and revolt,if Government is misusing our money....It is a must ....We Indians must awake and revolt......

Empowered People

“वास्तव में जो सिद्ध लोग हैं वे कहते मैं कुछ नही या उन्हें अपनी सिद्धी का पता ही नहीं होता।ये साधारण लोगों के तरह रहते हैं । और नटुकिये लोग ये दावा करते ही रहते हैं कि वे सिद्ध हैं वे सिद्ध हैं।तरह तरह के कपडे पहनते हैं,दिखावा करते हैं।मूर्ख जनता भी ऎसे ही लोगों पर भरोसा कर बैठती है और लुटती ही रहती है।ये ही लोग धर्म को बदनाम करते हैं।“
“In fact the people, who are actually empowered by the God, never reveal it or most of them use to be so simple that they unaware of their special powers and they never use/misuse it even if they know. They generally prefer to dress simply and live like simple ordinary person. However imposters always keep on claiming that they are empowered, they are empowered, do showoff, and wear different types of cloths. And fool public rely on these people, be robbed by these fictitious people lifelong. Such types of people only, defame the religions”.