Thursday, November 21, 2013

Indonesia Ramayan Paath

ये तो बहुत अच्छी बात है !

A.P.J.Abdul Kalam-1

Photo: मेरे कुछ फाजिल् दोस्त मानते होंगें कि मैं क्यों मुसलमानों की बुराई करता हूँ ? तो कारण आपके सामने है , और वो भी एक ऐसे मुसलमान के द्वारा लिखा हुआ जिनकी मैं अपने अन्तर्रात्मा की आवाज पर खुले दिल से इज्जत करता हूँ । 
अगर मेंरे मुसलमान दोस्त इन महान बिभूति से सहमत हैं तो मैं उनका इज्जत ही नहीं करूँगा बल्कि भाई से बढ़कर दोस्त की तरह मानूँगा ।
जय हिन्द नमो नमो ।


शुभकामनाओ के साथ दीपावली की शुभ शुभ लाभ अनंत कामनाएं

Back Bitting


धन तेरस, सोमवार, कार्तिक कृ्ष्ण पक्ष 1 नवम्बर, 2013.शुक्रवार लक्ष्मी का प्राकट्य दिन होता है। चंद्रमा के हस्त नक्षत्र में होने से 1 नवंबर को धन त्रयोदशी के दिन अमृत योग बन रहा है। यह संयोग 14 साल पहले 5 नवंबर 1999 को बना था।
कार्तिक कृ्ष्ण पक्ष की त्रयोदशी तिथि के दिन धनतेरस का पर्व मनाया जाता है. देव धनवन्तरी के अलावा इस दिन, देवी लक्ष्मी जी और धन के देवता कुबेर के पूजन की परम्परा है. इस दिन कुबेर के अलावा यमदेव को भी दीपदान किया जाता है. इस दिन यमदेव की पूजा करने के विषय में एक मान्यता है कि इस दिन यमदेव की पूजा करने से घर में असमय मृ्त्यु का भय नहीं रहता है. धन त्रयोदशी के दिन यमदेव की पूजा करने के बाद घर के मुख्य द्वार पर दक्षिण दिशा की ओर मुख वाला दीपक पूरी रात्रि जलाना चाहिए. इस दीपक में कुछ पैसा व कौडी भी डाली जाती है.
धनतेरस के दिन चांदी खरीदना शुभ रहता है.इस दिन भगवान धनवन्तरी समुद्र से कलश लेकर प्रकट हुए थे, इसलिये इस दिन खास तौर से बर्तनों की खरीदारी की जाती है. इस दिन बर्तन, चांदी खरीदने से इनमें 13 गुणा वृ्द्धि होने की संभावना होती है. इसके साथ ही इस दिन सूखे धनिया के बीज खरीद कर घर में रखना भी परिवार की धन संपदा में वृ्द्धि करता है. दीपावली के दिन इन बीजों को बाग/ खेतों में लागाया जाता है ये बीज व्यक्ति की उन्नति व धन वृ्द्धि के प्रतीक होते है.
धन तेरस पूजा मुहूर्त - प्रदोष काल:-
सूर्यास्त के बाद के 2 घण्टे 24 की अवधि को प्रदोषकाल के नाम से जाना जाता है. प्रदोषकाल में दीपदान व पूजन करना शुभ रहता है.
धन तेरस की पूजा शुभ मुहुर्त में करनी चाहिए. सबसे पहले तेरह दीपक जला कर तिजोरी में कुबेर का पूजन करना चाहिए. देव कुबेर का ध्यान करते हुए, भगवान कुबेर को फूल चढाएं और ध्यान करें, और कहें, कि- " हे श्रेष्ठ विमान पर विराजमान रहने वाले, गरूडमणि के समान आभावाले, दोनों हाथों में गदा व वर धारण करने वाले, सिर पर श्रेष्ठ मुकुट से अलंकृ्त शरीर वाले, भगवान शिव के प्रिय मित्र देव कुबेर का मैं ध्यान करता हूँ."
इसके बाद धूप, दीप, नैवैद्ध से पूजन करें. और निम्न मंत्र का जाप करें.
'यक्षाय कुबेराय वैश्रवणाय धन-धान्य अधिपतये
धन-धान्य समृद्धि मे देहि दापय स्वाहा ।'
भगवान कुबेर के साथ 'लक्ष्मी -पूजन' भी करनी चाहिए।


!!!۞!!! धनतेरस की शुभकामनाएँ !!!۞!!!


Meaning of Deepawali

"Brightness inside is more important than Brightness of out side".This is the real meaning of Deepawali Festival.An enlightened soul must try to enlighten other's soul.The festivals Deepawali,Christmas, Eid and Holi teaches us love, brotherhood between the people. These are not only festivals but carries the message from God that entire conflicts between people must reach to an end and it must be finished assuming that the one and only one God is supreme. These festivals must be celebrated by the people irrespective of all castes and religions as the God is only one. Here the God being the supreme power seizes the power/right to quarrel between each other.
The meaning of Deepawali is victory of light/knowledge/Good over darkness/foolishness-ignorance/bad. So rather than lighting candles outside and spending too much money, we must try to light the candle of love/knowledge/goodness within us to get away from hate/foolishness-ignorance/Evilness. Off course cleaning of outside as well as in side (i.e. free our minds, hearts and brains from bad tendencies like to get angry, to hate somebody, to take revenge) is very much necessary.
Wish you all a very very happy Deepawali

The Poet Sain Vidyapati

The great poet /saint of Indo Nepal Border saint Vidyapati, disciple of Shiva/God, became aged and week enough to look after his wife / family and do regular works. Looking at his pitiable condition and the strong wish of his follower, to be with him always, the God/Shiva manifested himself as a lad and went to the saint Vidyapati to serve for him as a servant. The saint identified him that the God has come to serve for him. Lord Shiva/God has promised to the saint that he will reside at his home as a servant till he does not reveal his identity to others. But once his wife got very much angry on the Lad/God/Servant and started abusing him. The moment the saint listened to it, he could not be able to tolerate and rebuked his wife, interrupted him by telling “don’t you know to whom you are abusing, is the master of universe/the God Shiva”.
The promise was broken, so the Lord Shiva vanished. After then both the husband and wife repented and the saint became half mad, always started weeping in the love of the God,because the God left him due to above .In this condition he wrote the poem/prayer” Ugnaa re mor to Kata gela”Means-Ugna was the name of the servant God ,where have you gone…Finally the God/Shiva granted him happiness and deliverance.
So the, God being the master of universe, has no proud to serve for others/followers in their love and being the least of the least people like us, who have no existence in- front of the God feel shame, hesitate to serve for others and become very much egoistic- is it a biggest joke or not?

What is Mother

She is our planet's everlasting light!
She is the one who makes everything alright!
She is the one having supremacism!

She doesn't having egotism!
She is the one who absorbs our tears!
She is the one who gives us powers!
She is the one who shines first!
She is the one who shows fist!
She has bright gleaming face!
She always like to show grace!
She is the one who beloved most!
She is there where the things are best!
She is ever there for you!
She is ever behind whatever we do!
She is Maa...Pyari Maa...Mamma...


Meaning of Friendship

God-"I will give you rest".

We are serving within the most tiresome era of competitive word/market. Where we are ought to put our extra efforts to sustain. The only way to restore peace of mind , to get rid on our tired life, to overcome toils and turmoil of tedious journey full life ,is to worship/follow the God….And certainly…..



Who are actually Blessed

Blessed are Those who can Give Without
Remembering and Take Without

If we respect ,like/love women,girls,female child

If we respect ,like/love women,girls,female childs,we try to fulfill their justified demands/requirements as far as possible,protect their rights silently then we automatically chant "Jai Mata Di" by heart and soul"without shouting by mouth."Jai Mata Di".............

Why people want "deliverance"

SOME THING UNUSUAL, UNSOCIAL AND AGAINST THE GENERAL TREND-Why people want "deliverance" or "Nirvaana" after death for not to come in this world again?...Just because of hardship they face in their lives..Will the ecastasy of happiness ,plenty of everything after death shall make them happy?I think only happiness and joy is also a type of monotony.So I may not ask for "deliverance" or "Nirvaana" ,if possible I shall ask to allow me to come to the world again and again.Because here there are adventures,there are secrets to be revealed,here there are surprizes, here there is a life,here there are women and men to look at and enjoy,here there are natural scenes and scenaries,here there is love and deceitfulness,here every thing is available physically to enjoy..Probably this may be the reason that God also keep on coming to take incarnations on this earth......

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

God Proposes Pain,struggle and Reward

Saints of Hindus

We Hindus forget our great miraculous saints, non political, good hearted people of merely within the time period of last five hundred years:-
Trailanga Swami-1529 or 1607-1887)
Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa (1836 - 1886).
Sri Swami Vivekananda (1863 —1902)
Devraha Baba(Deliverance in the year (Passed away in the 1989 ,Survived for more than 250 years)
Vidyapati (1352?–1448?)
Swami Ramdas Samarth (1608-1682)
Sai Baba of Shirdi (unknown – 15 October 1918)
Goswami Tulsidas; 1497/1532–1623)
Saint Kabir Das(1398- 1518)
Swami Haridas A.D. 1760.
Guru Nanak-(1469 – 1539) And a LOT more............
But our memories have gone become very sharp for-Moammed Paigambar-570- A.D.(1500years earlier),Christ-00(2014 years earlier)
Are we FOOLS? Who is washing out our glorious past/religion/culture? Think it over........

Maa Gayatri

There is a story-A believer of Mother Gayatri became ambitus.He was very poor.So he started worshiping Mother Goddess Gayatri ,did special, tidious lenthy worship 21 times for procurement of wealth to look after his family well.But all invain.However even after this he did not leave the normal/usual worship.When he grew old, he became fadeup of the world and became Hermit,as now the wealth was useless him . Few years after being hermit, suddenly on one fine morning Mother Goddess Gayatri manifested infront of him and asked "My dear son what do want from me?I want to grant boon to you.I shall fulfill your every desire ,you shall ask from me.Now the believer became reluctant .She replied "o mother why did you came to me so late ,when I grew old ,I became Hermit .You never came to me when I was really in need."The Mother Goddess replied"My dear son -Please look behind".The beliver glimped bunch of mountains.Out of which 24nos of mountain were burning."Again he faced towards mother inquisitevly.The mother told him"My dear son all these 24 nos of montains are nothing but the sins/misdeeds/misbehaves you had done earlier.Now your all sins have been nutralized by you good deeds,forgiven so all these sins are being burnt.Then please tell me how could I have come to grant boon to a sinner.So I could not come to bless you earlier when you worshiped me".The detached hermit asked for blessings only.
Therefore why we do not get desired things,comfort,facilities,post and position respect in time, the God only knows.Therefore we should always pray to the God to forgive us to enable boons and good wishes to reach to us in time........

Guru Nanak

"Naanak naam Jahaaj Hai"The one anly one" The name of the God "is the most Powerful"
भारत के महान सन्त एवं सिख धर्म के संस्थापक "गुरु नानक देव जी" के जन्म दिवस "प्रकाश पर्व" पर आप सबों को हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं ...

Lao Tzu as a Judge of China

Lao Tzu became very famous, a wise man, and he was without doubt one of the wisest men ever. The emperor of China asked him very humbly to become his chief of the supreme court, because nobody could guide the country’s laws better than he could. He tried to persuade the emperor, “I am not the right man,” but the emperor was insistent.
Lao Tzu said, “If you don’t listen to me… just one day in the court and you will be convinced that I am not the right man, because the system is wrong. Out of humbleness I was not saying the truth to you. Either I can exist or your law and order and your society can exist. So… let us try it.”
The first day a thief who had stolen almost half the treasures of the richest man in the capital was brought into the court. Lao Tzu listened to the case and then he said that the thief and the richest man should both go to jail for six months.

The rich man said, “What are you saying? I have been stolen from, I have been robbed—what kind of justice is this, that you are sending me to jail for the same amount of time as the thief?”

Lao Tzu said, “I am certainly being unfair to the thief. Your need to be in jail is greater, because you have collected so much money to yourself, deprived so many people of money… thousands of people are downtrodden and you are collecting and collecting money. For what? Your very greed is creating these thieves. You are responsible. The first crime is yours.”

Source: Revolution, Rebellion & Religiousness, by Osho

Photo by Jiwon Kim

Respect and you

If they respect you, respect them. If they disrespect you, still respect them. Do not allow the actions of others to decrease your good manners, because you represent yourself, not others▼ — with Angel Baba and 147 others.

Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted --Mother Teresa

"Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty."
--Mother Teresa — Jai Mata Di


Shared with Thanks to Mr J.R. Sharan-
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.

How Christ meditated

Once a devotee asked Maharajji how Christ meditated. Maharajji sat up and closed his eyes for some time. Tears began to stream from his eyes as he sat in silence. Then Maharajji said, "He lost himself in the ocean of love."
from Miracle of Love

The peson who is sheltered by the God

"जापर कृपा राम की कोई। तापर कृपा करें सब कोई॥"
"The peson who is sheltered by the God is sheltered by everybody"