Saturday, March 23, 2013

Teaching Profession

I regard/like the teaching profession the most. So who are in teaching profession are highly regard able for us/society. My respected Grandfather was Professor /HOD of History department, in the famous L.S.College of Muzaffarpur. He died at an early age,in the year 1947, when my father was just a student of 3rd year in Patna Engineering College. But still the name and fame of my grandfather is much more than my father, who retired as Chief Engineer, Govt. Irrigation the year 1999.An Engineer and Doctor is regarded departmentally, if they are in job, but a teacher/lecturer/professor is regarded socially.
Always remember-A Doctor's mistake is buried into earth, an Engineers mistake becomes a monument, and is watched/commented by lot of people till the monument exists (said by our Respected Professor Late K.J.Pai of MIT). But if a teacher/Professor misguides his/her student or mistakes, it affects the entire society, there after the forth coming generations and further generations after generations. It was observed during J.P.Movement ,to eradicate the Congress Government, students were used in Politics, in northern India ,due which still even after 35 years of the movement, the situation could not be restored, what it was earlier to J.P.Movement. This was the main reason our parents started disbelieving on institutional organizations of North India ,mainly due to indiscipline and involvement of students in criminal/political activities. So, we had been parceled by our parents to Manipal or other Institute of South India…ha…ha.....ha.
I am sure the best lessons, apart from Academic qualification; we received from MIT and people of Manipal, unknowingly, kept on helping us throughout our lives, as it never” let us down” anywhere, in any walk of life,even if we resided anywhere in India or in abroad and I am sure that it shall help us till we shall survive. Therefore I/we are very much heartily thankful to the People of Manipal and MIT.

Thanks God people of Manipal taught us only,but never learnt anything from us

So those who are in teaching profession ,their responsibility is the highest for society while comparing Professional Engineers and Doctors .

Our respected Prof. Mr M.M.Sameignsithaiya

Once our respected Prof. Mr M.M.Sameignsithaiya (i.e. M.M.S-Spelling may be wrong) was teaching RCC Design. After delivering lecture he asked "Well now you have learnt a lot. So will you please tell us ,if there is tension in top fiber of concrete(i.e. at cantilever Portion),where the Reinforcement Steel Bars are required to be placed -At top our Bottom? One of our friend (Cool Cool I shall not reveal the name)replied -At bottom sir....Prof. MMS who was a very grave person and never use to laugh or smile in class ,smiled that very day-And told my classmate -Ok then you promise that you will be there in the Building always till it does not collapse. Later on he advised us, if you have mistaken while designing a building, committed a blunder, due to which the Building may collapse, then at least be there in Building, so that if it collapses ,you will not be there to show your face to public. From then and there I decided that I shall not adopt the career of professional Designer. So still I am a construction Engineer/Planner/Do Project monitoring/deal with contractual matters, but never inserted my head in design works in my job. However, one of our senior Mr S.K.,Deokuliar (just one year ahead of our Batch) is Head of Design wing in Mcnally Bharat Engineering Co. Ltd ,working at very high/prestigious position at HO Kolkata. He has designed lot of Buildings, Industrial Structures for Power House. He has been working in Mcnally since last 24 years.........

अमीर खुसरो

Kumar Aparajit shared परम संत डॉ. चतुर्भुज सहाय जी साहेब , रामाश्रम सत्संग, मथुरा's status.
Share with Thanks to Ramasraya Satsang Mathurs(i.e.By परम संत डॉ. चतुर्भुज सहाय जी साहेब , रामाश्रम सत्संग, मथुरा)
Excellent Please go through it......
अमीर खुसरो – गुरु-प्रेम के अदभुत प्रतिमूर्ति

(परम आदरणीय श्री रघुबीर प्रसाद त्यागी जी का यह अदभुत लेख ‘साधन’ के जनवरी २००७ के अंक में शीर्षक “मुरीद अम्रीर खुसरो” के तहत छपा था)

अमीर खुसरो केवल आठ साल के थे, तभी से इश्वर प्राप्त करने की इच्छा दिल में उत्पन्न हो गई। किसी समर्थ गुरु की तलाश में घूमने लगे।

कहते हैं कि अगर लगन हो तो क्या नहीं मिलता? इस प्रभु प्रेमी को भी पता चल गया हज़रत निजामुद्दीन औलिया के दरबार का। बस चल पड़ा इश्क की बाजी खेलने के लिए। हज़रत साहब के दरगाह पर पहुंचा। हजरत साहब से मिलने की प्रार्थना की। नन्हें खुसरो की प्रबल भाव तरंगे हजरत साहब के अंतर्यामी स्वरुप को छू गई। उन्होंने मिलने की इजाजत दे दी। खुसरो ने जब पहली मर्तबा दरगाह के अंदर पैर रक्खा उसे कुछ कुछ होश था, लेकिन हजरत साहब को देखने के बाद वह रहा सहा होश भी जाता रहा। ऐसा बेहोश हुआ कि ताउम्र होश में नहीं आ सका। जीवन की अंतिम श्वास तक अपने गुरु के आगे गर्दन झुकाई रक्खी।

एक बार हजरत निजामुद्दीन औलिया मस्ती भरी चाल में आगे आगे चले जा रहे थे। अमीर खुसरो सहित अनेक शिष्य उनके पीछे पीछे चल रहे थे। अचानक हजरत साहब एक वेश्या के कोठे के पास रुके और शिष्यों को बिना कोई निर्देश देते हुए ऊपर चले गए। सभी शिष्य अचंभित निगाहों से देखते रह गए। अनेकों सवाल मन में खड़े हो गए -- यह क्या? गुरुदेव जो दूसरों के क़दमों को सही दिशा देने वाले, आज स्वयं दिशा कैसे भटक गए? सभी शिष्य वहीँ पर इंतज़ार करने लगे। शाम ढली, रात हो गई। अगले दिन सुबह भी निकल आई, मगर यह सुबह शिष्यों के लिए संशयों का तूफ़ान लेके आई। ऐसा तूफान जो कई शिष्यों को उड़ा ले गया। अपने कमजोर मन के हाथों बेबस हुए, गुरु को त्याग संसार की रह पर चल पड़े। अन्य मुरीदों के लिए यह दिन भी भूखे प्यासे इंतज़ार करते हुए निकल गया। तीसरे दिन की सुबह हुई कोठे पर से एक हट्ठा कट्ठा दास नीचे उतरकर आया। कोई सन्देश लेकर नहीं, बल्कि हाथ में डंडा लेकर। उसने आव देखा न ताव आते ही सब शिष्यों की पिटाई शुरू कर दी। जो कदम जो दिन से जमे हुए थे, वे अब लड़खड़ा गए, भीतर विचार उठा, हो न हो गुरुदेव ने ही इसे भेजा होगा, अब तो बस हद हो गई, एक तो भूखे प्यासे इंतज़ार करें, ऊपर से डंडे से हड्डियां भी तुरवायें, यह कहाँ का न्याय? हम तो चले। सारे के सारे वहाँ से झुंझला कर चले गए। अगर कोई संदेह रहित प्रेम से पूरित मन से खड़ा रहा तो वो था अमीर खुसरो। कुछ समय बाद गुरुदेव नीचे उतर आये। खुसरो को देखकर बोले, सब लोग कहाँ चले गए? खुसरो ने गर्दन झुकाते हुए कहा शायद अपने अपने घर चले गए। अंतर्यामी गुरुदेव ने मुस्कुराते हुए पूछा -- फिर तुम क्यों नहीं गए? तुम भी चले जाते। यह वाक्य सुनकर खुसरो गुरु के चरणों में गिरकर बिलख उठा। बोला -- मेरे पनाहगार सभी का कोई न कोई था इसलिए वे उनके पास चले गए। मेरा तो मेरे साहिब आप के सिवा कोई नहीं है। फिर मैं यहाँ से किसके पास जाता? गुरुदेव गदगद हो उठे, अपने प्यारे मुरीद को सीने से लगा लिया। दोनों में प्रेम बहने लगा, लेकिन बिना किसी अल्फाज़ के। यह हकीकत है कि निजामुद्दीन ही खुसरो के सर्वस्व बन चुके थे। उसकी दशा उस मछली की भांति हो चुकी थी जिसका जल ही जीवन है। एक तालाब में मछली, कछुआ, मेढक, मगरमच्छ आदि बहुत से जल जीव रहा करते थे। एक बार कुदरत की मार से उस तालाब का जल सूखने लगा। चिंता तो सभी को हुई पर मछली तो तड़प उठी। फिक्र के मारे बदहवास सी हो चली। किसी ने उससे पूछा तुझे ही इतनी फिक्र क्यों? और भी तो हैं। वे तो इतने चिंतित दिखाई नहीं दे रहे। मछली ने कहा -- अरे भाई वे सभी तो जल के उपभोक्ता हैं, पर मेरे लिए तो जल ही जीवन है। वे तो यहाँ मौज मस्ती के लिए आते हैं, इससे जुदा होकर भी जी सकते हैं, पर मैं नहीं। जल तो मेरा प्राण है, यह मेरा ठौर ठिकाना है।जैसे मीन को जल से सच्चा प्रेम होता है, ठीक वैसा ही खुसरो को अपने मुर्शिद निजामुद्दीन से था। खुसरो साहब एक ऐसे शिष्य थे जिनकी मौत और जीवन दोनों गुरु से जुड़े हुए थे।

अमीर खुसरो मन से तो शहीद हो चुका था पर इतिहास बताता है कि वह तन से भी शहीद हुआ। बात तब की है जब उसके पीर निजामुद्दीन साहब संसार से विदा लेने लगे। उस अंतिम वेला में सभी शिष्य गण उनके पास बैठ गए थे, मगर अमीर खुसरो नहीं था। क्योंकि उन्होंने इरादतन उसे सेवा के लिए दूर भेज दिया था। वे जानते थे कि अमीर खुसरो की उपस्थिति में वे अपने शरीर को त्याग नहीं पाएंगे। शरीर त्यागते समय भी उन्हें अमीर खुसरो की चिंता थी। शरीर त्यागते समय शिष्यों से कहा था -- जब खुसरो आये तो उसे सम्हाल लेना, मेरी कब्र पर उसे मत आने देना।

अगर उसने कब्र पर आकर मुझे वापस आने को कह दिया, तो मैं रुक नहीं पाउँगा। मेरे मकबरे पर गिरे उसके आँसू मुझे प्रकृति के नियम की उल्लंघना करने पर विवश कर देंगे। मुझे कब्र फाड़कर उसको गले लगाने के लिए आना पड़ेगा। मैं जानता हूँ उससे मेरा वियोग सहन नहीं होगा। फिर भी मेरे शास्वत रूप के बारे में बताना। इतना कह कर गुरुदेव परमधाम चले गए। कुछ दिन गुजरे। जैसे सागरीय जहाज के पक्षी के लिए कोई अन्य ठिकाना नहीं होता, वह उड़ता है पर कुछ समय बाद फिर जहाज पर वापिस आ जाता है। उसी तरह खुसरो के लिए भी गुरु और गुरु आश्रम के सिवाय कोई अन्य ठिकाना था ही नहीं। आखिर लौट के आना ही था।

ज्योंही आश्रम के मुख्य द्वार पर खुसरो पहुंचा, उसे कुछ अजीब सा लगा। घबरा गया कि आश्रम की चहल पहल कहाँ चली गई। उसने अंदर प्रवेश किया। खुसरो को देख सभी शिष्य घबरा गए। कौन कड़वा सत्य बतलायेगा? खुसरो व्याकुल हृदय से बोला -- अच्छा जाओ, गुरुदेव को बता दो मैं दर्शन करना चाहता हूँ। गुरुभाई ने कहा – हाँ, बता देंगे। पहले कुछ खा पी लो, थोड़ी थकावट तो दूर कर लो, फिर दर्शन भी कर लेना। खुसरो भाव प्रवाह में बोल उठा -- अरे मेरी भूख, मेरी थकावट तो उनके दर्शनों से दूर होगी। तुम बस गुरुदेव को बोल दो कि खुसरो आ गया है, उनके दर्शनों के इंतज़ार में है।

सभी सोचने लगे कि अब तो बता ही देना चाहिए। उन्होंने खुसरो के कानों में वह कड़वा सत्य डाल ही दिया। उसे सुनते ही खुसरो को महान दुःख हुआ। एक शिष्य साहस करके आगे आया, उसने खुसरो को गले लगाया। कुछ बोलने से पहले खुसरो को लगा जैसे वह पानी के लिए तडपती मछली को आकाश में उड़ रहे बादल दिखा कर कोई आश्वासन देने लगा हो। वह जानता था कि मछली में इतनी तसल्ली कहाँ कि वह पानी भरे बादलों को देख देख कर जी ले। फिर भी उस गुरुभाई ने समझाया और कहा -- गुरु तो अजन्मा है, शाश्वत है, हमेशा तेरे पास है, खुसरो उसे अपने प्राणों में महसूस कर, निराकार रूप में वह पहले भी तेरे साथ था, अब भी है। साकार रूप में तो लीला समाप्त करनी थी। खुसरो सभी की बातें सुन कर बोला -- मुझे बातों में मत फंसाओ। माना मुर्शिद का रूहानी रूप मेरे अंदर बसा है। मगर मुझे बताओ उसके साकार रूप के वो मीठे बोल, वो प्यारी चाल, वो प्रेम भरी निगाहें, वह सब कहाँ है? कुछ भी तो नज़र नहीं आ रहा है। मेरे आँखों की भटकन उन्हीं के लिए थी। मेरे कानों की प्यास उनके बोल थे। मेरे मस्तक का श्रृंगार उनकी चरण रज थी। अब तुम बताओ, मैं इनको समझाऊँ भी तो क्या। अब मेरी ऑंखें वही दीदार मांग रही है, कान वही प्रेम भरे शब्द मांग रहे हैं, यह सर उनके कोमल चरणों का स्पर्श मांग रहा है, अब ये आँसू अनाथों की तरह बह रहे हैं, उनके दामन को तरस रहे हैं। बोलो मैं इन सब को कैसे ढाढस बँधाऊँ?

मेरे औलिया, अगर खुद जाना था तो वह प्यास भी ले जाते। यह आस और तड़पन भी ले जाते। रोता बिलखता खुसरो यकायक अवाक खड़ा रह गया। सीने में तूफ़ान उठा, लगा दिन होते हुए भी रात हो गई है। खुसरो का दिल धड़क कर कहने लगा – चल, चल खुसरो, अपने मुर्शिद के देश चल। अब तेरा यहाँ क्या काम? यहाँ तो अब रात हो गई है। खुसरो सरपट गुरु की कब्र की तरफ दौड़ पड़ा। कब्र के पास पहुँचते ही भीतर से आह निकली। इस आह में ऐसी चीख थी, ऐसी अरदास थी, कि वह कबूल हुई। खुसरो कभी न उठने के लिए कब्र पर झुका, और अपने मुर्शिद पर ही अपना जीवन समाप्त कर दिया।

बस पपीहा तृप्त हो गया। उसकी पिऊ पिऊ हमेशा के लिए समाप्त हो गई। दोनों मिलकर एक हो गए। खुसरो एक ऐसे मुरीद थे, जिन्होंने अपनी पाक खिदमत द्वारा मंजिले मकसूद को हासिल किया था। अपना सर्वस्व गुरु पर न्योछावर कर दिया था। धन्य हैं ऐसे शिष्य।

Amir Khusro

Amir Khusro was only eight years old, since the inquisitiveness has arisen in his heart to seek God. So he started to wander in search of a competent Guru/Religious teacher.

If you have passion of something heartily then definitely it is granted, if the person deserves. Finally Amir started his journey to reach at the court of the great, famous Sufi Saint Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya .After reaching the shrine of Hazrat Sir, he seek for permission to meet Hazrat Sir/Sahab. Hazrat Sahab sensed the strong wave of emitting desire from Amir Khusro, invisibly. He permitted Khusro to meet him. The moment the Khusro entered in the hall and had a glimpse of the great Hazrat Sahab,it was so divinely ,so affectionate so godly that he loosed his sense and till the last breath of his life he could not become sensuous in the love of Hazrat sahib. The bowed neck of Amir in front of Hazrat Sahab in his regard was never lifted by him. Amir became follower of Hazrat Sahab. 

Once Hazrat Sahib was going somewhere with his followers. Suddenly, he entered in the house of a prostitute, without directing anything to his followers. All followers were surprised to note this, as the person who shows right direction to everybody, has how come slipped from his path? Is doing mischievous act like worldly people. Even then they kept on waiting for Hazrat Sahab for long, all the day, being hungry and thirsty. This continued for three days. Most of the people/followers of Hazrat Sahab loosed their patience/ trust upon their religious teacher “Hazrat Sahab” and started escaping to worldly life. After third day few strong built man came to down steps of the House of Prostitute with canes and started beating ,rest of the disciples of Hazrat Sahab. So rest all the followers of Hazrat Sahab fled away, disbelieving their Guru(i.e. Religious Teacher) except Amir Khusro, who remained there, bearing all the pains of hunger, thirst, scorching rays of Sun ,night, beating of brokers of the Prostitute, to have a glimpse of his lovely Guru, his master, his teacher “Hazrat Sahab”. 
After sometime Hazrat Sahab came back from the prostitute’s house. He saw Amir sahib was still waiting for him. Then he surprised and asked Amir, if everybody has escaped then why you remained here? you should also have gone with other people?
AMIR KUSRO REPLIED”O MY MASTER, MY GOD, MY THE ONLY CARE TAKER ,EVERYBODY HAVE SOMEBODY TO TAKE CARE OF HIM, BUT FOR ME NO BODY IS THERE EXCEPT YOU,SO TO WHOM I WOULD HAVE GONE?”. It was the best example of suspicion less, unconditional love of a disciple for his Master/Guru/Religious Teacher. The Hazrat sahib became so happy with Amir Khushro that he hugged/embraced Amir sahib with love. And from then Amir became the most eligible follower among all other follower of Hazrat Sahab.

Now, the situation of Amir Khusro was like a fish of water which cannot live without water i.e. Guru.
The Guru/Hazrat Sahab was knowing the mental condition of Amir ,so when the time of his deliverance reached ,he dispersed Khusro ,sent him to far fest Area from his Shrine ,and strictly directed to his other followers that never reveal about his death to Amir even if he comes back otherwise ,if he will seek me or weep/cry for me then no doubt I shall have to come back from the grave yard for him, as I shall not be able to stop myself even if I shall be dead. After instructing the above to his followers Hazrat Sahab left the worldly physical body, which was buried by his followers.
Few days after demise of Hazrat Sahab ,Amir came back to the Shrine of Hazrat sahib and asked from other followers of Amir Sahab”Why I am not feeling comfortable from few days, I am restless ,Where is my Guru/Hazeat sahib, as he was completely unaware of the death of Hazrat Sahab. But the people tried to hide the information of death of Hazrat Sahab and told him that he has gone to somewhere, he will be back after few days. But looking at agonise/thrash about of Amir for his Guru/religious teacher, anyhow, somebody has revealed that his Guru/master is dead .People tried to convince him that his master was a great person his physical body is only dead ,he is surviving invisibly. But nobody could be able to convince Amir Khusro. He ran to the Grave Yard of his Guru/Master/Hazrat Sahab eagerly and started sprawling on the grave yard of his Guru with love, with tears in his eyes, shouting “O master I cannot live without you. Amir was so much heart due to demise of his religious teacher ,that within minutes he also opted to die on the Grave of his beloved Guru/Hazrat sahib,with the last poem(Amir Khushro was a great poet also)
“Gori soye sej par mukh me dare kes; chal khusro ghar aapne sanjh bhai chahu des”
Meaning“The Beautiful Lady has already slept on her bed for ever, her beautiful hairs are surrounding her face, so Khusro (he addressed to self) move to your own house because it is already evening”

Gone are the days of Halla ,Gulla and Chilla

Gone are the days of Halla ,Gulla and Chilla...The sweet memories of our college days.Even if we get leisure,but old friends are not there to mix their sounds with us.We pretend that we are serious,responsible,grave persons...So sh keep quite.He pretend However,sometimes we also seek leisure periods but we do not get it.It is just in our imaginations only.Though ,it appears while looking at us that we are grave,old mature,aged persons but still a child ,a naughty ,a teen age,a young ,always plays within our mind ,within our heart.............This is the only reason of our happiness ,survival and dreams.......Is that we are growing old faster because we miss our friends of our childhood,teenage?

The Goal of Worship/Tenacity/Practice of/for the God

By the Great Saint-Acharya Chaurbhuj Sahaya,Mathura Bhandara:-
The Goal of Worship/Tenacity/Practice of/for the God
Meaning in English-The basic goal of "Practice/tenacity/worship" of God is to move towards the truth, from false to true, to travel from death to nectar. But the pillars of "Practice/tenacity/worship" of God are the saints only.Only the knowledge acquired from books , or religious books cannot take you to the height of Practice, tenacity, worship of God or even if you reach at the height you cannot stay at the height for long.The body of saint is made of truth and their body is filled by truthfulness only. But our eyes are not capable enough to see the truth, so we understand that the saint is like a simple, general worldly person.
Once, the great saint Acharya Chaturbhuj Sahaya was addressing to people of the place Gwaliar in India. He told if you really want to measure your tenacity/worship of God/practice, then watch within yourself and see that how much fearless you are. If you lose your entire property/money then will be worried or happy. If you will face the death, even then you will keep on laughing or not. If you are suffering from pain, even then you are fearless or not or insensible to pain or not. Even if ,you are surrounded by lot of pains, problems even then you are holding the quality of fearlessness within you or not. If you are fearless then treat it that you are moving in right direction. This is the sign of the success of your "tenacity, worship, practice". Actually to be fearless is the first Reward of being the God’s disciple. Since, we are walking on the path of falsehood, so we are suspicious, fearful. So we do not have relief, fearlessness at any time. So if the truth (God) comes in contact with or we go in front of him then we will be honest and fearless, so we should be spiritual.
"Told by the disciple of the Great Saint “Acharya Chatarvuj Sahaya” the Great Pandi Mihilal Jee"



I do not say that God is there or not but there is something.I was doing job in Mcnally Bharat Engg Co. Ltd in Project Division engaged for Construction of Power House. I am a Project Engineer .At that time; I was young of burning blood.I used to be of the characteristic of man of fire, angery young man.

Once, I was posted at Asansole, Bengal for construction of training center at Raniganj. Those days, I used to hang a portrait of Maa Durga and Maa Kali (i.e. Goddess of Hindu). I was newly married .I had a son. However, unfortunately, my boss was not a favorable person for me.He used to pass comments on me always due to his personal reasons. 

However, I used to work hard. Finally, the day of doom came when I loosed my patience .I became very much irritated ,I thought there is no God ,No Maa Durga No Maa Kali,all are bogus,do not exist ,otherwise why the God is not saving me.In the mood of frustration and irritation after getting angry ,I committed a major mistake.

I broken the Portrait of both the Goddess, operated the photos/pictures of Goddess into pieces and threw it off.My wife observed this, she reported this occurrence to my father, who was living at Aurangabad in those days, as he was also in the Gov. Job. My father rebuked me over phone, warned me “you will have to face the consequences of it very soon”.

You will surprised to note that I was retrenched from my job.And remained idle for more than two years.My all money exhausted,my family dispersed,I was being pushed at the dead end where one has no option but to commit suicide .

Later on, I understood why it was happening with me and repented as well. Then luckily, I was acquainted with a saint, competent Guru/religious teacher of "Kabir Panth”, namely famous as “Baua Sahab”(The respected person ,my religious teacher is not survining now).I had surrendered “MYSELF” completely infront of him.Previously, Baua Sahab asked/fired me “Do you think you are God? The God moves the world not you.And you are still in dilemma that you move/run the world”. Later, taking pity on me, he prayed the God to forgive me .Due to which I got the offer from the same company again, and from two other companies at a time. Even then, after getting job it had taken another three years for association of my family with me.

The fortunate day, my Guru/regious teacher prayed for me, I started to feel the grace of the God for me, always.

So ,why to take risk,why to pass comments on the God even if we do not believe on God or we do not know about the God,as we may be cursed unknowingly.

The above may support idol worshipers of the God, though the God is only one, invisible, omnipresent, available everywhere equally, as the respected Baua Sahab taught me.

Indian Steel

Shared with Thanks to Deepak Rathi:-
सन् 1842 में 'जेम्स फ़्रेंकलिन' नाम का अंग्रेज़ है जो धातुकर्मी विशेषज्ञ था वो कहता है की: 
"भारत का स्टील दुनिया में सर्वश्रेष्ठ है। भारत के कारीगर स्टील को बनाने के लिए जो भट्टियाँ तैयार करते हैं वो दुनिया में कोई नही बना पाता। इंग्लैंड में लोहा बनाना तो हमने 1825 के बाद शुरू किया भारत में तो लोहा 10वीं शताब्दी से ही हजारों हजारों टन में बनता रहा है और दुनिया के देशों में बिकता रहा है। मैं 1764 में भारत से स्टील का एक नमूना ले के आया था, मैंने इंग्लैंड के सबसे बड़े विशेषज्ञ डॉ॰ स्कॉट को स्टील दिया था और उनको कहा था की लंदन रॉयल सोसाइटी की तरफ से आप इसकी जांच कराइए। डॉ॰ स्कॉट ने उस स्टील की जांच कराने के बाद कहा की ये भारत का स्टील इतना अच्छा है की सर्जरी के लिए बनाए जाने वाले सारे उपकरण इससे बनाए जा सकते हैं, जो दुनिया में किसी देश के पास उपलब्ध नहीं हैं। अंत में वो कहते हैं की मुझे ऐसा लगता है की भारत का ये स्टील हम पानी में भी डालकर रखे तो इसमे कभी जंग नही लगेगा क्योंकि इसकी क्वालिटी इतनी अच्छी है।"
ये थी भारतीय तकनीक और अब हमें सिर्फ आयातित तकनीक पर भरोसा है।
Meaning in English:-
A Metallurgical Expert James Fanklin has told in the year 1842:-
The quality of Indian Steel is the best in the world. The Furnaces Indian artisans used to prepare in India can never be prepared in any other country. For the first time, in England the manufacture of steel was launched in the year 1825.Whereas, India was producing thousands and thousands tones of quantity of steel in/before 10th century. These Indian steels were sold out in every corner of the countries of the world. I had brought a sample of Indian Steel in the year 1764 and handed over it to the best Technician of World “Dr Scot” and requested him to get it tested through the Royal Society. After its testing Dr scot had told me the steel was of so good quality, that every equipment that is used in surgery can be prepared/manufactured by this Steel, which is not available in any other country. Lastly he told that, “as it appears to me that, even if the steel is inserted in water for a long time period, it shall never be rusted”.
This was the old/ancient Technic of India ,but now we only depend only upon imported techniques.

Photo Lord Krishna

Shared with Thanks to Ashok Srivastava-
There is very close relation between Mother and Milk......Harey Krishna...Dhanya hai Maa Yashoda Jee.(Hindu's God Lord Krishna as a child,with his mother Yashoda who brought up the God Krishna ,but actually did not gave birth to Lord Krishna, bodily-when the God Krishna incarnated on this earth as Human being)
Shared with Thanks to Ashok Srivastava-
There is very close relation between Mother and Milk......Harey Krishna...Dhanya hai Maa Yashoda Jee.(Hindu's God Lord Krishna as a child,with his mother Yashoda who brought up the God Krishna ,but actually did not gave birth to Lord Krishna, bodily-when the God Krishna incarnated on this earth as Human being)

shared परम संत डॉ. चतुर्भुज सहाय जी साहेब , रामाश्रम सत्संग, मथुरा's

Kumar Aparajit shared परम संत डॉ. चतुर्भुज सहाय जी साहेब , रामाश्रम सत्संग, मथुरा's status.

Shared with thanks to the Mathura Bhandara-"The Great Saint Acharya Chaturbhuj Sahaya"
Expectations From The World/Worldly People,mistake of worshipers----
If you are worshiping the God, then keep faith on the God that your expectations, your hopes, desire will be fulfilled by the one and only one God only. If you have expectations from others, other than the God, then it means that you do not rely upon the God, fully. If your religious teacher has gone became your God, then tell you’re every requirement to him/her only. If somebody do not tell his/her problems/ do not tell their requirements/desires to his/her religious teacher/God,and expect/tell/ask from others to fulfill your expectations/desires then it is like that -a prince/princess is not asking help from his/her father/the king/ the God, but the prince/princess are asking help from the staff of the God. Mostly such desires, which are seek from the staff of the God, are not fulfilled. Such types of desires are also called as pseudo desires. Therefore the Lord/God Krishna(i.e. God of Hindu) has told in Geeta(i.e. the Holy books of Hindu that the foolish people of the world ,who are keeping the body of human being, understand that “I the God is insignificant/valueless". The meaning of this is” the person you have kept as Guru/religious teacher, he/she is definitely living in human’s body ,but he/she itself is complete, he/she is the only one.
If you have heard about the greatness of your Guru/Religious teacher and you rely/have faith upon him/her totally. So always believe the sentences he/she speaks, tells repeatedly. Till now, whatever incarnations of great saints, friars have taken place on the earth, all were human beings only. So always rely on their words, and sacrifice your useless hopes/expectations. If you are moving towards custody of the God, then you must adopt/retain Godly Qualities . Do not give room to low level thinking in your heart. Remember the word/promise of the God which he/she tells repeatedly”The people who come in my custody/asylum, exclusively, I am their savior and the things/worldly things which he/she needs, I give to him/her. Then what we need anything further? The more and more you worship the God,rely upon the God, meditate of the God repeatedly, automatically your desires, hopes will be fulfilled by the Super Power/The God.

**जगत से आशा - साधक की भूल**

साधना जब तुम भगवान की कर रहे हो तो उन्ही से पूर्ण आशा भी रखो । यदि अभी तुम्हें किसी दूसरे की आशा है , तो इसके अर्थ यही हैं कि भगवान पर भरोसा नहीं है । जब साधना में तुम्हारा इष्ट गुरु हो गया है तो फिर गुरु से ही सब कुछ कहो । यदि कोई गुरु से न कहकर किसी दूसरे से याचना करता है तो ऐसे ही है जैसे एक राजकुमार अपने पिता से न माँग कर किसी उसके कर्मचारी से याचना करता है । ऐसी आशाएँ अधिकतर पूरी नहीं होती , इनको मोघाशा ( वृथाआशा ) का नाम दिया गया है । इसके लिए गीता मे भगवान कहते हैं कि -“ सम्पूर्ण भूतों के महान ईश्वर रूप मेरे परमभाव को न जानने वाले मूढ़ लोग , मनुष्य का शरीर धारण करने वाले मुझ परमात्मा को तुच्छ समझते हैं ।“ इसका भाव यह है कि जो तुमने गुरु धारण किया है , वह मनुष्य शरीर में अवश्य है , परन्तु वह पूर्ण है , वही है ।

**भगवान के वचन**

यदि तुमने गुरु की महत्ता सुनी है और उसपर पूर्ण श्रद्धा है, तो पूर्ण रूप से उसी का विश्वास करो | जितने भी यह अवतार हुये है,सन्त हुये हैं,ऋषि और महात्मा हुये हैं सब मनुष्य ही थे | इसलिए इनके वाक्यो पार विश्वास करो, वृथा आशाओ को त्यागो | यदि तुम ईश्वर की शरण जा रहे हो, तो तुम मे भी ईश्वरीय गुण आने चाहिए | नीची भावनाएं अपने हृदय मे कभी मत लाओ |भगवान के उन वचनो पर विश्वास करो जो उन्होने बार-बार कहे हैं,कि- “जो अनन्य भाव से मेरी शरण मे आते हैं,उनकी मै रक्षा करता हूँ तथा उन्हे जिस वस्तु कि आवश्यकता होती है, देता हु| इसके आगे और क्या चाहिए? जितनी-जितनी तुम ईश्वर कि उपासना करोगे,बार बार उनका ध्यान करोगे,तो यह सब स्वयम होता चला जाएगा

Joke Columbus

If Columbus would have married, he would never have discovered the America. Why? 
He would have faced the following questions of his wife-
a) Where are you going?
b) Why are you going?
c) With whom you are going?
d) I shall also go along with you….
e) When you will come back?
f) Be at home and search….
g) Ok then take my mother with you.
h) What (gift} you will bring for me?
i) While coming back purchase vegetables……
j) Phone me after you reach their….
k) Why every time you search? Others cannot do it?
So, our brilliant,intelligent friends.... could not be able to discover anything yet.They are even unable to write or at least scribble something something " !@#$%%^^&&***:" in the face book.Is it so?


KRISHNA WAS A GOD – May be, lot of Gods have been taken birth on this earth. Krishna was orator of the famous religious Book Geeta - May be because lot of other saints have written books, preached us/we fools, Krishna was King of Dwarika-May be,there were lot of kings and queens on this earth. Krishna has done Ras/danced with Radha Jee and Gopian/Female Disciples of lord Krishna…..may be ,all others are doing in film industry and in real life.
a) The cruel ,evil Kings people ,soldiers,the Evil King Jarashandh had forcefully captive more than 16000 females ,to serve for them, to harass them, for enjoyment .The Krishna manage to kill the Cruel people ,Evils, King Jarashandha through the brave son of Pandava- Arjun and Bheem. 
Now for all these captive young females/ladies had no life, because nobody would have married with them again, since they had loosed their virginity and certainly they would have turned to become prostitutes or committed suicide. They have unauthorized sons and daughters also through these evils, kings, which they had to bear as punishment throughout their life. It was such a crime that the entire society would have been polluted due to them. And the society would have been doomed to hell. And there would have no India and Indian culture due to them.
So, Lord Krishna opted to marry all of them, he granted his name to them as their husband, he granted his name to their unauthorized sons and daughters as their father.
However, at a later stage it was observed by the Saint Narad Jee that since Krishna was a God so he made available himself equally for every lady to whom he married, due to his tremendous capacity of Yoga and served lifelong for them. As, he was capable enough to manifest himself, at thousands of place at a time, due to his super power.
Since I / we cannot manifest ourselves at lot of place at a time, so doing more than one marriage is not permissible/advisable for us, because we are simple/ordinary men.
b) Krishna never discriminated between rich and poor.
c) He had no proud of being King. He loved all who ever loved him and he also loved them who did not like him. He has no feeling of his greatness.
d) He loved and supported his friends too much, irrespective of their castes and religions .Still we remember the friendship of Krishna and Sudama,Arjuna…..
e) He never discriminated between scholars and illiterates. 
f) He taught that the person who does not learn the language of love his knowledge is useless.
g) He taught that to love unconditionally is the real worship of God.
h) Not only he loved human being but he loved animals, trees, flowers, cows, insects, all living things of the world, equally. He ran from Dwarika to save the life of an Elephant, who recalled him ,when it was trying to save its life from the evil Crocodile, who was dragging it in deep water and trying to kill it.

Horrible Experiences

The horrible experiences-
a) Ask the preciousness of a year from a person ,who has failed in exams.
b)Ask the preciousness of a month from a person who did not get the salary of last month.
c)Ask the preciousness of a week from the person who have spent a week in the Hospital.
d)Ask the preciousness of the bread from the person who remained hungry all the day.
e)Ask the preciousness of an hour from the person who has to wait for somebody.
f)Ask the preciousness of a minute from the person,who has missed the train.
g)Ask the preciousness of a second from the person who could save himself from an accident.
(Shared with thanks to Rimmi Sinha)
I have experienced , all the above horrible experiences.But the most interesting was to fail in exams and repeat the year then you have enough time to enjoy...hahaha...In MIT ,people used to leave the papers/exams as a hobby because they did not want to leave the amusing campus of MIT, to seek boring jobs ...Ha ha ha....
Have you also experienced the above during your academic days?

Wife Out Of Station

Sorry! today I am unable to write, because nobody has hurt me today, my mind and heart refused to receive any pain of past and present, I did not think for yesterday, nobody ditched me yet from today morning since I wake up, nothing could amused me too much, I was not abused yet,nobody tried to demoralize me, nobody has scratched the wounds of my heart of past, nothing was painful, nothing could make me happy, no incidence occurred to reciprocate my feelings ....just flat day .......Because my wife is out of

Fulfillment of Dreams

Everybody's every dream can not be fulfilled.May be few justified dreams, up to some extent,that too also for small span of time.So it is wise to make the betterment of our realities as our dream,in the existing condition/situation.As we can not change our hierarchy and its status- parent,husband,wife,children...............,because it is our fate.However one out of millions and millions could able to get success for a small time period,because of age,retirement,disease and death factor.

Vanishing of close friend

Some times our very close friend,relative,known person vanishes for us,even if he/she exists physically,it very hard to believe, but it happens.May be due to status, unmatched financial conditions,courtesy,lack of time,the female/male linked with that very person.Earlier this phenomenon was quite often,but now it has become a general trend.

Tips to Women on the Eve of Women's Day

On the eve of Women's day, I would like to put forth the following tips to lead a happy and prestigious life-

a) Always choose the Profession/occupation which suits to you biologically, your physical condition, and your temperament. The works of Teaching, Hotel Management, Dress Designing, Social works, religious institutions, Nursing, beautification works, interior decorator, Works of literature, Doctor of Child and Female diseases, Computer operation, in the organization where female dominates are the most suitable. The jobs of Police, TTE etc. are not suitable for you, in the long run.
b) Always form a group of your Gender, wherever you stay, work, which must be free from selfishness, jealousy, proud and ambitiousness. The Group should not be influenced by the Males, in any case, at any circumstances.
c) Always remember that you all are the mother of entire Males of the society, so your position is always regarded, honorable, and higher than males, tacitly. No male of the world could get success without your cooperation, help.
d) Always remember that generally you are more intelligent, more sustainable than Males, mentally. But physically you are not. So always apply you brains, intellect, if you need to defeat them.
e) Never rely on the people of Opposite Sex, be in your group and try to maintain it always, while going to park, marketing complex, to watch movies, as your prestige
never be upraised, if you prefer to be with males lonely, if you are unmarried.
f) Always establish the relations of sister, mother, aunt with males, as only one man of the world will be your husband, which is negligible in percentage with respect to the existing population of males.
g) Always control your actions, which is God gifted to attract males, when you are in front of males or facing them.
h) Always wear neat and clean, sober dresses, publicly. Try to be of Goddess like look.
Still my eyes become tearful when I look at portraits of Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingale, Mother Mariam, Sarojni Naidu, Baa, Indira Gandhi, Madam Query etc. and a lot(i.e. Uncountable known and unknown) and none of them were famous for dancing and acting in movies.
However, still we Indians regard the House Wife, mother, sister; daughter form of the lady, Motherhood of the lady is regarded the most, even more than the God. And we promise that we are always ready to sacrifice our lives within fraction of second to protect such types of respectable ladies.

Thanks To Females

Thanks to all Women/Females/Ladies-Living or dead( their holy,pious soul) - on the Eve of Women's Day-BECAUSE IF THEY WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THERE,WE WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN SURVIVED.....May the God grant every happiness to them and grant them deliverance from the worldly pain ,under its custody.

On the Eve of Women's Day

Lastly, on the Eve of Women's Day ,I have to say that ,it is not only the responsibilities of Males to ensure the Happiness ,Welfare ,respect of the Women/Ladies/Girls in the society.An Woman/Lady/Girl's responsibility for another Woman/Lady/Girl is also needed,equally,by doing sacrifice, extending necessary love,help and cooperation to another Woman/Lady/Girl ,if required.

Old Generation And New Generation

My father was a child when India got independence.My father's father i.e. my grandfather was a Professor of History in L.S.College ,Muzaffarpur,Bihar .He and his colleagues worked under Britishers for 25 to 30 years,before India got independence.My the great grand father i.e. grand father's father was a land lord.I surprise to note that ,Being with English people for so many days and years our ancestors had never been fascinated by English people,though they had been facilitated by Britishers a lot.Rather they fought with them to quit the India so we are the children of Independent India.If they learned something from them ,it was creativity,speed,office decorum/discipline, punctuality,awareness,planning,administration, devotion towards work ,accuracy, patriotism,dutifulness,quality,purity,cleanliness,to implement rules and regulations strictly etc.- all good qualities only.But the youngsters ,teenagers ,who never had been with English people,most of them would not have seen them physically except in cameras,movies and TVs.But it is surprising that being untouched with them completely how come they have learned a lot from them except the good qualities as mentioned above.......ha.....ha.....ha......

On the Eve of Shiv Ratri

On the Eve of Shiv Ratri:-
My wife looks Lord Shiva everywhere fully, may be a little in me. Other’s wives, looks Shiva everywhere including me,I am not very sure that whether they find Lord Shiva in their husbands or not, you may better know......
However, the wife of Lord Shiva, Maa Parvati, looked the God fully, only into her Husband, she praised/ worshiped her husband that much, that people of the world also started worshiping her and Lord Shiva and started celebrating Shivaratri. So due to Maa Parvati's cooperation, contribution Lord Shiva could be able to attain the height of spirituality, thereby, became the Most Powerful God. She was the one and only one lady, who could not tolerate misbehave of her father with her husband and opted to die, by jumping into fire, then reincarnated herself newly for the Lord Shiva. So being the daughter of the king of the earth "Daksha", the most rich and powerful man of the earth ,she opted to live with Lord Shiva to lead simple life, as the Lord Shankara was/is her real wealth. Due to which, she also attained the heights of spirituality and became the most powerful Goddess.
I am, least of the least the most incapable disciple/follower of them to write anything about their greatness. Because what I experience, feel, sense of them, my palm, hands and fingers do not.......
The God may forgive me, if I am wrong.
"Wish a very very Happy Shiv Ratri to all of you"


Shared with Thanks To Rimjhim ,Mother's love is a boon is a blessing,and teaches us to be relaxed always ,in hard days also.So this may be treated as joke only.....

Actual Worship Of Lord Shiva

What is the actual worship of Lord Shiva ?-In fact to see the entire living things of world/universe including the God within us ,and "I " within the entire living things of world/universe is the real worship of Lord Shiva.Here ,everything is one ,though it appears to be infinite.So we should love, love and only love the entire living things of the world without duality,without suspicion.It is very very difficult ,but we must try to do it as far as possible......

Young Men and Women's Thinking

Most of the young men think that their wife/beloved should look like Sridevi or Hemamalini,or the latest filmy heroine and Most of the Young Girls think that their husband should look like Jitendra or Rajkumar or Latest Filmy Hero, though they themselves appear to be from African Tribe or from Zimbabwe.But experienced,mature people know that the inner beauty(i.e.kindness,nobleness,trustfulness,caring etc) of a person is the real beauty so they always keep themselves away from these so called beauties,beautiful who are never dutiful.


If a man goes for remarriage after being divorced,it means he does not know that ,by mistake ,he is going to watch the same movie again,which he did not like earlier.

English Movies

In English movies still I do not understand who is the husband of whose and who is the wife of whose. or who is the lover of whose and who is the beloved of whose at least in old Hindi movies it is possible because of plenty of time....


To me,the person who says that I am not a sinner or I have never committed any Sin/crime/mischievous act, in my life yet, is the greatest Sinner.

Dad Joke

Shared with Thanks Mr Nishikant Awasthi :-Ha...ha...ha...
The baby/child says to his Dad"Actually Dad" I need some money..he..he..he..
Shared with Thanks Mr Nishikant Awasthi :-Ha...ha...ha...
The baby/child says to his Dad"Actually Dad"  I need some money..he..he..he..

Listening from Scholars

Once our teacher ,who was very much experienced,scholar and noble told us-If the person to whom you are listening is great,scholar and saint like ,then never interrupt him ,never cross question him,while he is delivering lecture or saying something.just learn, remember,mug what he told/said .In due course of time(i.e. may be two years,five years)you will automatically understand the meanig what actually we was telling ,based on his vast experiences,when you yourself will be competent or experienced enough......


Some body likes somebody,but the somebody likes other body,in the same way the other body likes third goes on...It is very rare that whom you like fully he/she also likes you fully.The day it starts ,then every body shall become God /Goddess.But we worldly people are unfortunate...that we always like the flowers of other's gardens....ha...ha..ha.....


सजा तो मिल चुकी है,सजायाफ्ता होना बाकी है"।
"Punishment has been granted, however its execution is still awaited".

Boy friends and girl friends

From my childhood to Matriculation i.e.10th class, I had boy friends as well as girl friends .There was no feeling of discrimination in my heart, mind and soul, since I was very much innocent, pious, pure,modest. But later on Society, self taught me that it is he or it is she.
Now, I am trying hard to achieve the mental state of my childhood again .I think the day I shall be successful, certainly, I shall be take one more step towards divinity. Though I know, it is very difficult, but I am successful partially. However, we should deal with females softly due to their physical conditions. If we want real love from somebody or to love somebody really then we shall have to be childish, free from mental squalor.
Though still I do not know the truthfulness of the above statement, as it is yet to be discovered.


The story of the Great worshiper of Maa Kali(Mother Kali -Goddess of Hindus)Mr Ram Prasad of Bengal(A State of India)-
The holy river Ganges of India divides itself in two parts, one stream is called River Padma which flows through the country Bangladesh(i.e. previously the part of India) ,to meet the Sea The Bay of Bengal and another stream is called Ganga/Hooghly which passes through Howrah, India to meet the famous holy pilgrimage place “Ganga Sagar. It is believed that every pilgrim must go to visit the place Ganga Sagar for their deliverance.
The Area between the two streams is believed as very much pious. Surprisingly mostly all the great worshipers of the God, saints, scholars, social reformers, great people of Bengal have taken birth in within these two streams of the Holy River Ganges, as it is assumed to be the abdomen of the river Ganges which delivers great people only.

The great saint Mr Ram Prasad who had taken birth before the great saint Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekanand was one of them. He used to write prayers, songs, used to sing in praise of “Maa Kali” only. Once, he was called by a king/Land lord to sing prayers/devotional songs of Maa Kali in his court. While coming back from the court of the king during night, few robbers/killers caught him. Robbers did not find any precious thing with Mr Ram Prasad .Mr Ram Prasad was healthy physically, so they decided if they give “Bali”(i.e. slaughter- to cut off the head by sword in front of idol of God/Goddess in a temple)in front of Maa Kali’s idol ,then the Goddess will become very much happy with them. In those days this malpractice was prevalent. So they tied the hands of Mr Ram Prasad to take him to the temple of Maa Kali situated in the deep and dense forest.
Being aware of the situation completely and being not frightened by his death, being overjoyed, Ram Prasad started walking with the robbers, singing the prayers or Maa kali. After reaching the destination, at Maa kali’s Temple the robbers instructed Mr Ram Prasad to pray for the last time and say to the Goddess whatever he wants to say to her. The person of brave soul, aware of the facts of life and death, fearless disciple Ram Prasad was looking at the beautiful idol of Maa Kali .He started singing heartily “O Mother these robbers have brought me here to kill me. Well and good .So easily I shall get the deliverance from this painful world due to your kindness. But I came here to see also,” to whom I worshiped whole life, sang and wrote payers for her whether she comes to meet me see me when I shall leave the world after being killed”. After saying this he kept his head on the stone and offer his head to the robber to cut off/choke off. The robber lifted his sword “but he thrilled to see the Holy mother Ma Kali was keeping her head instead of Mr Ram Prasad and the Ram Prasad was standing at the place of idol instead of the holy mother, the Goddess “Ma Kali”. His sword stuck looking at this astonishing scene within lightening cloud with thunder. The robber started shivering,he untied the hands of Mr Ram Prasad and asked him to forgive him……
In the last moments of his life Mr Ram Prasad had lifted the idol of Maa Kali on his head and simply entered into the river Ganges ,for not to come back again.

He was so much devotee of The Goddess ,the mother “Maa Kali” and the prayers written by him were so much heart touching that still these are chanted ,sung in the temples , during prayers/Bhajans/Devotional Songs in Bengal ,always.