Monday, May 6, 2013


The Eagles used to fly up above in the sky, circularly, over the field of” Prabhat Tara School”, used to watch.....who is taking lunch in the field. All of a sudden, it used to take dive from height, to snatch breads from us, as a punishment of taking lunch, outside of the Tiffin hall.
We used to listen weeping, crying of one or two sufferer child, daily, whose bread/lunch had been snatched by vultures. Once, my bread was also snatched by vulture. My eyes became reddish, full of tears, in anger on the vulture, I would have killed it, though I was a child. But it was too fast to take away my bread; returned back at height, by flying, rapidly
The signing Tiffin Box of stainless steel, due to reflection of Sun Light would have been the reason to attract the Vultures on the Tiffin Box.
The vultures have piercing nibs, it use to scratch fingers/palm, of the person, during snatching breads, if one holds the bread tightly by fingers /resist it.
Nobody could guess that whose lunch shall be attacked and who will be the looser.
Thereafter, I and my friends started taking lunch/snacks in the tiffin hall. Now, it was not possible for vultures to snatch the breads from our hands in the Tiffin Hall because of the existing wall at other side of the Tiffin Hall and roof.....
Still I am in search of that vulture, to punish it, in lieu of misbehave; it has done with me when I was a child. Going to purchase an air gun ..............ha....ha.....ha......

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