Tuesday, March 18, 2014


If you want to read the books of Osho inquisitively, definitely you do. He was ocean of knowledge. But never try to live a life like his because he was a scholar but not necessarily, he would have been fully God. However, his disciples may would have been much better than him, by listening to his preaching and going through and following his marvelous books. 
In Hindu and other religions lot of books had been written by people, great saints, scholars and lot of people would have become great by going through these books or worshiping the God through these books. But certainly it is not necessary that the writers would also have been great or would have leaded a life to be followed by people. Because please note, writers writes something by inspiration of the God or great people, or would have capacity to hear and convert the language of Zero/god and goddess / ब्रह्मान्ड into scripts, but it is not necessary they would also have been great or would have leading a life which should be followed .They may would have been part and parcel of God or great people but certainly neither they were God nor would have been great/respectable people.
I write a lot in Face Book. But it is not necessary as a person I am good , of course my scripts may be appreciable by few people only….ha..ha..ha.

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