Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Indians Should Be thankful To The God

Every Indians should be very much thankful to God/Goddess,because he/she has to take the pain of taking incarnation or take birth several times in India ,looking at our pitiable conditions as well as our simplicity and has to borne all pains like human beings ,to teach us how to fight with to lead a life . But still we are sleeping.This is a matter of shame.

Unconditional Love

Everybody regards, loves, likes, wants to eat red, beautiful, sweet, ripe mangoes. After sucking the juice of it, when it becomes residue- Pip(i.e.गुठली )or dry or sucked completely ,everybody wants to throw it off or throw it finally, assuming that it is useless. I have high regards for such type of brave people,who pay respect to the Pip(i.e.गुठली ) and Rind (i.e.छिलका)of the sucked mango also, and take care of it equally as they loved, liked, regarded and taken care of red ripe mango, when it was juicy,even after being aware that the Pip(i.e.गुठली ) and Rind (i.e.छिलका)of the sucked juice mango has nothing to give them back. Even then ,they try to use its pip to plant and reproduce again thousands of red ripe mangoes through its tree. Or try to pay back the obligation of the mango lifelong. 
-I do not know the meaning of above-may be applicable for mango, wife or beloved, cow or any other animal whose milk is used for our survival during our childhood, parents/elders who become old, the above mentioned quality of people is essentially required for the people who are on the way to God or theist. 
This is the basic of Unconditional love, i.e. to love and serve for others without any hope of benefits from others and everybody must have this very basic quality ,as it is the ultimate height of worship of the God. Remember the services Mother Teresa. 

Never Take Any Benefit From Public Money

If we cheat / rob / kill somebody, then it is between, one to one only. The God punishes us, by getting it recovered by us for the people whom we had cheated/robbed /killed in this life or in our next incarnations;difficultly. However, this process shall itself be an arduous task for us.
But if we cheat /rob/kill mass of people / misuse Government's money ,which belongs to entire people of a nation by corruption, , then just think, if any process of recovery/reaction exists as per Newton's third Law/God's Law for universe, and God has to punish us beside the sins we have committed against mass of people, within the territory of God/superpower, how much recoveries will be taken from us against our sins/ crimes committed against, so many numbers of people. For that, we may have to take numerous reincarnations after reincarnations (i.e. to take birth on this earth again and again)may be in the shapes of human beings or animals(i.e dogs, cats, buffalo's etc) to pay back to the people who are nearly uncountable ,whom we had cheated/robbed through corruption/killed in earlier incarnations .It is horrible Naa?.... Just think it o

The Door Of Inner Sense Opens By Inside -Sri Ravindra Nath Thakur

There are two types of a door of a room.One who's shutters swing towards out side and another which swings inside by hinge.And again two types of latches are there.One is to open the door from out side only and another is to open the door by inside only.

--The above is inspired by a play of Respected Sri Ravindra Nath Thakur----------

Criterion Of Being Saint

astly-Few people say that there is one more criterion of being saint-
If the love of a man/Woman is ignored by his wife/Husband or beloved ,he/she prefers to become a saint-Like Tulsidas and may be Gautam Budha and others.Is it possible?

To Learn To Change Attitude If You Are Theist

To Learn To Change Attitude If You Are Theist

It hearts me very much when I see,people go to temples,churchs,mosques,get together of religious people to meditate or worship,prayers,sing religious songs regularly without fail on time ,but the moment they comeback they start accusing/commenting or complaining about each other talk like other general worldly people,start cunning ness,be deceitful,retain proud rather than becoming simple truthful person and adopting simplicity.I say why to go to these holy places if they can not learn something or they cannot change their attitude? Merely putting our attendances regulary at the above places shall not promote us,unless we change our attitude.

If The God Loves you Then Everybody Starts Loving You

‎"Jaa par kripa Ram ki hohin,
Tapar kripa karahi sab koi.
Written by Saint Shri Tulasi Das".
Meaning-If the God is pleased with a person,then everybody of this world/universe becomes pleased/happy/kind for him/her and start loving him as well as helping him automatically.

Our Deeds Should Be Always Good

‎"Kabira jab hum paida hue, to jag hanse hum roe,
Aysi karni kar chalo ki ki hum hanse jag roye"

Written by the greatest Saint Kabir Das.

Meaning-When we had taken birth in this world,we were crying and the people were laughing. So we must do such type of good performances in this world, that when we shall leave(i.e.die )the world ,then we should laugh, and the people of this world should weep/cry for us.

"Saint Kabir Das has modernized Hindu religion,but still people are not following him".

I was Better When I Was Without Knowledge

Oh God,
I was a far better person,when I did not have any knowledge.I was innocent.I was praying for you simply.And my prayers were very very much effective,and always had been heard by you.
Hence, I earnestly request you to kindly withdraw my entire half knowledge,so that once again I become a child ,who can receives your entire blessing as it is.
Hope,you would have heard me.
Kumar Aparajit

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

To Understand The Pain Of Others

“Jaake pair na phate buwai so ka jaane peer parai” Means-A person,who never have suffered from any pain in his life how can he/she understand the pain of others.

Request From The God to Forgive Our Crimes/Sins

The moment we realize that we have committed crime or sin,repent,feel the pain of sufferer mentally and try to confess it as well as try to help/recover the sufferer,who is suffering, due to our committed sin/crime,most of the punishment against the committed sin/crime is forgiven by the God automatically.Infact punishments are for those who do not realize that they have committed any crime in their life time though they have committed lot of crimes/sins. -Thanks to Self Healing Community for associating us with their so many good people/other members.

To Love Somebody

To love somebody means , to live in the body of somebody whom you love very much.You have to feel his/her pains ,his/her desires,his/her ambitions, liking and disliking of him/her,which may not suit us,because my chemistry or level of thinking may be different from him/her.Therefore why not we should love the God and because the God loves him/her, so I should love him/her?

Egoists And Theist




Real Theist


The Students Have Started Guiding Their Teachers

There is a proverb,
"je rogiya ke bhawe,
Se Baidwa farmawe"
Meaning-Now a days, the incompetent Doctors/Religious teachers/teachers are prescribing the same ,which the patients/disciples/students want to be prescribed/taught.So the practices of such type of practitioners are at the peak.Therefore where is the place for modesty?

Message To Young friends

My dear young friends-Humanity, patriotism and love is above all religions. Please, please go through the song. Every line of the song is inspiring. People of all religions should get together and unite to fight with corruption, anti nationalists. terrorists and enemies of our country.
Meaning of the Song-
You will neither become a Hindu nor mu-slim or of any other religion. You are son/daughter of human beings and remain as human being or only humanity shall be your religion. 
a) It is good that still there is no name of you, which indicates your religion; hence you have nothing to do with religion. The super power who has created you has still no allegations against your humanity. You will be recognized as the change of time/era. 
You will neither become a Hindu nor mu-slim or of.....
b) The religion which teaches you to hate is not your religion, your feet are not to crush humanity. The temple of Hindu religion where the religious book Kuran is not there is not your temple and in Haram, if Sita(the Goddess of Hindus) is not available is not your Haram. You will become desire of peace, reconciliation of communal harmony.
You will neither become a Hindu nor Muslim or of.....
c) These sellers of poor's assets and shrouds of dead bodies. These criminals and robbers, who are sitting in palaces, sprinkling thorn, selling beauties/gardens,. You will announce death for them.
You will neither become a Hindu nor Muslim or of.....
The song was sung by the greatest singer of of India Late Mohammad Rafi. He was not only a great singer but was also a very very good/great person. There may be some mistakes while translating into English, hope you will never mind.

Good People/God

O God -Please do not keep my misconducts in your heart/head.There are two types of iron.One is kept in butcher's house and another is kept for worship.But Paras Stone (i.e.There is a stone in hindu mythology called" Paras" Stone.It is believed that when the iron comes in contact of this stone, it becomes gold) never differentiates between both type of iron,while changing these into gold.In the same way ,you change me into gold/good person.Just like the entire dirty water of other rivers meets the river Ganjes and become one and only one the pious river Ganjes.
Written by The saint Tulsi Das in Vinay Patrika.

Prayer To the God To Purify Us

O God -Please do not keep my misconducts in your heart/head.There are two types of iron.One is kept in butcher's house and another is kept for worship.But Paras Stone (i.e.There is a stone in hindu mythology called" Paras" Stone.It is believed that when the iron comes in contact of this stone, it becomes gold) never differentiates between both type of iron,while changing these into gold.In the same way ,you change me into gold/good person.Just like the entire dirty water of other rivers meets the river Ganjes and become one and only one the pious river Ganjes.
Written by The saint Tulsi Das in Vinay Patrika.

To Love People -Mother Teresa

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
-Mother Teresa

Tendency To Give Your Things To Others For Its Proper Utilization

Every thing of this world is constructed or manufactured for it's proper utilization.If something is there in your house which you are not utilizing,may become useful for others.Therefore please give it or donate it to the needy person.

Benefits To Be With Good People

There is a stone in hindu mythology called" Paras" Stone.It is believed that when the iron comes in contact of this stone, it becomes gold.Therefore one must try to live with good people,they are like Paras Stones,who ever comes in contact with them becomes gold/good.Hope ,I shall also become gold/good someday ,being with my scholar friends of Self Healing Community,who always appreciate my rubbish scripts.

The God and Us

The tendency of our soul ,to go nearer to God and to merge in God finally,is a chain reaction and occurs automatically,spontaneously,because everything of the world is part and parcel of the God only.Our qualities and defects like-worship of the God,truthfulness,honesty, dishonesty,kindness, trustworthiness,being cunning and deceitful etc are admixtures of the reaction, which accelerate or retard or stop the reaction for a while or interrupt the reaction, quantity/volume wise, the goodness or badness available in us as well as to finish/end the evils within us.Because finally every thing of this world and the God has to become the one ,as there can not be two.You will surprise to note that the God is trying for oneness with us,more than us.So we need not worry about ourselves because the God has to accept us sooner or later depending upon the time of the chain reaction,whether we are good or bad .If we are bad then it shall take more time.We may say the chain reaction is the process of screening ,where the lumps or higher size stones are again sent to crusher for grinding, to achieve the desired fineness and segregate the undesired particles.So we must rejoice , whatever we may be, we are of the God,for the God and run by the God.

Self Help To Be helped by The God

A bullock cart was passing through by the forest.The tyres of the cart stuck in the muddy and slushy ground.The operator or driver of the cart came down of the cart and started praying to the God and crying'Oh God please come and push the Bullock Cart so that it shall exit from the mud'.But no body came to help him.Then finally the driver started pushing the cart himself remembering the name of God,and this time the God helped him and the stuck tyres of Bullock Cart came out of the mud/slush.So first we should try to help us remembering the name of God then automatically the God starts helping us or the God helps them who help themselves.

To Donate Eyes

A father was travelling with his son on the train. While looking outside through windows of the train, the child was becoming very very happy, uttering something something, sometimes he was asking from his father about the color of trees, scenery and continuously speaking. the people sitting beside him/other travelers were getting annoyed, where as the father of the child was looking happy/pleased with the child. After some time a person sitting beside the father murmured to him "why don't you admit your son in mental asylum, as he seems to be sick. The father smiled and answered my son was blind. Somebody has donated his eyes to him. Soon after the operation ,he is travelling first time on the train. Therefore.............
a)We simply should never judge another. 
b)Secondly, if possible ,we should donate our eyes after our death ,to enable blind 
people to become happy like the child of the above story.

Children Are Better Than The Elders

Why I prayed to the God to make me a child again. This song is self explanatory. The Excellent song is sung by the great Indian singer, Respected Lata Mangeshkar.
Meaning-Children are truthful by nature by heart. Every body of the world loves them. These are such type of flowers whom the God likes the most. They do not fight with others. Even if they fight they forget it within a minute and start talking with each other. There are no walls of different religions/caste for them. Even if they get annoyed they become alright a within a moment. They only know to love others and like being loved by others. But as the child starts growing up he/she starts being surrounded by evils like-speaking false, dishonesty, doing cast-ism etc. Children are better than elders as they do not have barricades of religions, castes, they are simple hearted, nobody is unknown for them, they do not hate anybody, they are simple and plain hearted.
Hope everybody will like to become a child again,by mentally/heartily at least?

Where The God Prefers To Live-Sri Ravindra Nath Thakur

O priest ,do not close the doors of temple,as the God is not existing in the temple.The God is with the hard workers only,who are breaking stones in the scorching rays of Sun, out side of the temple ,and their cloths are wet by their own sweating.
......Written by Sri Ravindra Nath Thakur.

To Remember Or take the Name Of The God

The fire of the God must burn within us continuously ,day and night.The intensity of it may increase or decrease.But the fire must not be blown out otherwise it shall be very difficult to light the fire of the God again.

Procedure To Save Yourself From Negative Forces

My suggestion is that apart from the advices you have received from them you do one more thing-Firstly you empty your brain from rubbish thinkings of the past.Forget that you are or were a sinner.Then you write one of the holy name of the God ,which ever you can like/trust/believe the most as suggested/written in Kuran-e-Pak or any other name of God of other religions,beautifully on a portrait and at every important places like Desk top of computers,mobile phones, where you look at regularly.Keep on looking at/concentrate on the holy name of the God continuously with patience,peacefully, ,with extreme love,trust.Always remember the name of God where ever you are, day and night.Your all problems will heal gradually/rapidly depending upon the intensity of your believe on the God/ day by day.Even if you do not believe on the God then also adopt the same procedure suggested as above.

God Is The Name Of Feeling

खुदा ऐसे एहसास का नाम है 
जो रहे सामने और दिखाई न दे,with thanks to Mr Shekhar.
Meaning the God is the name of such type of feeling/realization , which is in front of us/within us ,but is invisible.

Is The God Listen To The Ladies First Than The Gent

My personal experience-I feel ladies have tremendus power or capacity to please the God, if they are theist.But they have few bad habits.They never feel that they have done something wrong.They think that their son or daughters are best in the world and they become blind for them as they can not see any defect in their son or daughter.Third is their jealousy with other woman.If any how they manage to control all these defects then certainly they will become far and far better than men.I have seen,if a lady prays for something from the God and a gent pray for some other thing from the God which may be opposite to the lady the God prefers to listen to lady ,if both lady and gent are husband and wife

One Should Try Himself If He wants To Get The Help Of The God

A bullock cart was moving on the village road.A dog who was walking beside the bullock cart walked below the bullock and started walked miles and miles with bullock cart in the moving direction of bullock cart .When a long time passed the dog started feeling that the bullock cart is being carried by the dog and he started being anxious very much.
Like this the God is moving this world and since we have been remained in this world for long time we have started feeling that we are moving/ the world like the dog though the one and only one God is moving the world..,

The Qualities Of Good Ladies

The qualities of ladies/females- single point concentration on their husband or boy friend and children,they bring up the creatures of God in form of their or of others sons and daughters with love and high devotion,they keep the God's world neat and clean, their remarkable patience , faith,high devotion and totally dependence upon the God pleases the God very much,they may go to any extent to serve for people,whom they love,they love their parents,they are sentimentally attached to the persons whom they love . I have seen,where ever group of ladies are good,gents and children are automatically also good.Ladies are deputed angels from the God.They need not worship the God if they perform their duties regularly and if they worship even after doing the above then it is very very good/excellent.Therefore all Indian Saints/good people have very high regard for ladies.So in India they are worshiped as Goddess and more than 50% Indians belive that the God is Female.-Therefore the ladies/Females may play or are playing important role by inspiring people for Global Peace.

Criminals And Peaceful Life

Let the criminals/terrorists take the taste of peace/peaceful life.This is such type of toxic/tranquilization that once they shall get into it ,they shall never come out of it.

Dr Jakir Naik

I have very high regards for Dr Jakir.He is a highly scholar,excessive brilliant and his memory power is remarkable.We are proud that he is an Indian.There is no one in this world to contradict his arguments.But still a step he has to climb ,where he shall be able to see one in all and all in one-Like Hazrat Nizamuddin,Shirdi's Sai Baba,Khwaja Muin-ud-din Chishti,Sami Ram Krishna,Vivekanand,where every thing of this universe become enlighten one ,only the love exists,without discrimination and merely reaching at the holy places of the saints as mentioned above ,without uttering a word everybody's desires are fulfilled,irrespective of visitor's caste and religions.Hope, definitely he will be able to reach at the place very soon ,where the knowledge vanishes and it becomes only love and love for every body.

Saints Must Be Dictators Like Hitler To Restore Piece

To restore peace in this world the saints must be dictators like Hitler,Nepolean & Mussolini, and their followers must be disciplined ,more than the armies of all the three dictators.

I Am The God AND The God Is within Me-Difference

There is a vast difference between the two statements ,as under;
a)I am the God AND b)The God is within me also ,as the God is within every living thing of this world.
1)The God is equally everywhere in this universe,invisibly-are you?So a) is may be wrong.
2)The God neither takes birth nor dies -Are you?So a) a may be wrong.
3)The God is the least of the least and biggest of the big-infinite-Are you?So a) is wrong 
4)Nothing is in this universe is like the God-Every body is like you,So a) is wrong.
5)The word God and the word love are synonyms,Are you?So a) is wrong.
6)The God can present himself/herself in any shape as you imagine for him/her.Can you?Never.So a)may be wrong.
Therefore a) is the speech of arrogant type of People who are not God.We must beware of such type of people who say"I am the God"

Beauty And The Beast

Where there is beauty there is a beast.Every/most of the beautiful persons are cursed .The effect of curse is slightly less, if he/she is a religious person.

Existence Of The God

People say the God is within them.But I say one should think the God is in others only.Because we can not look at our faces.I try to seek God in others.This is the reason I respect others,be polite with others.

Direction Of Progress

Progress may be in any direction upward,downward,Right Ward,Left ward or in between.We must observe the progress should be in positive direction.People go to dance clubs and, perform dance whole night and say ,we are copying the people of developed countries,so we are progressing.I say ,yes this is also progress, but direction wise downward.

Enemies And Your Families

When you see ,the numbers of your enemies increased at the place ,were you are residing,it is always better to shift your residence to the place where environment/people are congenial to you.Being the God ,the lord Krishna had shifted to Dwarika,in the same way the great saint Kabir also shifted from Varanasi to Maghar.This you may not do for yourself ,but you must do for the happiness of your family.

Authenticity Of The God

The one and only one God always keeps the promises /prestige of his/her devotees.So the real devotees should not promise to any body for any thing ,as far as possible ,also they must not take the challenges uselessly ,for the sake of God,if they really love the God heartily.

Prayer Of The God/Maa Kali

Shared with many many thanks to Mr Krishan Vohra. Oh my holy mother!Where are you?I can not live without you for a moment.I can not imagine of my existence without you.Please let me feel your existence within me,as I am a simple man neither a saint nor sage who have capacity to see you everywhere. I have only tears of love for you in my eyes.Are these acceptable to you?

Beauty Of A Girl Has Nothing To Do With Father,Brothers And Sisters Of That Girl

Somebody has added my name in the Group "Beautiful Girls Photos",by mistake.Who so ever he/she may be, must understand -Now I am father of the girls of entire world.And for father/mother, their each and every son/daughter is the most beautiful as he/she never compares the beauties of his sons/daughters.Is any body in this world can dare to say his mother or sister or father is ugly or beautiful-never.Like that I have not seen any son/daughter who says Dilip Kumar/Saira Banu (i.e. film actor and actress)is more good looking than his father/mother-Never,if he/she is real son and daughter of his father/mother , in India at least.So I have nothing to do with the external beauties of the Girls.Therefore I am withdrawing my name from the group "Beautiful Girls Photo".

What To Do If Enemies Are More Where You Live With Your Family

When you see ,the numbers of your enemies increased at the place ,were you are residing,it is always better to shift your residence to the place where environment/people are congenial to you.Being the God ,the lord Krishna had shifted to Dwarika,in the same way the great saint Kabir also shifted from Varanasi to Maghar.This you may not do for yourself ,but you must do for the happiness of your family.

Sharing Of Personal experiences With The People

Ambitious people start sharing their personal experiences with the superpower/divine power/the God/Guru-religious teacher,with public,to gather more and more disciples/crowd for them,to gain more and more importance in the eyes of general people.This is straightaway the insult of the divine powers who have supported them during their scarce as well as of their religious teacher/Guru-saints,due to whom they are en-lighted.The moon/disciple does not has its own light ,as it is en-lighted by the sun/Gurus/religious teachers.These personal experiences must not be shared publicly,it must be very very confidential.It is a sign that a worshiper/seeker of the God has started travelling downwards instead of going upwards,and he/she has become proud of achieving something ,which the God/Guru never likes.A real seeker should be introvert for his/her personal divine experiences.

Whatever The God Has Granted To Us Must Be Honoured

A fakir/saint reached at the court of a sultan/king, who was always worrying to increase his existing territory and because he was unable to do the same ,he was not satisfied /unhappy with the Allah/ God. The moment the King saw the Fakir/saint, he honored the Fakir by a beautiful shawl. Though the Fakir accepted the shawl but he started ignoring the shawl by he spiting on it and clearing the frozen cough in his nose, in the shawl. Looking at the insult of the gift, the King got very angry with the Fakir,he pulled his sword. The Fakir laughed and told to the King-" O King !The God has given/gifted to you such a big dynasty, treasure, so many people to serve for you, but you are not satisfied with the God. And if you are unhappy because I insulted your small gift like shawl, think how much the Allah/God would be unhappy with you, if you are insulting his gifts like-dynasty/treasures/people .So you should also to learn to be satisfied with the gift ,the God has given to

Never Think That You Are A Sinner

Never think that you are a sinner.Go to the Church or some religious place confess it and forget it.Rest leave on the God ,he will see.Shri Ramakrishna has preached -If you always think that you are a sinner,you are a sinner then a day will come when you will become a sinner.

God Is Within Every Living Thing-Shri Ram Krishna Parmahans

Once the great saint Shri Ram Krishna Parmahans told a story to his disciples-A religious teacher preached to his disciples that –“God is within every living thing of this world”. After sometime a disciple of the teacher, who had trust on the teacher, was passing through the forest. A nervous, frightened man who was running in the opposite direction of the disciple came across the disciple, and shouted ‘run away run away, change your direction, as a mad angry elephant is coming towards you, it may hurt/kill you. But the disciple thought, if his teacher has told that the God is there within me as well as within the Elephant, then how can the Elephant hurt him. He ignored the suggestion of the the shouting man and kept on walking in the same direction. Soon after the mad Elephant reached to him, hurt him , threw him beside the walkway and fled. The disciple became sad ,went back to his teacher , told him about the occurrence and asked why he preached wrong, if the God does not exists in the Elephant. The teacher smiled and said to him” My dear son the God exists within the Elephant, in you and also in the person who was shouting and stopping you from going near to the Elephant. Why did not you follow him, when the God had already warned you earlier through the shouting man?………………….

Effect Of Speaking Truth Always

I have watched that,those who always practiced to speak true in their lives for a long time of span, truth starts following them also.Even if ,some times they say something suspicious by mistake,which may not be true,their versions become true ,ultimately,surprisingly.Probably ,so the real/great saints bless somebody/say something innocently ,their blessings/versions become true.

Intensity Is required To Worship The God

The God seeks intensity in our worship/love for him- There were two friends. Once, they have decided to do penance to meet the God. They reached in a deep and dense forest and started the mediation/ penance, to meet the God, beneath a Tamarind tree. Years and years passed but they could not be able to meet the God. Fortunately a saint, who uses to meet God, was passing nearby the Tamarind tree. They saw the saint, recognized him and ran after him to meet. After meeting the saint ,they requested the saint “sir kindly do a favor to us .We know you meet the god always, so this time if you meet him please ask him/her ,how long they shall have to meditate to meet the God. Looking at the eagerness of them the saint melted on their condition and after assuring them to do the needful, he walked away. After some time, the saint again came back to the meditating people. The ascetics again asked about the reply of the God against their question. The saint pointed out to one of the ascetic and told him that the God has told that he shall give audience to him after the year’s equivalent to numbers of tamarind available in the tree, beneath which you are meditating. The first ascetic became restless after listening to the version of saint and told who will waste so many precious years to only to meet the God. He loosed the patience and fled from the forest.
Then the second ascetic asked from the saint politely ‘sir, what the God has said for him. The saint started brooding and told to him that you condition is very very tough. The God has told, if you meditate for the years equivalent to the numbers of leafs of the tamarind tree, which are nearly uncountable, beneath which you are meditating then only the God shall give audience to you. The second ascetic became very very happy .He started weeping, singing and dancing, shouting with joy/internal pleasure and love like a mad and telling “I am the happiest man in this world; at least the God has assured me that he/she will meet me.
Looking at this ,the God became very happy with the second ascetics, he immediately presented him/her self in front of the second ascetic within fraction of a second and blessed him .

Only The God Loves You

You search ,research,go to depth,explore as much as you can,but finally you will find ,this is the one and only the God in this universe,who is loving you,by several means-invisibly,visibly ,through people or through every living things on this earth.Rest all are illusions.

Tendency Of People To Visualize Others/God As They Themselves Are

The great poet saint Sri Tulsi Das has told-"jaaki rahi bhawana jaisi prabhu murat tin dekhi taisi".Meaning-The person who is good,of kind heart ,forgives all ,not a sinner,if he sees on God's idol/portrait of God Sri Rama(i.e.The God worshiped by hindus) ,he imagines the God has also these qualities .But if a thief looks at the idol of the God Sri Rama he thinks oh the God is like me ,he is also a robber ,so he is keeping bows ans arrows(i.e.Arms) in his

Importance Of Brothers And Sisters

I pray to the God"O God ! whenever you grant me opportunity to take birth on this earth please also grant me brothers and sisters,otherwise I shall not survive".

The Hidden OM In Ram

The hidden treasure in the name of God Sri Ram-र+ ओ +ऊ+ म्+ म्=राम,where, 
ओऊम् =ॐ=The Great 'Satnaam' which automatically pronounced when one says the holy word Ram.

Not To Reveal Special Power Bestowed By The God In Between General Public

If you are the God,or angel of the God,or you have been bestowed some special powers by God to do good of the people,or you receive directives from the God directly ,or you can contact the God ,please do not reveal it to worldly people ,otherwise they won't let you live in this world.After then, they shall hang your portrait and worship you as a God.Recall The Christ and lot many other divine people.Here evils are only allowed to live long life not the divine people.Off course these people are recognized after their demise and worshiped by worldly people.

Miracles And Saint -Sri Ramakrishna Parmahans

Once a man went to Ramakrishna. Ramakrishna was sitting on the bank of the Ganges. The man was a very famous yogi of those days. He had gone there to brag about himself — and that’s what these so-called yogis go on doing. He said, “Ramakrishna, what are you doing sitting here? Let us go for a walk on the Ganges.”

Ramakrishna asked him, “How many years did it take for you to walk on water?”

He said, “Eighteen years practising in the Himalayas, hard work, fasting, yoga postures. It has been difficult, very difficult. It was almost impossible, and many times I wanted to drop the whole project, but somehow I persisted. Now I have the SIDDHI, the power — I can walk on the water. Can’t you walk on the water?”

Ramakrishna said, “I am not so foolish. When I want to go to the other bank I give the ferryman only two paise, and that’s enough! Your eighteen years are worth just two paise. Get lost! I am not interested in it.”


Your behavior should change at place to place and with person to person if you want to survive happily:-
a) Be a good person when surroundings become good for you if you are good.
b) Be a bad person temporally, if surroundings become good for you ,if you are bad. 
Or else people like rickshaw puller,Auto driver, shopkeeper, and pick pocketers 
shall try to cheat

Difference Of Love Between Human Beings And The God

Difference between a human beings and the God-The more we call a person, the more we love a person -the more he/she may be irritated by us.But in the case of the God ,the more we remember him/her,call him/her by name,the more we love him/her-the more he/she becomes happier by us.The God is the bravest lover as he/she never feels shy in loving his/her followers.So why should not we love/remember/call the God always.Off course there are few persons in this world who are Godly,like mother of a child.

Going to Forest For Worship And Meditation Of The God

The great Saint Sri Kabir Das has told -The people who escape from their duties and go to lonely places/religious places/Forrest for tenacity/worship of the God ,and being their they think/remember of their families/families' problem,it is always better for them to come back to their homes , perform their duties and remember the God at their homes.

Too Much Noble People May Not be Good

There is a slogan in Karnataka"अति विनम्र धूर्तस्य लक्षणम्".Means beware of the persons who are very much polite to you.As it is the sign of cunning people.

Arrogance Is Not Advisable For Theists

Sometimes our priests of religious places, server of the society, saints those who always meditates on God become arrogant that they are only the people of God and they are far better than the people who are leading family life.
There is a story –A friar/saint who was meditating of the God from years and years in forest was in meditation. A heron started flying and shouting above him. Due to which his meditation was getting disturbed. He got angry and saw at the flying heron with his reddish eye in anger. As he saw in anger on 
Heron, the heron burnt into ashes. He became very very arrogant of his meditation and became very very happy that he has achieved something due to his tenacity and the God is happy with him. He rushed to his religious teacher and told the story .But the teacher did not appreciate or praise for him rather he told him that he has to learn a lot. The disciple became annoyed and asked his teacher, how come, you prove it. The saint’s teacher gave him an address of a lady living in a city area and told him to meet her. The disciple went there and passed on the message to the lady that he wants to meet her. The lady was a house wife. She was very busy in serving for the elders of the house, her husband and children. So she could come out of the house a bit late after performing her duties. The saint again got angry and started looking at the lady with his red eyes and wanted to rebuke the lady for the delay. But the lady smiled and and told him, sir I am not the heron whom you looked angrily and it burnt into ashes. The friar got very much surprised to note that I kept on meditating so many years but I could not achieved the knowledge to know about a person’s past how she came to know. The lady answered without any question from the saint this I have achieved by doing unconditional love and by serving members of my family, unconditionally. Then the saint repented and understood that it is not necessary to go to forest and meditate .There are lot of people who are serving for the society and their status of soul is very high. The saint got bend in front of the lady, whom she blessed and taught about religion.

The Fact Of Doing Remarriage

If a man goes for remarriage,it means he does not know that ,by mistake ,he is going to watch the same movie again,which he did not like earlier.

Marriage Settlement

Mr Ravindra Nath Thakur who was novel prize winner has told-Marriage is a ceremony ,which is settled in heaven and performed on earth.


A neighbour came to the gate of Mulla Nasreddin's yard. The Mulla went to meet him outside.
"Would you mind, Mulla," the neighbour asked, "lending me your donkey today? I have some goods to transport to the next town."
The Mulla didn't feel inclined to lend out the animal to that particular man, however. So, not to seem rude, he answered:
"I'm sorry, but I've already lent him to somebody else."
All of a sudden the donkey could be heard braying loudly behind the wall of the yard.
"But Mulla," the neighbour exclaimed. "I can hear it behind that wall!"
"Who do you believe," the Mulla replied indignantly. "The donkey or your Mulla?

Value Of Love

Till people do not hate us ,we do not understand the value of love, in our life.So thanks to the people who hate us.

Never Beg From Somebody

Do not go to beg to somebody, with tears in your eyes. Otherwise, somebody will never pay the price of your valuable tears to you, rather, he will reward ,you by giving the coins of least amounts of Rs1 or 0.50 Paise, for keeping your status less than him always ,which will never solve your problems permanently. This will also help to cool the mind and soul of somebody by thinking and thanking to the God that; oh thanks God still there are few people on this earth who have lesser status than him.

Non Of The Human Being Is Perfect

Non of human being is perfect in all respect.The famous Urdu poet has written "Log tujhko khuda kahte aey Galib jo na tu wadakhwar hota".Meaning-"O Galib, people would have said you 'God',if you would not have been boozed".

To Believe On Our Religious Teacher As Well As On The God

It is better to be innocent as well as listen to and believe blindly on the versions of religious /teachers without argument/prejudice. Once a religious/ teacher taught his students that God's name is the most powerful and anything can be done with the help of his name, if you have blind faith upon him. One of his student started believing blindly on the same. The teacher use to call his student at 4 AM in the morning. The school was situated at the bank of river. His all students use to come to him from this side by walking and the one who started believing on the name of God blindly use to come from other side of the river. Once the river was flooded with water so the boats were not under operation, even then, the believer student kept on reaching to the teacher on time every day. The teacher noticed this .He thought if the boats are not available then how come his foolish student is managing to attend classes every day on time as there is no other means. So after finishing the classes he asked the believer student. He answered nothing sir I have wrote something on the leaf of a tree, folded it and kept in my pocket, and I came to you walking on the river .The teacher asked how? Then he illustrated the same to his teacher. The teacher believed on him. Then he has taken the magical folded leaf of tree from his student and said' let me try also.’ Surprisingly he has also started walking on the river. While walking when he reached at the mid stream of river, he thought what is there written in the folded leaf he must know. Then he unfolded the leaf and saw and very much surprised to see that only the holy name of the God was written on the leaf. Then he started thinking and suspecting how it is possible to walk on the river merely writing the name of God on the tree. The very moment he became suspicious he dipped into the river all of a sudden and died, as he did not know to swim.
Therefore we must have blind faith on the God……….lol……………

Let The God Resolve Our Problems

We should never keep our personal troubles/pains/problems in between us and God when we are in a temple, church, mosque, gurudwara or any other religious place or if we are meditating/thinking of/about God. We should always keep our troubles at our back so that there should not be anything between us and the God. Believe on me your all troubles, pain, problems shall Heal off automatically, as the God shall take care of these..

Saint Gurunanak And Satnam

Those who have gone through the Biography of Sri Gurunanak Jee and trying to follow the same, they must be confident that they understood what is the meaning of religion and their 100% worldly problems are solved .And those who understood ,what is ‘Satnam’ and started remembering/calling God by this lovely and sweet ‘Satnam’ they must be confident that they shall cross the entire painful impediments of river of world happily with the help of the holy name 'Satnam' as well as, with the blessings of Sri Guru Nanak Jee, and their merging process in God is already started, to enable them to not to come back to in this painful world again and again.

God and Love

eople respect the God. The God respects the Love. People are slave of the God. The God is Slave of Love. Love is above all religions and knowledge, is invincible and the supreme. God and Love words are synonym. The physical attraction between two people cannot be named as Love. Love is just like a baby or child starts loving somebody. Love cannot be materialistic .A glimpse of it may be seen in the love between parents and their off springs, brothers and sisters, teacher and their students. It is something which can be felt/experienced only. Nobody of this world has the guts to refuse the love offered to him/her by others. If we dare to refuse the love then it is just like to refuse the God or to insult the God. Every religion is nothing but, to light a lamp of love within us. Only the love is designated above religions, knowledge and scholars. Even if we shall acquire vast knowledge, we shall not be able to meet or establish our contact with God. But simply by dint of Love, the people who did not have any knowledge could be able to establish their contacts/connection with God. If we want that God should love us then we shall have to leave our eldership and become like child. The people, who are orthodox in religions, having proud, have certainly no room in the universe of God. The God never likes rich people. Therefore, the God never gives enough money to whom he/she loves. God likes simplicity and kind heartedness.

God and Migrated People

If people migrate to USA, England, Germany, Gulf countries or to other States of a country, they should prefer to worship the God/Goddess or adopt the religions of the places, prevalent there, where they have migrated, if the God is only one. I mean to say if a person goes to England, then he/she must adopt Christian religion. Because he/She did not like Indians or due to any other reason, so he/she preferred to go to England, so why to carry religion also to England to create confusion in England .I am a Hindu, I studied in Christian schools, my lot of friends are Muslims, Sikhs. I never feel any difference between me and them. Even if I go to Church, Gurudwara, mosque I get the same pleasure, equally, which I get in Temples. it over.

It Is very Difficult To walk On The path Of The God

To talk about religion and teach the religion to others, is the easiest work.Here every body talks too much.But the most arduous/Herculean task is, to walk on the path of religion,Those we are tremendously Brave ,they can only perform their duties towards religion.That is why the great saint Kabir Sahab has told.-

Kabira Khara Bazar mein liye lukathi haanth,
Jo ghar Jaarey Aapna chale hamare saath."

Meaning-" Kabir is standing in a market, keeping a burning torch in his hand ,
Those who have capacity to burn their house, only they can walk with him."

Therefore religion is not meant for weak people.
 ·  ·  · November 7, 20

Common version Of Different Religions

If -4Y =Christian Religion, 2Y²=Muslim Religion, 3Y³=Hindu Religion
And the equation is, 4Y+2Y²+3Y³
Then take the common ‘Y’ of the above equation=Y(4+2Y+3Y²)
Y= Common good version/things written in all Religious Books, SHOULD BE THE RELIGION OF HUMAN BEINGS.

Not To Take Pity On Theists

My Personal Experience-If a person who does not believe on existence of God ,if he/She is in trouble,then take pity on him/her,love him,be kind for him/her,pray for him/her, but do not help him/her till he/she does not start believing on God.Otherwise you may be in between the person who is being punished by God due to the Sins he/she has done in past.It shall be just like ,one is punching on wall and you put your palm in between.So you will be injured.And you shall have to bear the punishments of his/her bad deeds of past.
Off course God has capacity to bear the pain of somebody but you won't have.
And reversely If a believer of God is in trouble then try to help him/her as far as possible you can.

Indians Must Be Thankful To the God

Every Indians should be very much thankful to God/Goddess,because he/she has to take the pain of taking incarnation or take birth several times in India ,looking at our pitiable conditions as well as our simplicity and has to borne all pains like human beings ,to teach us how to fight with to lead a life . But still we are sleeping.This is a matter of shame.

Monday, February 27, 2012


The festivals Deepawali, Eid and Holi teaches us love, brotherhood between the people. These are not only festivals but carries the message from God that entire conflicts between people must reach to an end and it must be finished assuming that the one and only one God is supreme. These festivals must be celebrated by the people irrespective of all castes and religions as the God is only one. Here the God being the supreme power seizes the power/right to quarrel between each other.
The meaning of Deepawali is victory of light/knowledge/Good over darkness/foolishness-ignorance/bad. So rather than lighting candles outside and spending too much money, we must try to light the candle of love/knowledge/goodness within us to get away from hate/foolishness-ignorance/Evilness. Off course cleaning of outside as well as in side (i.e. free our minds, hearts and brains from bad tendencies like to get angry, to hate somebody, to take revenge) is very much necessary.
Wish you all a very very happy Deepawali

Everybody Is Good

When I look back and remember the people whom I met in past ,I never find anybody bad.As we explore the person deeper and deeper ,we shall find him sweeter and sweeter/better and better just like- the deeper the bore well is the better the quality of water extracted from it.So everybody in this world is good ,if we know to extract his/her goodness, except me.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Shape Of The God

If there would have been God in some shape,then be sure that the God never would have liked to adopt the shape ,of monkey,or elephants ,or snake,or with tail like monkey,or with wings like birds.Or of more than two hands,or more than two legs, ,or more than one head .If the God likes to manifest him/her self in front of us,he/she manifests in the shape of simple human beings only,may be enlightened more than normal human beings,which he/she can hide also as per requirement.So why to think abnormal shapes for God,so that he or she also may feel pain or trouble in presenting him/her self in abnormal shapes.The real God are Human beings only.The God, is invisible ,omnipresent ,has no shape.However he/she can manifests himself in the shape we imagine for him/her.If I am wrong then I pray to the God to forgive me because I am an innocent person.

Prayer Of The God

Meaning-O God! only Because of your mercy - bodily, vocally and willingly, we are being able to do our entire deeds.Without your help, we can not do any thing, therefore we thanks to you repeatedly.

Role Of Vanity For Theists

I have seen the bad quality- "vanity"(i.e. घमंड) of a person,is inherent.It must be eradicated ,for nearness with the God.I observe -an arrogant person ,who whenever suffers from sickness,lack of wealth or any other fear he becomes noble,and the moment he recovers from these problems ,again he becomes proud y,and forgets the people who had helped him during the scarce.Although he spends lot of time for doing worship,meditations,pilgrimage.Certainly,he will not get deliverance.Exceptionally ,I see few people who do not -go to temple,worship,meditate,go to pilgrimage but they are always noble,even if they have money or not.Definitely,such type of people shall be given priority by the God for deliverance.Therefore ,we must develop good qualities within us rather, than or with, worshiping ,the God otherwise our all worship,hard labour to achieve the God shall go waste or it shall be of no use.

Problems And It's Solutions

Whenever you try to solve a problem, you do not find any solution of it .Then leave it to the God.Most of the time, you will see, after sometimes an amazing solution of the problem will automatically come to you/flash to you/strikes you, just like lightening, which you would never have thought or imagined.When you will explore you will find that this could have been the best way to solve the problem or the problem shall be resolved automatically.....who is this invisible resolver-….The God only.

Life is The Name Of Livelihood

जिंदगी जिंदा दिली का नाम है,
मुर्दा दिल क्या खाक जीया करते हैं।
"Life is the name of the heartwarming alive/liveliness;
What is the use of life,if you are habituated of living a life,like a dead person".

The above is the basic principle ,if we really want to heal our problems/pains , automatically,without the help of others.

Categories Of Ladies For A Man

Hypothesis (i.e.Guess)-Ladies are of two categories for a man. One is of mother’s category. The women/females like our mother, or aunt, grandmother, sister, daughter, or Lovely sisters of the sit "Self Healing Community", whether they are blood relatives or not, comes under first category. And the ladies/Females like- beloved, wife, friends come under second category.

The first category of women are respectable, are divinely, for a person. Mostly the ladies under first category unconditionally love men. Whereas the ladies of the category two may also be of like category-1 if they really love a person or may be so- so or may be average/just good ,or may be worst for men. 

Even after, if a person as well as all of above take reincarnation, the soul/the God maintains the dignity of above. Means in next reincarnation the females of category one remains as category one for a man and females of category two remains as category two for the same man.

All stories, we have heard from the people of life after death ,till date, implies that, those who could be able to remember their earlier incarnation, they never told that the sister or mother of earlier incarnation became the beloved or wife in next incarnation. Means category of women were maintained.

The most surprising thing is that, there is constant rivalry between females of first category and second category for man, to whom they are related. Rarely, good relation is established between the ladies of two categories in case of very good hearted or divinely ladies.
The above phenomenon is how and why? I cannot explain. Or may the God forgive me, if I am wrong, since I am innocent.