Tuesday, February 28, 2012

God and Migrated People

If people migrate to USA, England, Germany, Gulf countries or to other States of a country, they should prefer to worship the God/Goddess or adopt the religions of the places, prevalent there, where they have migrated, if the God is only one. I mean to say if a person goes to England, then he/she must adopt Christian religion. Because he/She did not like Indians or due to any other reason, so he/she preferred to go to England, so why to carry religion also to England to create confusion in England .I am a Hindu, I studied in Christian schools, my lot of friends are Muslims, Sikhs. I never feel any difference between me and them. Even if I go to Church, Gurudwara, mosque I get the same pleasure, equally, which I get in Temples. ...........lol..............Think it over.

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