Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Intensity Is required To Worship The God

The God seeks intensity in our worship/love for him- There were two friends. Once, they have decided to do penance to meet the God. They reached in a deep and dense forest and started the mediation/ penance, to meet the God, beneath a Tamarind tree. Years and years passed but they could not be able to meet the God. Fortunately a saint, who uses to meet God, was passing nearby the Tamarind tree. They saw the saint, recognized him and ran after him to meet. After meeting the saint ,they requested the saint “sir kindly do a favor to us .We know you meet the god always, so this time if you meet him please ask him/her ,how long they shall have to meditate to meet the God. Looking at the eagerness of them the saint melted on their condition and after assuring them to do the needful, he walked away. After some time, the saint again came back to the meditating people. The ascetics again asked about the reply of the God against their question. The saint pointed out to one of the ascetic and told him that the God has told that he shall give audience to him after the year’s equivalent to numbers of tamarind available in the tree, beneath which you are meditating. The first ascetic became restless after listening to the version of saint and told who will waste so many precious years to only to meet the God. He loosed the patience and fled from the forest.
Then the second ascetic asked from the saint politely ‘sir, what the God has said for him. The saint started brooding and told to him that you condition is very very tough. The God has told, if you meditate for the years equivalent to the numbers of leafs of the tamarind tree, which are nearly uncountable, beneath which you are meditating then only the God shall give audience to you. The second ascetic became very very happy .He started weeping, singing and dancing, shouting with joy/internal pleasure and love like a mad and telling “I am the happiest man in this world; at least the God has assured me that he/she will meet me.
Looking at this ,the God became very happy with the second ascetics, he immediately presented him/her self in front of the second ascetic within fraction of a second and blessed him .

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