Tuesday, February 28, 2012

God and Love

eople respect the God. The God respects the Love. People are slave of the God. The God is Slave of Love. Love is above all religions and knowledge, is invincible and the supreme. God and Love words are synonym. The physical attraction between two people cannot be named as Love. Love is just like a baby or child starts loving somebody. Love cannot be materialistic .A glimpse of it may be seen in the love between parents and their off springs, brothers and sisters, teacher and their students. It is something which can be felt/experienced only. Nobody of this world has the guts to refuse the love offered to him/her by others. If we dare to refuse the love then it is just like to refuse the God or to insult the God. Every religion is nothing but, to light a lamp of love within us. Only the love is designated above religions, knowledge and scholars. Even if we shall acquire vast knowledge, we shall not be able to meet or establish our contact with God. But simply by dint of Love, the people who did not have any knowledge could be able to establish their contacts/connection with God. If we want that God should love us then we shall have to leave our eldership and become like child. The people, who are orthodox in religions, having proud, have certainly no room in the universe of God. The God never likes rich people. Therefore, the God never gives enough money to whom he/she loves. God likes simplicity and kind heartedness.

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