Tuesday, May 8, 2012

God's Help

Once one of my uncle ,who is no more,was driving motorcycle.His friend was sitting behind him.The distance of the place from where he started the journey to Bhilayee(i.e. a place in M.P.-India) was around 100KMs.It was the season of summer ,the road was very good ,the time was around 9:30Pm.The blowing wind was pleasant,slightly cold and sweet .After some times he felt drowsy.He started thinking about one of his another friend.After some times he felt that the friend about whom ,he was thinking was driving the Motorcycle and he was sitting behind him.After some time all of a sudden we felt that some body from behind shaking his body,creaming/shouting fearfully as well as awaking him and telling him' O friend what are you doing, can't you see that there ditch ahead" (i.e. the existing friend sitting behind him right from begining ).Then suddenly my uncle wake up and controlled the handle ,and he shivered to note in Kilometers that he was sleeping from last 25Kilometers with a feeling that his another friend was driving the motorcycle,who died quite earlier.How the motor cycle could go upto 25 Kilo Meters ,still is a mystery.

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