Friday, March 23, 2012

To Donate Something

"Tulsi panchhi pine se,ghate na sarita neer,
Dharma kiye dhan na ghate, Jo sahay Raghuvir".
Means-Saint Tulsi Das says that -As the birds drink the water of a river and the level of water never recedes due to it,in the same way if you donate something to needy persons your money/resources shall never reduces,"if the God is helpful to you".
Conclusion-It is very good, if we donate something to the needy persons,"but we must assure that the God should help us prior to donating something to others",which is the most important.Because to donate, we shall have to earn more and every body cannot be Sai Baba or like other great saints,who themselves were God or were directly helped by the God. 

Caring Of The God For The Mouse

Once,I was having lunch in my office.All of a sudden a piece of Bread slipped from my hand ,which was unusual .A small baby mouse ran and picked up the piece of bread and fled.....The God is Great....It was a forced coincidence by the God.After then when ever I have my lunch I search ,if I find mouse,I throw a piece of bread,vegetable to it,to eat ,to save the God to worry for the little mouse,and the God should not create the coincidence/illusion again and again to feed the mouse.....think it is very serious matter I have faced it......... 

We Must Be Proud Of Hinduism

We must be proud in saying that we are Hindoos. All other religions are part and parcel of Hindu religion. So basically all are one. It is Hindu religion only which honors all religions equally and accommodates within them without controversy. So ministers of congress and that foreigner lady must come forward to respect, protect and favor Hindoos for the sake of protection of other religions. 

Mother India Is Better Than Father India

If our country would have been 'Father India' instead of 'Mother India' then also Indians would have loved this country and sacrificed their lives for this country as they do for Mother India? 

Bharat Baap

Agar hum apne desh ko bharat mata ki jagah bharat baap kahte to kya log phir bhi is desh ke liye jaan dete? 

Lateness Of System

Late,late,late.Trains are late,buses are late,judgements against corruptions are delayed and biased,investigations against crimes and corruptions are delayed,construction works are not being completed within scheduled time,Lok Pal Bill has been delayed etc etc and so many Government's Works only.Till how long we impotent Indians/Biharies shall have to suffer?We Indians tolerate very much. 

Tractable People

Tractable persons are always invincible. 

Expense In Marriages

People are spending lot of money in the marriages of their son and daughters. It should be done with simplicity. In every walk of life, if modernization has entered then why not still in marriages. After marriage if the son is unemployed or daughter is pregnant then nobody is taking care of them. So it is always better to deposit the money in the Bank Account of newly married couple for their stability and bad days. 


I was student in Manipal Institute of Tecnologoy from 1983 to 1988.This college is situated near Udupi,near Mangalore, at the place Manipal ,on the way to Karkala from Udupi in Karnataka.
I was a simple student/man and till then I never came across any girl friend or love affair in my life.There was a very very famous temple Mokambika Devi Temple, situated at about 80KMs from Manipal on the way from Mangalore to Sholapur or Kolhapur.Quite often ,I used to go to the temple of Goddess.After completing my Engineering Course ,I went to the temple Last time.While coming back –I requested to the mother/Godess , standing infront of the statue or idol of her,”Mother I am a simple man and I can not recognize the people suitable for me ,so I request you to kindly indicate me with whom I should marry in future,when it shall be required”.
I came back to my home town, Muzaffarpur Bihar at about 2500KMs from UDUPI and forgot the request I had done to the Godess.As I was unemployed, so my father, who himself is a Civil Engineer deputed me to supervise the Construction of his own house in my Village, situated at a distance of 8KMs from Muzaffarpur,Bihar.I am/was an obident son of my father so I went to my Village,stationed their and Construction work of House was started.After two three months when the casting of roof was completed ,I was sleeping,the season was of winter.At about 3PM ,I woke up opened the door and came out of the door. I started smelling the fragrance of flower of my garden ,out side of my room,All of a sudden,when I looked up at sky to judge the time,I saw the sky was of colour redish at below and yellowish at above.It was beautiful .I never had seen such a beautiful sky in my life.Suddenly,I saw the images of Mother Durga(i.e. Godess) and Mother Kali’s images appared in the sky together and the bells started ringing with the sound of Rub-a-dub(i.e.ढोल पीटना) in aloud voice,like in temples. I woke up.I saw, I was on the bed only. Infact what I had seen was a dream.I was indicated two times earlier also, in dreams, in two consecutive dates prior to this date without image/statue/idol, in different ways which I am not mentioning here.
The same day my father reached at village and told that the proposal of marriage for me has come, the girl/family is vegeteterian like us, whether to accept the same or not.At that time I was unemployed, so there was no source of income for me.Then I recalled the dream and the request I had done in Mokambika Devi temple, so I agreed for my marriage.Later on I got the job and all problems healed automatically, gradually.
Later on my respectable religios teacher “Baua Sahab” has taught me that the God is omnipresent, invisible and shapeless.
Hence I say, though the God is omnipresent, shapeless, invisible but there is some relation between idol worship and the God, and this cannot be denied, provided the idol of the God is live and worshiped systematically by knowledgable, scholar pious priests as per specified rules and regulations prescribed in religious books.Or if we have full devotion/believe ,regard on idol of the God as we have on our father and mother or on respectable people.
Also, Even if we forget our commitments, promises we have done with the God, but The God never, never, never forgets it.


tum agar mujhako na chaaho to koi baat nahi,
tum kisi aur ko chaahoge to mushkil hogi"
Meaning-If you do not like me then there is no problem,but if you like others then it shall be difficult/ 

Idol worship

One of my respectable maternal Uncle ,was an eye specialist.Now he is no more ,I always pray to the God to grant deliverance and peace to his soul forever .He had done the course of doctory (i.e.presently the degree of MBBS) ,from England in 50’s.He used to go through the books of experiences of English officer , who were posted in India for Administration purpose,before independence of India,while he was at England,in library.He told me a story of the book when I was hardly 12 years old.The story is –A British officer was posted in the State-Tamilnadu(i.e.presently Chennai) ,Madurai,of South india,for few years, (I am unable to recall the name of the officer, place and the post of the officer).Daily evening, after completion of his works, the British officer used to come back to his quarter by riding on horse from his office.The Meenakshi temple was inbetween from his office to Quarter.He used to see numbers of people were worshiping in the temple and taking a circle (i.e. परिक्रमा )of the temple.Though the officer was not devotee of the Goddess “Meenakshi” but playingly he also started taking a circle of the temple, riding on his horse,daily,without missing,failing and forgetting,while coming across to the temple, to his home/quarter.
Once he was sleeping on his bed, in his room, of the residential quarter allotted to him.He was alone.In those days the rooms were constructed of big/huge size, of high hights.That very night was cloudy.Suddenly the officer wake up, because of the aloud sound of blowing wind, like storm and the roaring cloud howling (बादल गरजना),and drizzling sound of rain.He felt that somebody is knocking his door from out side.Very difficultly, as he was tired enough ,got up and opened the door.He shivered ,as he saw a little , very beautiful girl of the age 5 to 6 years was standining at distance 30 to 50M out side of the door, and calling for him by her little hand(i.e.hand call, i.e.हाँथ से बुलाना).He simply obeyed her and came out of the room and rushed towards the girl,runningly.The moment he came out of the house and moved a few distance sufficiently,away from his room ,he again heard the sound of the thunder and saw Gruesome(i.e. भीषण) lightening.He moved back and saw that the lightening falled on his quarter and particularly, his bed room was burning and completely ruined due to lightening.Then he turned back towards the direction of the little girl,he saw nobody was there……..
Therefore, the invisible, shapeless, God/Godess takes the shape for them also who worship the God playingly and not seriously,but sincerely without.You may not be serious but the God always seriously accepts your worship and love for him/her.
Hence, the God is only one because the British officer was a Christian; even then the God did not differentiate him/her while rescuing him.
And, finally please note, the invisible, shapeless, formless, omnipresent God always honour and respect, accept your worship heartily, even in idol form of his/her, provide you worship him/her devotionally/sincerely.
Therefore our Muslim friends also say-“Kahin Jal ke Jalwa Dikha Na De”.Means-Beware of the God other wise he may show you, himself, in the form/shape of burning with high temperature and you all will be burnt into ashes wthin fraction of second.
The name or place may wrong but the basic story is true.

"This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival."

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

"Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond."



Warning-Please do not allow/encourage the people to make such types of jokes on the Gods of Hindu Religion.Stop this .No body has got right to hurt the sentiments of others.Stop this. 


I have seen the bad quality- "vanity"(i.e. घमंड) of a person,is inherent.It must be eradicated ,for nearness with the God.I observe -an arrogant person ,who whenever suffers from sickness,lack of wealth or any other fear he becomes noble,and the moment he recovers from these problems ,again he becomes proud y,and forgets the people who had helped him during the scarce.Although he spends lot of time for doing worship,meditations,pilgrimage.Certainly,he will not get deliverance.Exceptionally ,I see few people who do not -go to temple,worship,meditate,go to pilgrimage but they are always noble,even if they have money or not.Definitely,such type of people shall be given priority by the God for deliverance.Therefore ,we must develop good qualities within us rather, than or with, worshiping ,the God otherwise our all worship,hard labour to achieve the God shall go waste or it shall be of no use. 

The Best Person For You

In life you will realize that there is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you and some will teach you. But most important are the ones who bring out the best in you, respect you and accept you for who you are. Those are the ones worth keeping around. 

"सुलझेगी हर समस्या, विश्वाश से प्रयास से"

"सुलझेगी हर समस्या, विश्वाश से प्रयास से" यहीं मेरी भावनाओं का सार हैं जिसे आज पैसे और भौतिक सुखो के चलते आप अपनाने को कतई तैयार नहीं हैं लेकिन दोस्तों ये मेरा भी दावा हैं कि जिस दिन अपने द्वारा निर्मित समस्याए आप की जान पर आफत बनकर कहर बरपाएँगी उस दिन आप जरुर ये समझेंगे कि समय रहते अगर इन पर नियंत्रण कर लेते तो ये दिन देखना ही न पड़ता l दोस्तों अगर आप वापसी चाहते हो तो समय पर्याप्त हैं वापिस लौट आने का, अपने विश्वाश (भगवान की सोच) को अपनी जिन्दगी में वो अहमियत दे जिससे आप आज तक उचित न्याय नहीं कर पाए l 

Life Is The Name Of Liveliness

जिंदगी जिंदा दिली का नाम है,
मुर्दा दिल क्या खाक जीया करते हैं।
"Life is the name of the heartwarming alive/liveliness;
What is the use of life,if you are habituated of living a life,like a dead person".

The above is the basic principle ,if we really want to heal our problems/pains , automatically,without the help of others. 

Categories Of Ladies For A Man

Hypothesis (i.e.Guess)-Ladies are of two categories for a man. One is of mother’s category. The women/females like our mother, or aunt, grandmother, sister, daughter, or Lovely sisters of the sites of the"Face Book", whether they are blood relatives or not, comes under first category. And the ladies/Females like- beloved, wife, friends come under second category. The first category of women are respectable, are divinely, for a person, mostly the ladies under first category do unconditionally love men. Whereas the ladies of the category two may also be of like category-1 if they really love a person or may be so- so or may be average/just good ,or may be worst for men.

Even after, if a person as well as all of above takes reincarnation, the soul/the God maintains the dignity of above. Means in next reincarnation the females of category one remains as category one for a man and females of category two remains as category two for the same man.

All stories, we have heard from the people of life after death ,till date, implies that, those who remembered their earlier incarnation, they never told that the sister or mother of earlier incarnation became the beloved or wife in next incarnation. Means category of women were maintained.

The most surprising thing is that, there is constant rivalry between females of first category and second category for man, to whom they are related. Rarely, good relation is established between the ladies of two categories in case of very good hearted or divinely ladies.
The above phenomenon is how and why? I cannot explain. Or may the God forgive me, if I am wrong, since I am innocent.

Name Of God

A person has three sons , neighbors namely -Ram,Shyam ,Ganesh ,Mahesh etc. If he has to call them ,then who ever he has to call ,he will call by name.And the person who is being called ,shall respond the caller immediately after listening his or her name .In the same way, I have kept the name of the God - ओऊम्(ॐ), since it is the easiest to call without moving the tongue,others may keep the name God any thing -Like-Rama,Krishna,Allah,Wahe Guru or which ever they like the most.If we call the name of God or remember the God by name with love, he or she also definitely pays attention on us like, the person calls his son or neighbor or any body by name and the Pearson whom is being called responds to him.Please note-The God and his name unite/drab together (i.e.एकाकार ) and becomes one.And if you call him with the highest intensity with love -like Draupadi had called Lord krishna to save her prestige in the court of Dhritrashtra ,consequently,the God came/manifested himself immediately ,invisibly to save her prestige.Remember ,the human being may breach the trust but the God never breaches.....In Kalyuga(i.e. the present era of falsehood), who ever depends upon the name of God,certainly his or her all reasonable desires are fulfilled and awarded deliverance by the God.In Kalyyuga the basic worship and the easiest way to worship the God is taking/remembering the name of the God always with love,rather than meditating or adopting/ performing any other difficult methods prescribed in the religious books.
If I am wrong the God may forgive me,as I am an innocent person.

Not To Believe On Great People Also-Vivekanand

Meaning-A person may would have been the height of greatness,,but we should never trust upon him too much and follow him/her blindly.If the God would have wished it,then why he/she would have blessed us with or given us ,organs like eyes,nose,ears,mouth,brain etc. 
-Told by the great saint Swami Vivekanand 

Why we do not become a child in-front of God to forget the worldly pain.Probaly this is the best way to heal our agonies,which was taught to us by the God firstly when we were babies. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Rahul Baba-Joke

Rahul Baba Ke Bhajan Mata Sonia Ke Liye:

sun maiyaa mori, mai nahi UP dubaayo.
gwaal(yadav) baal(muslim) sab bairi pade the,
us par akhliesh kahan se aayo!
sun maiyaa more maine hi UP dubaayo!!
Shared with thanks to my brother Mr Mohit Sinha 

Reserved Classes In Trains Must Be Increased

There are two types of reserved classes in Indian trains under reservation category, mainly .One is AC and another is sleeper class. I think one more class must be introduced between AC and Sleeper Class, which should be slightly costlier than Sleeper Classes, specially for middle Class families, qualified people. Because I see in Sleeper Classes most of the Labor/workers reserve their seats .So it becomes very difficult for middle class families people to travel with workers/laborers who keep on going out side of the state to earn money or come back always from their. It is very difficult to accommodate the families of middle class within them and it looks awkward also and chances of theft pilferage of their goods are more. Also they need civilized people to travel with. If middle class families go to purchase tickets for AC Class it becomes too costly for them to accommodate their exposes within their earning. More over since the bogies of AC are less so it is very difficult to get reservation in AC Class.And every body do not like to travel in closed AC compartment due to medical problems . I surprised to note that, how much incompetent people/ministers are handling Railway Department that still they are unaware of the fact?
If I am right, then please share the above as much as you can so that it should reach in the ears of these worthless ministers.

God Is The Best Organizer

In Mahabharata -Arjuna taken an oath that, either he shall kill Jayadrath before sun set since he was the only person found the most guilty in killing Arjuna's son Abhimaniu or he will burn himself into ashes after the sun set. The Arrangement in Mabhatarata war was such that it was very difficult to reach at Jayadrath. All the day Arjuna tried his best but he could not reach up to Jayadrath .And it appeared that Sun set has occurred. All the people enemies of Arjuna became very very happy .As per promise Arjuna started being ready to die and started setting fire. The enemies along with friends of Arjuna got together to have a glimpse of the scene .Jayadratha also appeared and reached nearer to Arjuna cunningly to hurt Arjuna and started passing comments, assuming that the sun set has already taken place and Arjuna can not do anything as he promised. But God Krishna was smiling ,all of a sudden he moved towards Arjuna and told look still the sun set has not taken place kill the Jayadratha immediately. Arjuna looked at sky and became very much surprised that the sun again was in view of everybody and going to set within seconds. The Arjuna set his bow and arrows immediately sighted Jayadratha and struck in such a way that the head portion of Jayadratha flew into air after getting mutilated. Finally the head of Jayadratha fallen down in the lap of his father, the great saint. The saint was meditating deeply so he got up in hurry ,thus the head of Jayadratha had fallen on the ground because of his father and the head of the father jayadratha broken in hundred of pieces and he also died, who had cursed earlier that due to the person the head of jayadratha shall fall on ground (i.e. means the person who will kill Jayadratha),the head of the responsible person shall break in thousand of pieces(i.e. the killer of Jayadratha will also die).

The above is the best the best example ,that one and only one God controls the time and one and only one God coincides the situation along with events and the one and only one God is the best setter of sequences of occurrences/events, for the best of humanity and to kill/finish the evils..

The God Has To Manifest Himself For It's Lovers/Name Takers

If the two stones or dry woods rubbed together for a long time with a faith that fire shall erupt and the fire erupts after few or long time span.In the same way if One wood is the name of the God and another wood is our heart is rubbed together for long time of span ,the fire has to erupt ,some day ,when you will be able to meet the God and reach at your destination after getting realized,automatically,this I trust upon strongly.
-Said by the Great Saint Devraha Baba who him self was miraculous. 

Good Deeds Are More Necessary Than Worship

Too much doing worship of the the God, sitting in a temple is not required.If God is within us also ,so whom to worship?Our deeds should be good and remembrance of the God/God's name with love, is always required ,while doing good deeds ..and this is more than enough.Rest all the methods as prescribed in religious scriptures to worship the God are very difficult to perform ,now a days.So Lord Krishna (i.e.The God)has told "Karmanye Vadhikarashte ma faleshu kadachana."Means Only doing good deeds is your responsibility ,without thinking the result or fruit of it" because it is totally my(i.e. the God's) responsibility to grant us fruits against our deeds.What way ?The God knows only. 

Cleanness Of Insde

The inner emptiness is the Door to God. - Osho
-Shared with thanks to Mr Nilkamal Adak
"A brain and heart ,full of garbage or dust bin of feelings of hatred ,bad experiences of past ,to take revenge from somebody ,proud -never allows good things/thinking/light of divine to come in.So these garbage must be cleaned off always ,to generate space ,to allow goodness to come in.This is very much required to receive the light of the God and retain within us.So there must be the quality of forgetfulness of bad events within us.For theists this quality is must/inevitable.And we should always remember and be thankful for the the good deeds of others for us" . 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

To Be Thankful Even After Utility Of The Things

Everybody regards, loves, likes, wants to eat red, beautiful, sweet, ripe mangoes. After sucking the juice of it, when it becomes residue- Pip(i.e.गुठली )or dry or sucked completely ,everybody wants to throw it off or throw it finally, assuming that it is useless. I have high regards for such type of brave people,who pay respect to the Pip(i.e.गुठली ) and Rind (i.e.छिलका)of the sucked mango also, and take care of it equally as they loved, liked, regarded and taken care of red ripe mango, when it was juicy,even after being aware that the Pip(i.e.गुठली ) and Rind (i.e.छिलका)of the sucked juice mango has nothing to give them back. Even then ,they try to use its pip to plant and reproduce again thousands of red ripe mangoes through its tree. Or try to pay back the obligation of the mango lifelong.
-I do not know the meaning of above-may be applicable for mango, wife or beloved, cow or any other animal whose milk is used for our survival during our childhood, parents/elders who become old, the above mentioned quality of people is essentially required for the people who are on the way to God or theist.
This is the basic of Unconditional love, i.e. to love and serve for others without any hope of benefits from others and everybody must have this very basic quality ,as it is the ultimate height of worship of the God. Remember the services Mother Teresa.

Due To The God Every Thing Is Possible

"चरण कमल बंदौ हरी राई |
चरण कमल बंदौ हरी राई , चरण कमल बंदौ हरी राई |
जाके कृपा पंगु गिरी लंग है , अंधे को सब कुछ दर साई ||
बहिरौ सुने गूंग पुनी बोले , रंक चले सिर छत्तरा धराई ||
सूर दास स्वामी करुणा में , बारबार बंदौ तही पाई ||

Meaning-I devotedly worship such type of a God,by whose grace ,a limp crosses the mountain,a blind can see everything,deaf and dump starts speaking and the poorest of the poor becomes so rich that his servants put umbrella on him.The disciple Surdas when worships him(i.e.The God) with love,repeatedly every time he(i.e.Surdas) finds him(i.e.The God).
Writer-The great Blind Saint Surdas-The great disciple of Lord/God Krishna

Once people joked with the saint Surdas telling him ,"you are completely blind by birth, then how can you describe the decoration of "Bipin Bihari Maharaj"(i.e idol of lord Krishna in a temple at Vrindavan- place) i -what garment he has worn?what type of garland is there?...)
The disciple Surdas started singing a prayer and surprisingly he explained about each and every decoration of the idol of Lord Krishna so exactly ,accurately and minutely ,as he was looking every thing ,which even two eyed people could not see.
Like the above ,i was also not knowing to write anything about the God ,however it is all due to his grace.

Feeling Of Love And Its Emission

The feeling of love starts from a point,then it becomes a circle,finally it takes the shape of a sphere of love/divinity/safety and protection .The size of it increases,encloses the entire family then state,then nation,then the earth and finally the entire universe.Whereas ,the feeling of hate among us reduces the size of sphere from infinity to a point,which causes distruction everywhere.The size of sphere of love, be contingent upon increase or decrease of radius of sphere,and subsequently depends upon cumulatively , the feelings of each and every person.So if we hate others simply the radius or the size of sphere of divinity/love/safety and protection decreases for our- selves/people/family members also whom we love.Therefore everybody of this world is connected with eachother unknowingly.So we must love others and inject the feelings of love in others also,to save ourselves,if we are 

Other's Love Can Not Be Enslaved

We must not use our money, resources, high post, and position to enslave somebody's love for us. The real love can never be slave of others. Wait till infinite time period and just behave well, courteously with them from whom you want to be loved and pray to the God only. If the person starts loving you even after infinite time period, then you are fortunate. Only in the field of love, we are helpless. This phenomenon is totally governed by God only. Why everybody's mother loves her sons and daughters even if he/she is ugly, poor, eccentric, selfish, hard hearted or bad, just because of illusion created by the God. So why should not we try to love and concentrate on the God rather than wasting our time, and because
the god loves everybody ,so we should try to love the everybody unconditionally.


For rich people-Here is infection, there is infection, everywhere is infectious.
For poor people-The children are playing nakedly at Bus stands, Railway Stations and other public places, eating and drinking anything and they have much more strength than the sons and daughters of most of the rich or few middle class people, mentally and physically.
So where is infection?
In fact, infection is mental weakness of such type of people who do not want to work or work hard or suffering from guilty feeling.
I think infection itself is an inherent disease of most of the rich or few middle class people, in form of disorder of their thinking, or nerves of tissues of their brain, which can never be cured. So let them go mad. As the God is also an infection for

To Tolerate The Pain

The respected saint Hazrat Musa ,who could contact with the God directly ,once became sick, started shivering with high fever and body ache .As he could not tolerate the pain he prayed to the God. He recovered .After few days; again he started suffering from high fever and body ache .As usual again he started praying to the God to cure him. But this time, he listened the voice of God .The God was ...telling to him -"ha….ha...ha. ( being such a great disciple of me , you do not know -As I use to grant happiness to you ,I am the only, who gives pain to you also .The way you enjoy happiness you should learn to tolerate all these small problems also, happily .These problems are only for short duration, then again you will be alright. This is the go of life. So please do not escape. Even if, you request I shall cure you again. Hazrat Musa understood his fault, repented and after then he stopped to pray to the God to cure him for ever”.
If I am wrong the God may forgive me, because I am an innocent person.

To Get Relief From Problems By Saints

People use to go to get relief from their problems to great saints and they get relief also. But as far as possible it should be avoided.

It was famous about the great sufi saint/Fakeer, Hazrat Nizamudin Aulia, when he was alive, that who ever goes to him to demand anything ,the saint Hazrat Nizamudin Aulia grant him. Therefore lot of crowd used to approach his court to fulfill their desires or get relief from their troubles. And the court of the saint used to over crowd all the time. Once an another great Fakir/saint (i.e. name and identity of the another Fakir/Saint unknown) reached at the court of the Hazrat Nizamudin Aulia sahab to meet him .After looking at the crowd and observing the happenings, he became fed up ,and looked above at the sky and prayed to the God with full of tears in his eyes “Oh Allah(i.e.God) ,what small/scrubbed(i.e.निकृष्ट),hateful type of work you have granted/awarded to a great saint like Hazrat Nizamudin Aulia Sahab .If you really love us then kindly grant him relief from such types of work, by withdrawing his capacity to fulfill others desire”. After praying the another Fakir/saint vanished .People say that from that very moment the capacity to fulfill the desires of others of the great saint Hazrat Nizamudin Aulia sahab was withdrawn or made hidden by the God, so that he could himself pray to the God peacefully ,in the rest of his life.

The meaning of above occurrence-how and why? is still unknown.

If I am wrong the God may for give me as I am an innocent person.

Simplicity And The God

"Where there is simplicity there is God"
You may have lot of money,strength,beauty .But if you adopt simplicity -i.e. spend bare minimum money,strength and other resources to spend your life,and use rest of your excess money,strength and other resources for the betterment of other needy people then certainly you are a divinely person.If you are beautiful also you must not have proud of it,as it is totally God gifted ,so you should always thanks to the God only without misusing it and live a simple life as if we are poorest of the poor, to enable the God to flow all the above i.e. money ,strength, beauty of soul constantly to you always. 

Mahamritunjai Mantra

Most of the people learn only Maha Mritunjay Mantra(i.e the Mantra which saves us from death) to worship the God Shiva.Why?Are we fearful from death,this is why we pray to the God?This is not justified.We should love Shiva only and if the God Shiva thinks that death is justified for us and the only remedy of our problems,troubles is our death only, then let him grant us death and we should happily accept it.If we go to war to save our country then what is the use of reciting it?Even the God Shiva also do not like the cowards.
Here everybody on this earth is part and parcel of the Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati,and we must have eyes to see them in everybody.
Always remember,every mantra of Lord Shiva is equally effective,particularly if it is inclusive of name of Mother(i.e. Maa Parvati ,Sati ,Durga Kali etc.) and recited with love.
To me the most effective prayer of Lord Siva prayer is:-
नमामीशमीशान निर्वाणरूपं। विभुं व्यापकं ब्रह्मवेदस्वरूपं। निजं निर्गुणं निर्विकल्पं निरीहं। चिदाकाशमाकाशवासं भजेडहं निराकारमोंकारमूलं तुरीयं। गिरा ग्यान गोतीतमीशं गिरीशं। करालं महाकाल कालं कृपालं। गुणागार संसारपारं नतोडहं तुषाराद्रि संकाश गौरं गम्भीरं। मनोभूत कोटि प्रभा श्री शरीरं। स्फुरन्मौलि कल्लोलिनी चारु गंगा। लसद्भालबालेन्दु कण्ठे भुजंगा चलत्कुण्डलं भ्रू सुनेत्रं विशालं। प्रसन्नाननं नीलकण्ठं दयालं। मृगाधीशचर्माम्बरं मुण्डमालं। प्रियं शंकरं सर्वनाथं भजामि प्रचण्डं प्रकृष्टं प्रगल्भं परेशं। अखण्डं अजं भानुकोटिप्रकाशम्। त्रय: शूल निर्मूलनं शूलपाणिं। भजेडहं भवानीपतिं भावगम्यं कलातीत कल्याण कल्पांतकारी। सदासज्जनानन्ददाता पुरारी। चिदानन्द संदोह मोहापहारी। प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रभो मन्मथारी न यावद् उमानाथ पादारविंदं। भजंतीह लोके परे वा नराणां। न तावत्सुखं शान्ति सन्तापनाशं। प्रसीद प्रभो सर्वभूताधिवासं न जानामि योगं जपं नैव पूजां। नतोडहं सदा सर्वदा शम्भु तुभ्यं। जराजन्म दु:खौघ तातप्यमानं। प्रभो पाहि आपन्न्मामीश शंभो .(Written by the great Saint Goswami Tulsi Das)
Wish a very very happy Shivratri to all of you.
May the God Siva forgive me ,if I am wrong.

The God Helps Us For Self Realization

After numbers of days, today, again the fool like me thought that I usually never commit mistakes. I went to station to get into the train and captured my seat to travel one hour fifteen minutes journey to go to Thermal Power House to attend my regular duties, as usual. When only 5 minutes of travelling was balanced, the train was stopped at small station, due to non availability of Signal. Because I was bored of the journey, so got up from the seat, got down from the train and started roaming around on the platform. Suddenly the train was signaled to go ahead, because the line ahead of the train was clear. I got into the train, the train started running on its track gradually, I reached at my seat. I saw an old lady was sitting on my seat. Just being unthinkable or vacuum state or subconscious condition of mind, I indicated the old lady to vacate my seat, without speaking to her anything. The Old lady followed my untold instruction and walked away. The moment I sat on the seat, my consciousness awoke; I thought “oh I have done mistake, if I have to travel only five minutes, I should have allowed the old lady to sit on my seat. Can’t I stand for five minutes only? I generally do not commit such type of mistake any other day then why I have done today. I got up immediately and started searching the old lady to offer my seat to her, as the bogie was small and it was easy to trace her. Surprisingly, I could not be able to find her in the small bogie.
So being very hurt, repenting on my deed, with tearful eyes, I am prying to the God, and telling to him/her “oh God it is just you only, who forces us or motivates us to do good or bad deeds or commit sins. It is only you who do not allow the proud remain within us. We are nothing in front of you. Thanks for the illusion you have created, but at least you have manifested yourself once again to sit on my seat which I was going to offer you with love, after being self realized…..

Existence After Death

Every body exists in every body even after his or her death. Try to find your people whom you have lost, in others. If your intensity is more for the above certainly ,you will see you did not loose any body except the physical appearance of somebody, as he/she survives by the others, because finally every living thing of this universe are one and only one ,including the God .My journey towards divinity was started when I was a child, however I projected myself as a clown to hide myself in-front of you all ,probably you also do the same for happiness of others, being internally very silent as well as sentimental. -Regarding 99% death I have explored -If we would have been the God or divinely person who would have known or studied the entire past and probable future of a person, internally or externally, physical/mental condition of a person, the situation a person which he/she is facing or he/she will face in future, the pain which he or she is feeling due to social relationship or shall feel in future ,if he/she would have exist in his/her body ,if the death would not have occurred. You would have certainly concluded the one and only one death would have been the best solution for that very person who died. The God loves each and every body more than us, as his soul is part and parcel of the God, the God feel the pain of every body more than us, well in advance.
However, the vacant place due to the demise of the person can never be fulfilled, because the God creates one idol once for all only and he/she never repeats it, for the people who live in a life with the dead person, which is extremely painful for us.

Relation-Between Brother And Sister

True Story-Today I was travelling on the train to come to my office.The train journey is of one hour fifteen minutes.I saw a girl of age at about 19years ,got into the train.Her eyes were full of tears as she was weeping silently.I observed ,his father was also travelling with the girl ,but he was not caring for his worried daughter and behaving ruthlessly,as if it happens regularly.After 45 minutes of journey I asked that girl ,who was sitting in front of my seat "why are you crying"?She answered innocently to me that she was living with her brother whom she loves very much ,now she was going with her father to another place,so due to separation from her brother she was weeping.Then I asked from the girl,"Are we not your brothers?We are also like your brothers ,if you feel".Listening to me the girl smiled ,became happy,and stopped crying at-least for another half an hour till I was on the train. 

Mistakes By Anna Hazare And Baba Ramdev

The greatest mistakes committed by-a)Baba Ram Deo and 2)Mr Anna Hazare:-
a) Once the movement is started it should not be stopped/withdrawn, even if they had 
stopped/broken their hunger strikes, till the demand would not have been fulfilled. Because once the light of movement is lightened it should not be extinguished, in any case whatever the situation may be. It should be of do or die like pattern, once started it should not be stopped or done phase wise as they had done, irrespective of their health or age factor. In such type of movements one should never come back. The fire of movement must increase like fire in forest volume wise as well as quantum wise .People may would have sacrificed their lives happily.
b) One should not stick to that, the movement will be non violent only, it may take the shape of violence so everybody should have been prepared for it.
c) One should never believe on the enemy till the demand is fulfilled. But both of them had committed this mistake.
d) Both should have started their movements jointly for its drastic effect on general public/citizens.
e) In movement the opponents are always foe either it was BJP or Congress. One should not say, ha I am in support of BJP or Congress or any other ruling party, except the requisite demands of movement. Foe is Foe and must be treated as foe. Never go for friendship with them at all in any case.
f)One should not be fearful of being killed or dead or sick, like Baba Ramdeo and Mr Anna Hazare .Even if one is fearful he must hide his fear in-front of enemies, otherwise the morale of followers go down or they become demoralized ,which is not good for movement. Or when Mr Anna Hazare became sick ,he must would have roared and continued the movement, even if he was sick, at the most they would have died but the decision of movement would have been in their favor.
At least they should have learned something from freedom fighters of India or JP movement.

Shlokas About Guru/Teacher/Religious Teacher

About The Competent Guru/The Religious Teacher
Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshat Para Brahma
Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha

Meaning:Guru is verily the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. I salute such a Guru.

Akhanda Mandalaakaaram
Vyaaptam Yenam charaacharam
Tatpadam Darshitam Yena
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: Guru can guide us to the supreme knowledge of THAT which pervades all the living and non-living beings in the entire Universe (namely Brahman). I salute such a Guru.

Agnyaana Timiraandhasya
Gnyaana Anjana Shalaakayaa
Chakshuhu Unmeelitam Yenam
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: A Guru can save us from the pangs of ignorance (darkness) by applying to us the balm of knowledge or awareness of the Supreme, I salute such a Guru.

Sthaavaram Jangamam Vyaaptam
Yatkinchit Sacharaa Charam
TatPadam Darshitam Yena
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: That Guru who can enlighten us about the all pervading consciousness present in all the three world or states (of Jaagrath, Swapna and Sushupti ... activity, dream and deep sleep state), I salute such a Guru.

Chinmayam Vyaapi Yatsarvam
Trailokya Sacharaa Charam
TatPadam Darshitam Yena
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: That revered Master who directs my attention to the ONE divinity existing in all that is inert (immobile) as well as that which is active (mobile), I salute such a Guru.

Sarva Sruti Shiroratna
Viraajita Padambujaha
Vedaantaambuja Sooryo Yah
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: That Guru who is the ocean of the Srutis (Vedas), the Sun of knowledge (who can destroy our ignorance with these rays), I salute such a Guru.

Chaitanyah Shaashwatah Shaantho
Vyomaateeto Niranjanaha
Bindu Naada Kalaateetaha
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: That Guru who is the representative of the unchangeable, ever present, peaceful spirit, who is one pointed and beyond the realm of space and time, whose vision is always enchanting, I salute such a Guru.

Gnyaana Shakti Samaaroodah
Tatwa Maalaa Vibhooshitaha
Bhukti Mukti Pradaaneyna
Tasmai sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: The one who is an ocean of knowledge, who is always in Yoga (in unison With God) who is adorned by the knowledge of the God principle, the One Who can liberate us from this mundane existence, I salute such a Guru.

Aneka Janma Sampraapta
Karma Bandha Vidaahine
Atma Gnyaana Pradaaneyna
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: The one who can help us free from the chain of karma accumulated over several lives, by teaching us the knowledge of the self (Atma Gnyaana), I salute such a Guru.

Shoshanam Bhava Sindhoscha
Gnyaapanam Saarasampadaha
Guror Padodakam Samyak
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: The one who can help us cross this ocean of life, the one who can reveal to us the Divine, I adore his Paadukaas (hold on to his feet), I salute such a Guru.

Na Guror Adhikam Tatwam
Na Guror Adhikam Tapaha
Tatwa Gnyaanaat Param Naasti
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: There no greater principle than the Guru; there is no greater penance than the Guru; There is no greater knowledge than meditation on such a Guru. I salute such a Guru.

Mannaathah Sri Jaganaatho
Madguruhu Sri Jagad Guruhu
Madh Atma Sarva Bhootaatma
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: The Lord of the world is my Lord and the Guru of the World is my Guru, the SELF in me is the same which is present in all (the same divinity inherent in all beings). I salute such a Guru (who gives me this insight).

Guroraadi Anaadischa
Guruh Parama Daivatam
Guroh Parataram Naasti
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha.

Meaning: The Guru has neither beginning nor end; the Guru is the ultimate God (in the visible form). There is nothing beyond this Guru principle, and I salute such a Guru.

Dhyaanamoolam Gurur Moorthihi
Poojamoolam Guroh Padam
Mantramoolam Guror Vaakyam
Moksha Moolam Guru Krupa.

Meaning: The Guru's form is the best to meditate upon; the Guru's feet are the best for worship; the Guru's word is the mantra; the Guru's Grace is the root of liberation.

Brahmaanandham Parama Sukhadam
Kevalam Jnaana Murthim
Dhvandhvaa Theetham Gagana Sadhrisham
Tathvam Asyaadi Lakshyam
Ekam Nithyam Vimalam Achalam
Sarvadhee Saakshi Bhutham
Bhavaatheetham Thriguna Rahitham
Sadhgurum Tham Namaami.

Meaning: This sloka tries to describe the qualities of a true Guru. A real Guru has the following qualities. He experiences the supreme Bliss of Brahmaananda (transcedental divine bliss). He enjoys and confers changeless supreme happiness. He is beyond space and time (there is nothing higher than him). He is the embodiment of wisdom which is the basis for all types of knowledge. He transcends the pair of opposites (such as happiness and sorrow, gain and loss). He is more Omnipresent than space itself. He is the very embodiment of the Divine principle, which is the inner meaning of the four great pronouncements Prajnaanam Brahma, Aham Brahmasmi, Thath Thvam Asi and Ayam Aathma Brahma. He is One without a second (ekam). He never changes under any circumstances (nithyam). He is without any type of impurity (vimalam). He is steady and motionless(achalam). He is the witness of everything. He transcends mental comprehension and verbal explanation. He is beyond the three gunas (sathva, rajas and thamas). I offer my humble salutations to such a Guru who possesses all these qualities.

To Help Others Irrespective Of Our Situation

We must love,help and protect others,irrespective of our situation/condition ,without shame,with confidence, as we are looking on the face of the poor girl.If we can not do it, then it is useless to believe in God,worship ,meditate and talk/write high level as a scholar, because we are nothing and doing nothing for the God/Society.
Indians are appreciable............. 

About Taking And Giving

Which you cannot give or return back to others,you should not take from others. 

Saint Vidiyapati

The great poet /saint of Indo Nepal Border saint Vidyapati, disciple of Shiva/God, became aged and week enough to look after his wife / family and do regular works. Looking at his pitiable condition and the strong wish of his follower, to be with him always, the God/Shiva manifested himself as a lad and went to the saint Vidyapati to serve for him as a servant. The saint identified him that the God has come to serve for him. Lord Shiva/God has promised to the saint that he will reside at his home as a servant till he does not reveal his identity to others. But once his wife got very much angry on the Lad/God/Servant and started abusing him. The moment the saint listened to it, he could not be able to tolerate and rebuked his wife, interrupted him by telling “don’t you know to whom you are abusing, is the master of universe/the God Shiva”.
The promise was broken, so the Lord Shiva vanished. After then both the husband and wife repented and the saint became half mad, always started weeping in the love of the God,because the God left him due to above .In this condition he wrote the poem/prayer” Ugnaa re mor to Kata gela”Means-Ugna was the name of the servant God ,where have you gone…Finally the God/Shiva granted him happiness and deliverance.
So the, God being the master of universe, has no proud to serve for others/followers in their love and being the least of the least people like us, who have no existence in- front of the God feel shame, hesitate to serve for others and become very much egoistic- is it a biggest joke or not?

White Skinned Foreigners Are Also Brahmins

There is a story,which I had heard from horses mouth. Ravan had a son of extremely white skin colour.Immediately after his birth,Ravana had to send him to far and fest peninsula ,as his astrologers forecast about the child,that the child is very inauspicious for his family and if the child remains in his palace the entire Lanka shall be ruined and his relatives shall be killed.So these Christians of other continents including Asia are off springs of Ravana's Son and are basically Brahmins-the most pious, holy caste of Hindu religion people,who are allowed to worship the God prior to other castes. 

Significance Of Saints

The significance of the people who are allowed to be in the court of the God-When ever you look at their faces you will remember the God.Or whenever you remember the God they will automatically flash in your memory. 

Sweetness Of Inside

Every bitter has sweetness inside.Suppose, if bitter would not have been there,who would have regarded sweetness? 

Sweetness Of Bitter People

Every bitter has extreme high level of hidden sweetness in his inside.My experience says, bitter people are,if revealed, can prove thousand times more sweeter than ,generally renowned Sweet People.These bitter people have tremendous quality to give any thing to their loved ones but they never show off.Generally they are always less cunning than sweet spoken people.Once they start loving somebody they never deceit ,whom they love.Few or lot of people speak sweet, lovely but contain deadly poison in their hearts for others. Suppose, if bitter would not have been there,who would have appreciated sweetness? 

Eternal Beauty Of A Person

Heroine of a movie attracted on Hero, because he was beautiful, good-looking, marble white, handsome, charming, blue eyed. She said to the hero “Oh dear I love you. Because you are so beautiful, good looking, marble white, and owner of beautiful blue eye-balls”
Hero Answered “After being so many days with me, you could know only this much about me? Have you ever tried to go inside my beautiful blue eye-balls, have you ever crossed my eye balls to know, what I am actually? Tomorrow I may be ugly or not beautiful as I am today then you will not like me? So, it would be better if you to go to my friend, who really loves, you.”
(The dialogues of famous Hindi Movie of Raj Kapoor.Name –Aag (i.e.-Fire), Actor/Hero-Raj Kapoor, Actress/Heroine-Nargis)

Prayer for Every bodies Happiness

"Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah,
Sarve Santu Niraamayah,
Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu,
Maa Kaschid Dukha Mapnuyat.
Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi".

"O Lord, In Thee May All Be Happy,
May All Be Free From Misery,
May All Realise Goodness,
And May No One Suffer Pain.
"O God, please let the peace live everywhere."

To Understand Somebody's Pain

"If somebody is suffering from pain in inside ,not speaking to anybody neither he/she is weeping or crying ,And you do not understand that he/she is crying, silently, then your life is worthless,you did not achieve any thing in the way to the God,because still you are unable to listen to the language of divinity." 

Incarnation And Death-Rama Krishna

Once,The great saint,Shri Ramkrishna Parmahansa was sitting in a Grocery shop. The owner of the shop was hardly of 22years old. Since his father was died in early age, so, he became the in-charge/owner of the shop. Surprisingly ,the people observed a goat was coming to the shop continuously, repeatedly and every time the 22years old owner of the owner of the shop was driving it away by abusing, caning it ,by stick .Looking at this Shri Ramkrishne Parmahansa laughed loudly, and then kept mum,and then walked away.
After sometime one of the followers of Shri Ramkrishne Parmahansa asked from Shri Ramkrishne Parmahansa, “Sir you usually do not laugh but why you were laughing loudly at the Grocery shop”. Shri Ramkrishne Parmahansa answered “Look. The Goat was the father of his 22years old son, who is presently the owner of the shop. I laughed because I saw the same behavior, he( i.e. the goat )was receiving from his son, what he was doing with the poor customers/people ,when he was alive in the form of human being in his earlier birth/incarnation”……Think it over…..

The Significance Of The Great People

The significance of the greatest/divinely people, at the highest level:-
a) They are just like ocean, who allows everybody to take water from it without discrimination, but its water level always is constant, irrespective of whatever the quantity of water we draw from it. 
b) They are like sun, the light of which falls everywhere, without discrimination.
c) They are like earth, who allows everybody to walk on it, even if the person is enemy of it, without discrimination.
Can not we forget the discrimination, to try to reach at higher level, from where we are? If it is the only condition to achieve the greatness. 

The Name Of God

If you "haven't found IT". maybe you should let IT find YOU!
--Shared With Thanks to Mr Andonis Papandoniou

Fighting With Judo Karate Person

If unknowingly you involve yourself in fighting with a judo karate specialist and he starts giving poses then you also start giving poses like him as if you also know judo and karate and start soughting like cat.Move your eyes left and right,up and down ,to the corners without moving your head and try to search a narrow uninterrupted street.Then sought like a cat once again, take a sharp turn,jump like leopard towards the narrow street and fly/run away through narrow street like a mouse as fast as you' 

Disciplined Society

A disciplined society with few mental patients is better than an undisciplined society .Discipline is necessary in every walk of life.Of course excess of everything is bad. 
Females put/use lipsticks on their lips, snow and powder to make their faces beautiful. They should do it casually, not very sincerely or devotionally. Sometimes these makeups penetrate their bodies and reach at their souls. Then it makes them of showy characters, where everything remains as imitation, without originality. These thick layers of beauty products, thickens the skin of the souls and makes them insensitive to receive messages from us/God, to understand other’s pain or merging with the God will be very difficult with thick skins.
However, in the cases of exalted souls, I have seen, even if the makeup is used, but the basic good inherent qualities of female remain the same. But simplicity with minimum makeup is the best.

God And Wine -Joke

Sharabi Bhakt : Hey Bhagwan....Kya Aap meri sharaab chhurwa sakte ho ?
Bhagwan : Kyun nahi beta ....
Bhakt : To meri 6 bottal Biwi ne zabt kiya hai...Woh chhurwa do pl ... !!!
Shared with Thanks to Mr Sushil Vir Sahab