Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Existence After Death

Every body exists in every body even after his or her death. Try to find your people whom you have lost, in others. If your intensity is more for the above certainly ,you will see you did not loose any body except the physical appearance of somebody, as he/she survives by the others, because finally every living thing of this universe are one and only one ,including the God .My journey towards divinity was started when I was a child, however I projected myself as a clown to hide myself in-front of you all ,probably you also do the same for happiness of others, being internally very silent as well as sentimental. -Regarding 99% death I have explored -If we would have been the God or divinely person who would have known or studied the entire past and probable future of a person, internally or externally, physical/mental condition of a person, the situation a person which he/she is facing or he/she will face in future, the pain which he or she is feeling due to social relationship or shall feel in future ,if he/she would have exist in his/her body ,if the death would not have occurred. You would have certainly concluded the one and only one death would have been the best solution for that very person who died. The God loves each and every body more than us, as his soul is part and parcel of the God, the God feel the pain of every body more than us, well in advance.
However, the vacant place due to the demise of the person can never be fulfilled, because the God creates one idol once for all only and he/she never repeats it, for the people who live in a life with the dead person, which is extremely painful for us.

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