Saturday, November 17, 2012

Though the God is only one ,invisible,shapeless and available everywhere equally. However ,Please worship those Gods/Religious Teachers/Guru only whom you like/appreciate the most,about whom you are the most sensuous ,to whom you can offer your worship heartily..........
There must be Kilometer Stones/meters in the path of the God to assess, how far we are from the God?And for also to know whether we are travelling towards the God or going away from the God......


If you want to love somebody,keep him/her at arms length or at a distance from you ,so that you can love him/her always.Because:-
"विरह प्रेम की कसौटी है।विरह की अग्नी मे ही तप कर सोना खरा सोना बनता है"।
Meaning-"Separation from our beloved is the real test(i.e. Criterion) of love.Since ,the more the gold will be pure ,the more it is heated by fire of separation".
Hence,though the God is very close to us ,within us ,but we feel that he/she is far away from us,so that we can search him/her eagerly and love him/her heartily .
I observe that lot of people/Females specially are afraid of night/darkness. I think it is wrong, because there is no much difference between night and day, darkness and light. As mentioned in the most holy Hindu religion’s book “Durga Saptashati" -If night is utilized properly, we can gain lot of extraordinary divine powers during night. All good, creative, auspicious, creative thinking, innovations are injected in us by divine power during night only, which we work out during days. But pure, pious thinking, worshiping of the God is required during night also. Though the God is only one. But he/she deputes different representatives/saints, other than day, to take care of us during night.
Sometimes I find the night also as very pleasant, peaceful like the day and enjoy as I enjoy during day hours, if it is needed.

Meaning-"If you want to maintain relationship with somebody for life long, then please construct a tomb in your heart, wherein you will be able to bury all the faults/mistakes committed by the person with whom you wish to maintain the relation for life long".

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Real theists are beyond time and space.They are just like beautiful God gifted flowers ,which may bloom ,any time, irrespective of time and seasons.They always live in this world and leave this world ,like gueats ,as per their will and wish, for the benefit of others.
My the great Guru/religious teacher is Saint "Baua Sahab"of Kabir Panth (Means the disciples the great saint Kabir Das) of Bharwara,a place near Drabhanga ,Bihar. Now he is no more physically. He died two years ago. He was also a very miraculous person and favored worked for the poor people all the life. He always taught us that we/theists must live /depend upon self earned money by doing hard work. So he himself opted to become a teacher of Government School .He always told that the earnings from house rent, ancestors property, or gifted property should not be utilized for self as these are/may be the property of sin. So the great saint Kabir Das used to prepare/sew blankets to sell in the market and the great Saint Raidas used to make/repair shoes and take money from people against his hard labor. And they always ate the food, earned by their own, what so ever the work he had to do in their time period..
There is a vast difference between the two statements ,as under;
a)I am the God AND b)The God is within me also ,as the God is within every living thing of this world.
1)The God is equally everywhere in this universe,invisibly-are you?So a) is may be wrong.
2)The God neither takes birth nor dies -Are you?So a) a may be wrong.
3)The God is the least of the least and biggest of the big-infinite-Are you?So a) is wrong 
4)Nothing is in this universe is like the God-Every body is like you,So a) is wrong.
5)The word God and the word love are synonyms,may not be you?So a) is wrong.
6)The God can manifest himself/herself in any shape as you imagine for him/her.Can you?Never.So a)may be wrong.
Therefore a) is the speech of arrogant type of People who are not God.We must beware of such type of people who say"I am the God".The above is as per the religious scriptures Vedas,Quran etc.
I struggled internally before writing in Face Book that whether I should share the secrets of the God/Experiences of divine with people or not.I thought people may say that I am doing all these,to gain importance .Experienced people also say these experiences are purely personal,it should be secret,and never disclosed to general people .But I observed the new generation people are loosing their trust on the God because elders did not share their experiences with younger much because of their business to earn money.Also I thought If I die suddenly keeping all these secrets in my mind then every thing shall be finished once for all.Lastly, I decided to share it with the members of face book,so that people must be aware of the supreme power and must believe strongly on the God to stop the evi
lness/sins committed by the people ,assuming that no body is watching them and they are free to fly in every sky. Please note,I am a simple general man ,I am neither a saint nor divinely person may not always be a good man also.But I have always spared few time in the path of the God/Divine.Though I had experienced a lot but few experiences I share with you time to time to awake you or to make you believe "yes there is the God,who is watching everything".I may be punished by God for doing the same or the God may not liking that secret experiences should be shared publicly but I am ready to face the consequences ,assuming that at least I could be able to strengthen the believe of the people on the God and finally pray to the God to for give me......
Every flower/happiness of this world is not meant for everybody.So we should never dare to grab the happiness-es of others ,which are not meant for us.
Every Sun Set indicates of Sun Rise after the dark night.The more the night will be horrible the more the colorful morning will be.Of course horizons/career may be different from earlier.
The nectar of divinity/kindness of the God, is always drizzling from the sky,invisibly.It is totally up to us, how much we absorb it
The Great Poet of Urdu Mr Galib has told -
"Umra bhar galib ye Bhool Karta Raha,
Dhool Chehre pe thi ,Aur Ayina Saaf Karta Raha."
"Entire life Galib has committed mistake,
Dust was their on his face only,but he went on cleaning the mirror".
Therefore we must have capacity to judge that we are at fault and not the others.
On the occasion of Ramnavami ,Ram i.e. lord Vishnu manifested himself in his original form in front of mother Kausalya,as his son,as he boon to her in her earlier incarnation.But the mother Kaushalya requested him that she wants that the God should play the role of baby and allow her(i.e. mother Kaushalya )to bring up the God Rama as a natural child.The vishnu/Ram obeyed and manifested himself again in a baby form and started weeping in the lap of mother Kaushalya and granted her opportunity to bring up the God/Ram in the form of child for the pleasure of mother Kausalya.So, the Kausalya always knew that his son was not an ordinary person.And she always allowed Ram to take challenges ,to fight and kill sinners/inhuman persons/giants without fear AND NEVER TRIED TO KEEP RAM UNDER HER POSSES
SION FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANITY,THOUGH THE GOD EMPOWERED HER TO STOP OR TO KEEP HIM UNDER HER POSSESSION ALWAYS.In the someway the mothers of Lord Krishna never stopped their son to fight for humanity.Do these mothers did not love their children?
I say, what has happened to the mothers of present era?why do not they spare/teach their child to fight for humanity,nation?Why do not they sacrifice their son in the interest of society?
I think if every mother thinks that his Son is Ram and bring up her child accordingly then definitely everybody's son shall become Ram. Otherwise during entire time period of his life a son shall remain under possession of his mother and later on under possession of his wife,being the most impotent person for the society,nation,humanity, world , universe and finally for the God.
Mother is the greatest boon for a son/daughter in this universe granted to human beings by the God,which can never be replaced by any other happiness.
Have you ever heard ,a man went to bless somebody and he himself blessed by somebody whom he went to bless.Yes this occurred with me.
Yesterday, I was invited by my subordinate/colleague who is like my younger brother Mr Sikandar Dubey,as he was blessed by a daughter,so he organized a function at his house.I was not keeping well since three four days as I was suffering from stomach trouble and indigestion problems.I had taken medicine also but it could not help me much.His house was located at about 100 KMs away from my Office.I had to attend Safety meeting with NTPC dignitaries ,which was scheduled from 4Pm to 5PM.So I started from office late.By 8:30Pm I could able to reach at Patna town where the function was scheduled.I hired a Taxi because I had to do shopping.While in the market all 
the time I was searching "Bail Juice" which is supposed to be like medicine for stomach problems,for relief ,as I was feeling very upset,suffering from vomiting tendency.But I could not find any vendor of the same.However I went to the venue where the function was scheduled.My colleague became very very happy, he shown his newly born baby ,she was quite good .I blessed her.Then I was offered by colleague to have dinner.I was feeling like trembling/vomiting tendency/mild pain in stomach, even then I could not refuge to eat the rich diet offered to me.I thought let us see what happens.I ate well and told thanks to my colleague as I was fearful and thinking that I may have to suffer from severe problems during yesterday's night.I started my journey at 10Pm to come back to my house by Taxi which was again of half an hour journey. BUT MIRACULOUSLY while coming to my home I started feeling well automatically.AND NEAR BY my house ,surprisingly,I saw a vendor who was closing his shop, where the Bail Juice which was not expected .I asked from him for bail juice , hoping negatively because it was too late.He answered yes sir I have three glasses balance.I had taken the juice immediately,then came back to my house.I recovered too rapidly ,and I am in the office today , free from any trouble.....
Go through the Biographies of great people and "Be like them" .Do not worship them. Because the Real Worship of them is to "Be like them only”. As only to worship them or regard them and not living our lives like them or not following them, straightaway means simply to cheat/insult them.Since,we have already experimented and wasted our lot of time in only worshiping to them and still no significant/remarkable development/progress is observed till date within us..
"Soor surya tulsi shashi ,Udhav ke sab daas,
Ab ke kavi khadyot sam,jah tah karat prakash"
Means -In the sky of poem, the real great poets were ,Saint Tulasi Das who was like Moon and Saint Soor Das who was like Sun ,only,who wrote numbers of worthy books of poems in praise/love of the God only,But in comparison to these poets ,the poets in these days ,are just like fireflies(i.e.जुगनू),which emits little lights of poetry ,worthlessly without reasons ,here and their.
If you are aware-Prahlad and Dhruv could able get the blessing of the Lord Narayana/Vishnu in their childhood ,as per religious scriptures.Please tell me-Whom you would appreciate as the Greater Follower of Lord /God Narayana/Vishnu among Bhakt Prahlad or Dhruva.And whose father was more culprit -of Bhakt Prahlad-i.e Hirana kashya or of Dhruv -i.e.Uttanpad.And why?
A too much self conscious person can not take care of others.
A melodious sad song sung by Mukesh-
When the pain of love tortures me I use to laugh.
In this world if somebody weeps then I use to laugh.
If somebody lit the candle of her/his ambitions in my ruined life,I use to laugh.
I have no complains,no claims with others but whenever I take pity on myself I use to laugh.

The Photo is of my the great Guru/religious teacher Saint "Baua Sahab"of Kabir Panth (i.e.Means the disciples of the great saint Kabir Das) of Bharwara, a place near Drabhanga ,Bihar,India. Now he is no more physically. He died two years ago.
In the year 2000 I resigned from the existing job, went to my home town and started doing business of my own. But it was not suitable, so again I applied for the job and got the offer to join the company again. I was not going to join the job, as I was fearful because my parents, uncle and other relatives were aged who loved me very much since I had taken birth.I had strong feeling/six sense, if I shall go to Gujarat,Kutch,(Near Bhuj) situated at around 2000KMs from my home town Muzaffarpur,Bihar, they may die and I shall not be in a position to mee
t them again. I went to my religious teacher/Guru Baua Sahab and told this to him. The Guru/religious teacher asked me 'Do you think that you are God?The God runs the world in his own way whereas we always remain under confusion that we are moving the world.Then he started thinking for a moment and replied me "This is my order that you have to go and join the job”. I hesitated again. Then he smiled and told me “Ok I assure you,till you will not come back I shall look after them(i.e. my parents and relatives) and I confirm nothing will happen to them till you will not come back”. I had trust upon my religious teacher. I went to Gujarat,Kutch situated at western border of India.I stayed their for three years during the period of my job. Then I was transferred to Parali Vaiznath ,Maharastra were I again stayed for one year. After then, surprisingly, I got an offer of another job from another company near my home town ,at Patna. I resigned from the existing job and joined another job in the year end of 2005.
After coming back I went to meet my Guru/religious teacher, he became very happy. But still I believe he was aware of every thing(i.e. past and future) and he had manipulated/arranged all these internally by his divine powers.
And after then the series of deaths started knocking the door of my house/relatives one by one -firstly my mother, then uncle, then aunt, then maternal uncle, then Guru religious teacher himself ….so on.
Still I repent that why I came back from Maharashtra I should have been their…
So if it is said that the Guru/religious teacher is God/Like God then it is never never wrong.....

"Davik Dahik Bhautik Taapa,
Ram Rajya Kabhoo Nahi Vyapa"
(Saint Tulasi Das)
Means-Any type of physical, mental,divinely ,bodily problems can not harass any citizen ,if the King of the Country is Ram/God.
If the King of the country is religious,noble,Kind,Honest,Brave,truthful,industrious,hard working like the God/ Ram and citizen of the Country worship him ,keep trust upon him,follow him, then any type of physical, mental,divinely ,bodily problems can not occur to harass any citizen.
Daya ,Garibi,Bandagi,Samta,Sheel,Vichar.
Hain lakhchan ye sant Ke kahe Kabi Pukar.
(Through My Religious Teacher Saint Baua Sahab Written by the Great Sait Kabir Das)
The real saint must have the following six Characteristics:-
1) Kindness 2) Poorness-Even if he is rich, has acquired high academic knowledge, Holds high post and Powers, is strong Enough bodily and people, but he/she never be arrogant/proud of it and lives like simple, general or poor people 3) Always pray to the God 4) Equality-He/She must treat equally –rich or poor, scholar or illiterate, must treat equally the people of all religion or atheists also .5) Noble 6) Wisdom-He/she must have inner sense (i.e. not the Academic Knowledge), listen to voice of heart or soul or foresightedness that if he/she does something then what would be its repercussion in future.
Therefore, to be a real saint special type of dress or look is not at all required. A simple person, who does not have special appearance/look, looks like a general man can also be real saint...
"Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved...for You are the one I praise!" Jer. 17:14

Dearest Jesus, Your love reaches deep into the darkness of my sin...and You bring Your light and healing. Thank you, Lord, for saving me...You alone I worship and praise! — with Mark Craft Sr and 5 others.
See how much the great,invisible ,omnipresent ,only one God is adjustable itself for our requirements-If we need property it becomes -Mother Lakshmi(i.e Goddess of property as per Hindus) ,if we want knowledge it becomes Goddess of Saraswati(i.e Goddess of studies and knowledge,wisdom ,as per Hindus) ,If we need strength it becomes Hanuman or Durga(i.e.God and Goddess of Hindus of strength) for us.If we need to be rescued,and want that our sins should be forgiven it becomes the Jesus Christ, the savior.If we need to civilize and unite the community , it becomes Mohammad Paigambar.In the same way it becomes Ram,Krishna.Guru Nanak,saints as per our need,to fulfill our requirements.It manifests itself in thousands of shape at a time to satisfy us ,as per our imagination,like we look at the same earth being at different places at space and from each point of the space the earth appears to be different till we do not go far away from the earth(i.e. towards the deliverance) and look at the earth to appear to be the same.
But we never adjust or try to adjust with others,whose natures are not like us even if the person is our family member.Are we greater than the God? Think it over...............
Once I got into the train, to come to my house after attending my regular duties of office. It was 6:30PM.I got my seat at opposite side of husband and wife with their baby (i.e girl child) hardly one and half hears old. I was tired enough so I was looking out side of the window and having glimpse of natural beauty.
All of a sudden a small leg kicked me, my concentration was diverted .I saw the cute baby, who was sitting on the lap of his father/mother was smiling very sweetly and looking at me .I smiled in return. In our area the girl child or babies are respected like Goddesses. But being aware that she was with her parent, I felt shy to talk/ look at her and thanked the God that how much he loves me and again started looking out side of the window, pretending that I am not caring that m
uch ,but in fact I was internally because the baby was very cute. Again I got a kick from the baby, I looked at her she was smiling so I smiled in return with love, heartily and thanked to the God for his indirect blessings to me through the baby.
Suddenly a hawker entered into the train and started selling “Laayee”(i.e. small round shaped sweets. I usually do not like sweets much,particularly this Laayee, I never liked to purchase earlier. But surprisingly that very day, I had strong feeling to have it, for unknown reasons .as if, I was being forced by invisible power. I purchased five pieces of it and was to have one piece of it; I watched suddenly a small hand moved forward my hand and snatched two pieces of the sweets. I looked above, again this was a that sweet, cute baby who already started eating the sweets from my hand. I could not stop my smile again, looking at the baby. But her parents felt awkward they told me sorry for this, I replied ok no problem it is my pleasure. I again thanked to the God sentimentally/internally to accept sweets from a poor follower like me in the form of a little girl child. But the parent thought that they should purchase the Layee themselves so they purchased huge quantity (i.e 10 to 15nos) of the same and again given to their daughter who was about to finish the Layee that she had taken from me .I surprised to see that the baby did not accepted their purchased sweet. Still I do not know what was the relation between me and the baby girl child?
The point to be noted here-The strong desire of the little baby influenced me to purchase the Laayee( i.e. the sweet which usually I never purchase).Is the same phenomenon occurs ,when the pregnant lady demands to eat such types dish which they never liked to eat earlier ,due to influence of the baby in their abdomen during their pregnancy period..
The God is Crazy-Because nobody knows from whom he would like to accept the gift/food or snacks to eat...
We human being are the most civilized, intelligent and sensible creation of the God. We are part and parcel of the God .But we are Robots of the God. We generally/mostly keep our names among User’s Name and Pass Word, as one factor in our computers or for other important works to open the computer. In the same way, I am sure that Name of the God is also one of the main factor to reveal the secrets of the God, The other factor among the two i.e. User’s Name and Pass Word may be love, our behavior or character, which we must remember always.
“The play of divine no body knows".
Do you know ?Several times it happened with me ,that I missed the train and whenever if I had taken it playfully, assuming that it is all due to will and wish of the God, the next moment I got another opportunity better than the earlier I missed.. When I see the career graph of people and my friends, I surprised to note that ,the toppers in school days ,had been left far behind due to unknown reasons and I again astonished to note that mostly all mediocre, back bencher are in a very good position , doing well in jobs and business ...Why and How?…Nobody Knows.….
I also see persons trying hard to get success but they never get success, even if it was expected hundred percent ...Why and How?…Nobody Knows.….
I also see good natured people suffered a lot in their life tried hard rigorously to come out of their troubles ,but never got success ...Why and How?…Nobody Knows.….
Few people enjoyed their entire lives without hurdle...Why and How?…Nobody Knows.
“The play of divine no body knows".
Do you know ?Several times it happened with me ,that I missed the train and whenever if I had taken it playfully, assuming that it is all due to will and wish of the God, the next moment I got another opportunity better than the earlier I missed.. When I see the career graph of people and my friends, I surprised to note that ,the toppers in school days ,had been left far behind due to unknown reasons and I again astonished to note that mostly all mediocre, back bencher are in a very good position , doing well in jobs and business ...Why and How?…Nobody Knows.….
I also see persons trying hard to get success but they never get success, even if it was expected hundred percent ...Why and How?…Nobody Knows.….
I also see good natured people suffered a lot in their life tried hard rigorously to come out of their troubles ,but never got success ...Why and How?…Nobody Knows.….
Few people enjoyed their entire lives without hurdle...Why and How?…Nobody Knows.
‎"IMPORTANT" -PLEASE GO THROUGH IT-It is always better to think that the God is shapeless and equally available at each and every places
.But even if we are idol worshiper then we must know that -in each and every temple the idol of the same God whom we worship is different.Somewhere the Idol of the God we worship is big ,somewhere it is small ,some where it is thin ,some where it is fat,somewhere it is of red colour ,somewhere the idol is prepared by black stone.So one may get confused which shape is to imagine in our mind?As we did not see the God ,so exactly what is the Shape of the God ,we may can not imagine .So it is better to select one idol , one temple and one God out of Ram,Krishna ,Shiv or Durga etc....whom we like the most .to imagine and to worship the God whole heartily with 
full trust upon it.Remember even the Saint Tulsi Das could not worship the idol of Lord Krishna as it was not in the shape of the Ram whom he worshiped always,in vrindavan or any other place/temple.
-"Ek Saadhey sab sadhey"If we control /practice on one God fully then all other Gods will be under our control automatically-As they are only one.
That is why the concept of Guru/Religious teacher is brought.If we imagine/think that our Guru /Religious teacher is God/like God ,then we can imagine the perfect shape of the God life long,without deviation or confusion.But remember it is not advisable to imagine the shape in static state of Guru/Religious teacher like an idol.
This is why the great saint/disciple of Ram Saint Tulsi Das also said:-
"Dhyan Mulam Guru Murty ,Pooja Mulam Guru Paduka,
Mantra Mulam Guru Vakyam ,Moksh Mulam Guru Kripa"
Meaning-"While meditating, we should meditate the shape of our Guru/Religious teacher only as God Centrally ,The foot/Lower portion of leg of Guru/religious teacher should be worshiped/imagined centrally,The preaching of Guru/Religious teacher should be treated as Mantras or followed strictly by us. When the Guru/our religious teacher becomes very kind on us,we shall get the deliverance from this painful world for not to come back to this world again",which is the most easy way.
If I am wrong the God may forgive me because I am an innocent person.....
The horrible experiences-
a) Ask the preciousness of a year from a person ,who has failed in exams.
b)Ask the preciousness of a month from a person who did not get the salary of last month.
c)Ask the preciousness of a week from the person who have spent a week in the Hospital.
d)Ask the preciousness of the bread from the person who remained hungry all the day.
e)Ask the preciousness of an hour from the person who has to wait for somebody.
f)Ask the preciousness of a minute from the person,who has missed the train.
g)Ask the preciousness of a second from the person who could save himself from an accident.
(Shared with thanks to Rimmi Sinha)
I have experienced , all the above horrible experiences.But the most interesting was to fail in exams and repeat the year then you have enough time to enjoy...hahaha...In MIT ,people used to leave the papers/exams as a hobby because they did not want to leave the amusing campus of MIT, to seek boring jobs ...Ha ha ha....
Have you also experienced the above during your academic days?.
I found love is unique in this universe.Though it is very very precious but it can never be bought and sold in the market.It can not be produced in the field.It is invisible,it can neither be burnt or frozen as it has the warmness of its own,It can never be robbed,theft or pilfer-raged ,it is the one and only survival instinct in this painful world,it is the only medicine which cures all mental problems,it grants relief from any type of pain ,it gives us tolerance against any failure/painful disease. If it is with poor then he/she is the richest person of the universe,Even the king does not have it ,then he/she is the poorest of the poor in this world.It has no sound.It is the silence and works silently.Love has no smell and no taste it has feelings only.I has no enemy no discrimination.It has no barricades of caste,religion and different countries.It could never be controlled and never be defeated.It is transparent like pure Water and colorless.It is magical like flute .It makes you to forget everything.It makes you to act you like foolish.It is the mental as well as physical strength. We can not explain why we love somebody?It can be distributed freely to anybody ,Provided ,if we bow down our heads against the person from whom we want it.....Is it the God ,who appears to be nothing but actually it is infinite....?????.
‎"Jakey pair na phatey buwai so kaa janey peer parai".
Meaning- The person who is not himself/herself experienced of pain,struggles ,sufferings of life ,How can he,she understand the pain,troubles,sufferings of others."
YOU WANT TO BECOME A WRITER/SINGER/ACTOR/ARTIST?........Without struggling,experiencing the feelings of slum dwellers,without keeping your self hungry for days to know the pain of poor,without going to jail or sacrificing your/ life for poor,sufferers,your country,your wealth,your health,your happiness for others,Without experiencing the suffering from immense pain of separation from your loved ones/beloved/God,just sitting in a palace or five star Hotel, in AC Room and having dinner lavishly , being away from scorching rays of Sun,without walking on thorn,fire?.........Loo
k Mr or Miss.......This is not possible for you,so do not waste your time,it would be better for you to go, do some other work and do not dishonor writers/Singers/Actors/Artists at least, as these are the works of the most tortured suffered people of the society ,they are messengers of the Super Power and saint like people who are tuned /seasoned to , take the pain of others directly ,weep for others,live for others and prefer to die for others.As they are the bravest people not like cowards who sell out their pens against pennies for their happiness.AND THEN THEIR PENS/ART BECOMES MAGICAL LIKE LIGHTENING SWORDS WHICH HAS TREMENDOUS CAPACITY TO BURN THE ENTIRE WORLD WITHIN FRACTION OF SECONDS OR DO CREATIVE WORKS AS WELL..........
When I look at happy faces, always smiling persons, happily singing and dancing people, or happiness of somebody, I feel myself very much satisfied and say thanks to the God and request to God to show me these scenes of happiness always, which enables me to heal my pains .Why we do not try to be happy always ,irrespective of our pains, troubles, poorness to make the almighty to be satisfied with us ,which will be the greatest thanks to the God for what he/she has granted to us. I am sure if we adopt this the God shall grant us happiness more and more. So we should be satisfied for what we have got from the God and always be happy, to say thanks to the God , for happiness of the almighty who cares for us day and night continuously right from begining more than we for ourselves ..
"The sensible children of poor father also , always be happy, to raise the morale of their father.So we can also be happy and say thanks to the God"
Sleep well, to welcome morning again ,just a night ahead
Kick the ball towards sky ,vertically up,it shall again come back to you,but if you kick the ball in any other direction it shall never come back to you.In the same way any thing we do in the name of God or For God then no doubt, it has to come back to us, for our betterment ,with higher mass and velocity than the thrown.
Agar Duniya Chaman Hogi ,
To ye Veeraney Kahan Jaatey" 
Na milta gum e barbadi,
To barbadi ke afsaney kahan jaatey"
Means -
"If the world wold have become garden,then where these deserts would have gone. If the sorrow of separation would not have been there,then where these sad songs,poems in the memories of beloved would have been gone.
After all the main reason of deliverance is also the result of Separation from one's from the God for a time being ,whom a person/theist loves too much.In fact all the scriptures,songs of religions are love scriptures and love songs only ,but these are with/for the God",so it becomes pious in the eye of the worldly people.
Once one of my uncle ,who is no more,was driving motorcycle.His friend was sitting behind him.The distance of the place from where he started the journey to Bhilayee(i.e. a place in M.P.-India) was around 100KMs.It was the season of summer ,the road was very good ,the time was around 9:30Pm.The blowing wind was pleasant,slightly cold and sweet .After some times he felt drowsy.He started thinking about one of his another friend.After some times he felt that the friend about whom ,he was thinking was driving the Motorcycle and he was sitting behind him.After some time all of a sudden we felt that some body from behind shaking his body,creaming/shouting fearfully as well as awaking him and telling him' O friend what are you doing, can't you see that there ditch ahead" (i.e. the existing friend sitting behind him right from begining ).Then suddenly my uncle wake up and controlled the handle ,and he shivered to note in Kilometers that he was sleeping from last 25Kilometers with a feeling that his another friend was driving the motorcycle,who died quite earlier.How the motor cycle could go upto 25 Kilo Meters ,still is a mystery.
One of my uncle ,who is no more,was driving motorcycle.His friend was sitting behind him.The distance of the place from where he started the journey to Bhilayee(i.e. a place in M.P.-India) was around 100KMs.It was the season of summer ,the road was very good ,the time was around 9:30Pm.The blowing wind was pleasant,slightly cold and sweet .After some times he felt drowsy.He started thinking about one of his another friend.After some times he felt that the friend about whom ,he was thinking was driving the Motorcycle and he was sitting behind him.After some time all of a sudden we felt that some body from behind shaking his body,creaming/shouting fearfully as well as awaking him and telling him' O friend what are you doing, can't you see that there ditch ahead" (i.e. the existing friend sitting behind him right from begining ).Then suddenly my uncle wake up and controlled the handle ,and he shivered to note in Kilometers that he was sleeping from last 25Kilometers with a feeling that his another friend was driving the motorcycle,who died quite earlier.How the motor cycle could go upto 25 Kilo Meters ,still is a mystery..
Water seeks its own level.The energy of substance of higher energy level always flows towards substance of lower energy level.In the same way there are two categories of people ,we generally find in our lives.One who always gives us and another who always takes from us.Means a person who is donor at a place is receiver/beggar at another place.So we must balance our existence between these two category of people.If you are surrounded only by receiver/beggar then no doubt your entire energy level will be reduced and you will become finally a beggar .So you must be with such type of people who always give you,to restore the energy/money/knowledge what you donate to others.However the one and only one God/divinely people are universal Donor.But it is worth for you to donate also what you have received from others,for worthiness of our lives,because the world moves on the policy of give and take only.
Males must keep mustaches.It makes us different from females. It makes you feel and act like manly ,gracious ,a person of high morale values and principles.If you do not keep mustaches -you are devalued in the society,people shall not believe on you very much.Rickshaw 
pullers,Taxi drivers shall demand much more money from you,as they shall become fearless of you. You feel always less confident about yourselves if you do not have mustaches.It makes you to feel different.This is the beauty of males and men must honor it.The people who do not keep it, suffers from girlish look and always appears to be like a cheap person as well as keep on fighting to prove their maleness.It is a gift of God to males ,so they must give proper respect to it.I think if males do not keep it ,they may suffer from various types mental disorders/diseases regarding.....................
Males must keep mustaches.It makes us different from females. It makes you feel and act like manly ,gracious ,a person of high morale values and principles.If you do not keep mustaches -you are devalued in the society,people shall not believe on you very much.Rickshaw 
pullers,Taxi drivers shall demand much more money from you,as they shall become fearless of you. You feel always less confident about yourselves if you do not have mustaches.It makes you to feel different.This is the beauty of males and men must honor it.The people who do not keep it, suffers from girlish look and always appears to be like a cheap person as well as keep on fighting to prove their maleness.It is a gift of God to males ,so they must give proper respect to it.I think if males do not keep it ,they may suffer from various types mental disorders/diseases regarding.....................
Initially in every religion initially people opt to wear particular type of dress ,different from other region people ,be in prescribed dress, be beard or be without beard,follow the rules of their religions strictly , being orthodox.But I think .these are acts of class or standard one students only for initiation.Afterwards once we understand the meaning of religions ,and our hearts/brains are colored in the color of divine and love then these are not at all required.As we have to promote ourselves go to higher classes where color code ,dress code ,code of conduct ,are not at all required ,where every body is one and the same without discrimination.Even then,
if you want to be retained in lower classes always,then be orthodox,dressed as per religion ,keep beard ,it is all your will and wish.But I have always seen great people have/had always keep themselves away of all these ties, barricades and reservation.However ,I like white dresses very much..
I see, a true lover can never be confused.Therefore we should try to become true lover.
‎"दुविधा मे दोनो गये माया मिली न राम"
Meaning-If you are confused about existence of the God,then it is better to be atheist,at least you can enjoy the world or illusions of world otherwise you will have to loose both ,neither you will be able to reach at God nor you will enjoy the illusion of worldly pleasures.
"चादर अोड शंका मत करिये"(Saint Kabir Das)
Meaning-So the great saint Kabir Das has told ,once you have wrapped yourself by the name of God or became theist,then you have to keep faith on the God ,irrespective of the situation you are facing.
From corner of sky ,we see a little cloud,it's size goes on increasing, as it comes up,finally the little cloud ,increasingly ,covers the entire sky.Then it rains with thunder,cyclone-grant coolness to the entire environment, happiness to everyone in the season of summer.So the capacity of a person can not be judged merely by looking at his/her shape and size,personality,initially.Also true love which appears to be tiny in size initially,may has hidden gigantic capacity to influence the entire human being to grant coolness,peace as well as happiness to entire society,irrespective of different languages,castes ,religions and boundaries of different countries.Because in dictionary of love all these differentiation are not there..
We come on this earth and be/are in the abdomen of our mothers, wherein we stay for nine months, and then we take birth. Again the mother brings up us and takes care for us life long till she lives and loves us permanently, constantly and sacrifices her lot of happiness for us. So the first lady we see in our lives is our mother. Then motherly like ladies-grand mother, nurses, school teachers also take care of us after taking birth. Then we meet our sisters who also love us takes care of us like mothers, then we are/may be blessed by daughters for our happiness after getting married. All the above categories of ladies love us unconditionally, Godly, divinely.
Then we meet a lady who in fact has no contribution for our survival instinct till we become young /grown up. But in a single day we
 start feeling that she is our every thing and start giving importance to the lady more than our mothers and sisters, who is merely our beloved or wife. Is it justified?
Even the great saint like Shakaracharya had disobeyed the rules of religious scriptures, of Hindu religion that a Friar (i.e.सन्यासी) can not do the rituals of his mother after her death. He came back, after the death of his mother, removed his dress of friar became civilian, did the funeral ritual of his mother like civilians. And after completion of the function/rituals he again wore the dress of friar and resumed his work, which was highly objected by the orthodox priests of Hindu Religion. But finally every body had to bow down against his decision. Therefore, If the greatest saint, founder and re-establisher of Hindu Sanatan (i.e.basic) Religion ,who could able to meet the God several times in his life ,had paid high regards to mother/sister/motherly/sisterly ladies more than God then why can not we?
Secondly, if we had seen our motherly/sisterly ladies earlier till we grow up as a young man ,then why we do not think that the ladies/girls are our mothers ,sisters and daughters instead of looking at ladies with hungry/nasty/bad feelings and assuming that she can only be our beloved or wife ……Think it over…… .
Daal roti ki zanzeer ne kitno ko nikamma bana diya, 
warna har nukkad pe yahan satyajeet ray,
Einsteen, aur gandhi baste hai.
(Written by my brother Mr Mohit Sinha)
Shared with thanks to Mr Mohit Sinha.
Lot of people were forced/handcuffed to earn bread and butter ,
Otherwise at every cross road the great people like Satyajeet Rai, Einstein and Mahatma Gandhi would have living.
Have you seen the movie Guide of the Great Indian film Actor Devanand ,wherein he has been forced by the people to become a saint and really he became a saint,though he was cheating the people earlier.The Case of Nirmal Baba may be the same.Probably ,we would have forced Nirmal Baba to become a saint,and the rest would have been his fate.However,We should not pass comments on him as we do not know the will and wish of the God as the God is the supreme Power,the one and only one dictator,who allowed numerous of fools to win in elections ,granted them more than enough facilities and Powers to rule over India/states and allowed them to be corrupt.This is why the great saint Meera Bai told"
"सन्तों करमन की गति न्यारी,
मूरख को तुम राज दियत हो,
पन्डित फिरत भिखारी"
Meaning-"O saints/followers of the God please listen-The good works we do on this earth is always fruitful.As you(i.e. the god) grant Kingdom to fools and scholars to roam around like beggars"..
We must understand,try to follow/learn the path of humanity ,even if the same is communicated to us through the animals by the God.Also we must regard,take pity on animals and help them when they are in trouble.
Two blind people wanted to drink water at Ragigudda temple, bangalore...
When they were unable to operate the tap,this mother monkey opened the tap for them, allowed them to drink water,drank some water for herself and closed the tap before leaving the scene ..
PS : its a proof that humanity does exist_ even if we humans have forgotten it ourselves........ Share This Message to Everyone :)
The nectar of divinity/kindness of the God, is continuously/always drizzling from the sky,invisibly.The intensity of the same may be some times more or some times less,depending upon increase and decrease of nobility of the people of the world.We must try to absorb the same within us ,as much as we can.It is totally up to us ,how much of it we absorb and retain within us.Remember, a well never goes to a thirsty person ,rather thirties have to go to the well ,if they need to drink water...................................................
The song ,the reality of my life....................I won finally.
Life is a gamble and nothing.Those who dare to play ,they can only be successful/ rewarded.So take the challenges as much as you can.And never get dishearten even after if you loose.
If senior person is behaving with you friendly ,then his/her graciousness/kindness/nobility must be regarded by Juniors ,thinking that he has granted you opportunity to talk to you freely.And then it is the duty of Juniors to pay proper regard to seniors ,even if he or she is treating you like a friend or younger brother.It is the kindness/nobility/graciousness of Seniors.Try to gather information or knowledge from the seniors as much as you can.Never try to insult or pass comment on your seniors.I have never seen a person who has disregarded his/her parents,teachers,seniors, could became a great person or could secure high position in job or became successful person in his/her life.