Thursday, November 15, 2012

Once I got into the train, to come to my house after attending my regular duties of office. It was 6:30PM.I got my seat at opposite side of husband and wife with their baby (i.e girl child) hardly one and half hears old. I was tired enough so I was looking out side of the window and having glimpse of natural beauty.
All of a sudden a small leg kicked me, my concentration was diverted .I saw the cute baby, who was sitting on the lap of his father/mother was smiling very sweetly and looking at me .I smiled in return. In our area the girl child or babies are respected like Goddesses. But being aware that she was with her parent, I felt shy to talk/ look at her and thanked the God that how much he loves me and again started looking out side of the window, pretending that I am not caring that m
uch ,but in fact I was internally because the baby was very cute. Again I got a kick from the baby, I looked at her she was smiling so I smiled in return with love, heartily and thanked to the God for his indirect blessings to me through the baby.
Suddenly a hawker entered into the train and started selling “Laayee”(i.e. small round shaped sweets. I usually do not like sweets much,particularly this Laayee, I never liked to purchase earlier. But surprisingly that very day, I had strong feeling to have it, for unknown reasons .as if, I was being forced by invisible power. I purchased five pieces of it and was to have one piece of it; I watched suddenly a small hand moved forward my hand and snatched two pieces of the sweets. I looked above, again this was a that sweet, cute baby who already started eating the sweets from my hand. I could not stop my smile again, looking at the baby. But her parents felt awkward they told me sorry for this, I replied ok no problem it is my pleasure. I again thanked to the God sentimentally/internally to accept sweets from a poor follower like me in the form of a little girl child. But the parent thought that they should purchase the Layee themselves so they purchased huge quantity (i.e 10 to 15nos) of the same and again given to their daughter who was about to finish the Layee that she had taken from me .I surprised to see that the baby did not accepted their purchased sweet. Still I do not know what was the relation between me and the baby girl child?
The point to be noted here-The strong desire of the little baby influenced me to purchase the Laayee( i.e. the sweet which usually I never purchase).Is the same phenomenon occurs ,when the pregnant lady demands to eat such types dish which they never liked to eat earlier ,due to influence of the baby in their abdomen during their pregnancy period..
The God is Crazy-Because nobody knows from whom he would like to accept the gift/food or snacks to eat...

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