Sunday, November 11, 2012

A great Scholar saint, now he is no more in physical body Acharya Chaturvuj Sahaya founder of Ramashraya Satsang and theosophical society people believe that every person has five to six bodies-Physical(i.e. Visible) body, shadow (not visible but in shadow form) body,ethereal(i.e. Not visible) body, astral(i.e. not visible ,the highest level) body.I may be wrong in naming bodies while recalling. Each body is inserted in other body’s layer wise. As the position of a worshiper, enhances spiritually upward he/she start moving from lower bodies to upper bodies subsequently. Like from physical to shadow to ethereal to astral subsequently. Beyond astral body a person is supposed to be divinely or Godly.
Every instance which occurs with physical body, it already had occurred with other bodies ear
lier in days or months. Like with astral body 45days earlier than the physical body, 10days earlier with ethereal body 2 to 3 days earlier with shadow body than it occurs with physical body. Suppose a person dies today than his/her shadow body would have been died 2 to 3days earlier, ethereal body would have died 10days earlier and subsequently astral body would have suffered 45days earlier.
The extraordinary people / high level saints of exalted soul can visualize the above and predict something about the other person rightly few days ahead of the tentative occurrences Though it is not permitted by the super power.Also if you are a good soul you feel in advance goody goody or something inauspicious is going to occur you feel in advance disturbed or upset before the occurrence.
If I am wrong I may be forgiven by competent people…..

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