Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Basically, I am a Hindu and try to worship the God as prescribed in the Books of Hindu/sanatan religion.I try to get up at 4AM in the morning to offer my prayer to the God ,because I have to leave my house every day at 6:45 AM to attend my office,which is situated at the distance of 80KMs from my residence.
Surprisingly,I found today my concentration for worship of the God was enhanced too much,I was not getting bored while worshiping,the flow of love was overwhelming on me ,and I became so much sentimental that my eyes were filling with tears,and the tears were rolling on my cheeks ,time to time in the love of the God,while worshiping.I was unaware of the reason,fact of this phenomenon completely.
When I got up from worship ,and I was getting ready to go to office I recalled ,today was the most auspicious day for Christians.The holy festival " Christmas". I understood why today the flow of love and happiness ,blessings of the God was more in the environment in comparison to other days.
"This proves that the God is one and only one and he/she is same for all whether one is christian,Hindu,Sikh,Muslim etc. and he/she looks after everybody equally".My endless Thanks to everybody Thanks to "JESUS CHRIST"

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