Friday, December 21, 2012

People have started quarreling within boundary wall. Son does not like his father, husband is quarreling with his wife, brothers and sisters are fighting with each other-the reason may be wife or may be property. Firstly we must build good relationship with our own family members because they are the most precious for us. Then we should give priority to out sliders. To me the worst people are those who believe /love or like outsiders the most and avoid their family members. Actually ,the above phenomenon is found mostly in Indian educated families.They find their enemies within the family only not out side.Therefore they are getting weaker and weaker day by day.They can propose for betterment of the offspring of others nicely but they never do the same for their son/daughter or their family membrs.They must know(i.e. including me) a strong inbuilt families with proper bonding between family members only can form a village of strong people,town,state and finally nation subsequently.It was the strong relation ship between family members of Ravana ,which could help him to sustain against Ram in war for such a long time.And due to his brother Vibhishana only he could be defeated or killed.In the same way Ram could defeat the Ravana due to support of his dedicated brothers only.So Tulsi Das has told-"Milahi Na Jag mein Sahodar Bhrata".So every body should regard at least the saint Tulasi Das words ,as well as his family members.

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