Saturday, March 23, 2013

Horrible Experiences

The horrible experiences-
a) Ask the preciousness of a year from a person ,who has failed in exams.
b)Ask the preciousness of a month from a person who did not get the salary of last month.
c)Ask the preciousness of a week from the person who have spent a week in the Hospital.
d)Ask the preciousness of the bread from the person who remained hungry all the day.
e)Ask the preciousness of an hour from the person who has to wait for somebody.
f)Ask the preciousness of a minute from the person,who has missed the train.
g)Ask the preciousness of a second from the person who could save himself from an accident.
(Shared with thanks to Rimmi Sinha)
I have experienced , all the above horrible experiences.But the most interesting was to fail in exams and repeat the year then you have enough time to enjoy...hahaha...In MIT ,people used to leave the papers/exams as a hobby because they did not want to leave the amusing campus of MIT, to seek boring jobs ...Ha ha ha....
Have you also experienced the above during your academic days?

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