Saturday, March 23, 2013

Teaching Profession

I regard/like the teaching profession the most. So who are in teaching profession are highly regard able for us/society. My respected Grandfather was Professor /HOD of History department, in the famous L.S.College of Muzaffarpur. He died at an early age,in the year 1947, when my father was just a student of 3rd year in Patna Engineering College. But still the name and fame of my grandfather is much more than my father, who retired as Chief Engineer, Govt. Irrigation the year 1999.An Engineer and Doctor is regarded departmentally, if they are in job, but a teacher/lecturer/professor is regarded socially.
Always remember-A Doctor's mistake is buried into earth, an Engineers mistake becomes a monument, and is watched/commented by lot of people till the monument exists (said by our Respected Professor Late K.J.Pai of MIT). But if a teacher/Professor misguides his/her student or mistakes, it affects the entire society, there after the forth coming generations and further generations after generations. It was observed during J.P.Movement ,to eradicate the Congress Government, students were used in Politics, in northern India ,due which still even after 35 years of the movement, the situation could not be restored, what it was earlier to J.P.Movement. This was the main reason our parents started disbelieving on institutional organizations of North India ,mainly due to indiscipline and involvement of students in criminal/political activities. So, we had been parceled by our parents to Manipal or other Institute of South India…ha…ha.....ha.
I am sure the best lessons, apart from Academic qualification; we received from MIT and people of Manipal, unknowingly, kept on helping us throughout our lives, as it never” let us down” anywhere, in any walk of life,even if we resided anywhere in India or in abroad and I am sure that it shall help us till we shall survive. Therefore I/we are very much heartily thankful to the People of Manipal and MIT.

Thanks God people of Manipal taught us only,but never learnt anything from us

So those who are in teaching profession ,their responsibility is the highest for society while comparing Professional Engineers and Doctors .

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