Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Goal of Worship/Tenacity/Practice of/for the God

By the Great Saint-Acharya Chaurbhuj Sahaya,Mathura Bhandara:-
The Goal of Worship/Tenacity/Practice of/for the God
Meaning in English-The basic goal of "Practice/tenacity/worship" of God is to move towards the truth, from false to true, to travel from death to nectar. But the pillars of "Practice/tenacity/worship" of God are the saints only.Only the knowledge acquired from books , or religious books cannot take you to the height of Practice, tenacity, worship of God or even if you reach at the height you cannot stay at the height for long.The body of saint is made of truth and their body is filled by truthfulness only. But our eyes are not capable enough to see the truth, so we understand that the saint is like a simple, general worldly person.
Once, the great saint Acharya Chaturbhuj Sahaya was addressing to people of the place Gwaliar in India. He told if you really want to measure your tenacity/worship of God/practice, then watch within yourself and see that how much fearless you are. If you lose your entire property/money then will be worried or happy. If you will face the death, even then you will keep on laughing or not. If you are suffering from pain, even then you are fearless or not or insensible to pain or not. Even if ,you are surrounded by lot of pains, problems even then you are holding the quality of fearlessness within you or not. If you are fearless then treat it that you are moving in right direction. This is the sign of the success of your "tenacity, worship, practice". Actually to be fearless is the first Reward of being the God’s disciple. Since, we are walking on the path of falsehood, so we are suspicious, fearful. So we do not have relief, fearlessness at any time. So if the truth (God) comes in contact with or we go in front of him then we will be honest and fearless, so we should be spiritual.
"Told by the disciple of the Great Saint “Acharya Chatarvuj Sahaya” the Great Pandi Mihilal Jee"

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