Monday, December 10, 2012

A Robot, a machine, a programmed computer named as terrorist ”Kasab “ is hanged till death and we are celebrating because we have done an excellent job ,so are patting our shoulder ourselves, and greeting ourselves bravo, bravo. We must rethink. that really one and only one ”Kasab” was guilty, who had just stepped in the field of terrorism?

Kasab was not that guilty actually, as his father/society was. Imagine an obedient boy/teenager of a family, suffering from hunger, overdue/delay in marriages of his female family members for want of money, poverty, had accepted the challenge to take out his family from poverty by sacrificing his life just on the instruction of his father, the most nasty fact ,which he kept on revealing till the end of his life. 

Hence, who was real guilty-His father 
only, who produced lot of children so he could not be able to take-up the burden of his family, later on.

An innocent child/teenager was wrongly misguided by his father, to become terrorist due to his indigence. If anybody would have been at the place of Kasab, definitely he would have been become terrorist/miscreant looking at his family condition particularly, if one’s evil/sinner father himself misguides his son.

Therefore the real culprit is the society, his father, who had born and brought up Kasab and they would have needed to be hanged prior to Kasab.

Finally have you watched the movie “Mera naam Joker”, wherein the poor Raaj (i.e.Raj Kapoor ) jumps into cage of lions ,as a fictitious ring master in a circus for the sake of money/job ,to feed ,for treatment of his old mother who was hungry as well as suffering from disease. After being caught and saved, when the tigers of circus attacked on him, he confessed in front of owner of the circus that there is one more dangerous tiger than these tigers that are behind the cage. That is hungriness, poverty and helplessness. Due to the same, to earn money,to secure job of ring master, to save himself and his mother from the tiger of hunger, illness, he spoke false, that he was a trained ring master.

Therefore fathers/society please control child birth if you are poor, do hard labor to feed your spouse and children and never misguide them, to give birth of another Kasab, who will be again hanged till death and the real culprits/inspirer of miscreants/terrorists shall go on surviving endlessly, without punishment . Leaders /rich/competent people, social workers must come up, to take necessary steps/action, to fulfill the bare minimum requirement of poor people to avoid/stop terrorism.

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