Monday, December 10, 2012

Heart Disease

The recipe may help "Heart Patients"
To avoid Angio-plastic,Bye Pass Surgery a Greek Technique- to resume the flow of blood in blocked arteries of Heart ,to reduce the blocked of arteries of heart:-
Take a cup of Lemon Juice,A cup of Zinger Juice,A cub of Garlic Juice and a Cup of pure apple's vinegar.Mix all together well.Slowly Heat the mix juices till it becomes three cups of it's initial quantity(i.e. 75% of the all four cups) after evaporation.Then frost/cold the mix.After getting it frosted, mix three cup of Pure Honey in it.,well.Then store the mixture into a neat and clean bottle.Daily take three spoon full of above in empty stomach,or an hour before taking breakfast..

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