Tuesday, June 3, 2014

23000 उर्दू शिक्षकों की बिहार प्राथमिक विद्यालयों में नियुक्ती

दैनिक जागरण,तारीख-03.06.2014-अगले महीने में बिहार के प्राथमिक विद्यालयों में 23000 उर्दू शिक्षक(जनता दल युनाईटेड / नितीश द्वारा ) नियुक्त किये जाने की प्रक्रिया शुरू होगी?मेरा ये कहना है कि जिस विदेशी भाषा को बांगलादेशी मुसलमानों ने भी नही स्वीकारा और यही पू्र्वी पाकिस्तान एवं पश्चिमी पाकिस्तान के विभाजन का प्रमुख कारण बना.वो भाषा क्या हिन्दुस्तान के लिये इतनी प्रमुख हो गयी?क्या हिन्दुस्तान और पाकिस्तान का बँटवारा इसीलिये किया गया था?क्या इस उर्दू भाषा को जानने से हिन्दुस्तान का विकाश हो जायेगा?क्या इस भाषा के शिक्षकों को बहाल करने से महत्वपूर्ण विषयों जैसे-भौतिक शास्त्र,रासायन शास्त्र,गणित,इतिहास भूगोल,सामान्य ज्ञान आदि विषयों के शिक्षकों की कमी पूरी हो जायेगी?क्या इस भाषा के शिक्षकों को बहाल करने से देश की आर्थिक व्यवस्था सुधर जायेगी?क्या उर्दू भाषा को देवनागरी अक्षरमाला मे नहीं लिखा जा सकता?जैसे कि बांगलादेश मे बंगाली अक्षरमाला में ही उर्दू भाषा लिखी जा सकती है।क्या हम भारतीय भूखे मर मर कर भी औरों को ही खीर बाँटते रहेंगे? आखिर कब तक ये मुस्लिम तुष्टीकरण की राजनीति हिन्दुस्तान जैसे देश में निर्विरोध चलती रहेगी?जरा सोंचिये....

Friday, March 21, 2014

Oh God, I was a far better person,when I did not have any knowledge.

Oh God,
I was a far better person,when I did not have any knowledge.I was innocent.I was praying for you simply.And my prayers were very very much effective,and always had been heard by you.
Hence, I earnestly request you to kindly withdraw my entire half knowledge,so that once again I become a child ,who can receives your entire blessing as it is.
Hope,you would have heard me.
Kumar Aparajit

Never think that you are a sinner

Never think that you are a sinner.Go to the Church or some religious place confess it and forget it.Rest leave on the God ,he will see.Shri Ramakrishna has preached -If you always think that you are a sinner,you are a sinner then a day will come when you will become a sinner.

मौत का डर भगाना है तो स...

जीवन में सीखने के लिए जितनी स्थितियां हैं, उनमें से एक महत्वपूर्ण है मृत्यु। फकीरों ने कहा है धार्मिकता शुरुआत है जीवन को सही रूप में देखने की। और अंत होते-होते धार्मिकता जब अध्यात्म में बदलती है, तब मृत्यु को सही ढंग से देखना आ जाता है।
मृत्यु भी गुरु की भूमिका में होती है। बड़ी से बड़ी सीख मृत्यु से ली जाती है। कई लोग कहते हैं फटाफट शरीर खत्म हो जाए तो ठीक है, पर थोड़ा-थोड़ा शारीरिक कष्ट और फिर मौत, यह बड़ा कष्टकारी है। लोग मौत भी सुविधाजनक चाहते हैं।

दरअसल, जब तक जिंदगी में बढ़िया चल रहा होता है, तब तक मृत्यु की याद भी नहीं आती और जहां शरीर के, हालात के कष्ट शुरू हुए तब मनुष्य थोड़ा-बहुत मौत को टटोलता है। मृत्यु को मजबूरी या भय से याद न किया जाए, इसे सतत स्मरण रखा जाए।
जितना मृत्यु से परिचय गहरा होगा, जिंदगी उतने ही अच्छे से समझ में आएगी। यदि जीना चाहते हैं तो मृत्यु को न भूलें। परमात्मा ने मनुष्य को बुद्धिमान बनाकर सर्वश्रेष्ठ वरदान दिया है। इसलिए थोड़ी बुद्धि मृत्यु के स्वाद, समझ और स्वागत में भी खर्च की जाए।
उसे जब आना होगा, कोई रोक नहीं पाएगा, लेकिन तैयारी पूर्व से ही होगी तो जीवन जरूर मस्ती का स्पर्श ले लेगा। मृत्यु की समझ के लिए सतत जागृति हमें प्रेमपूर्ण बनाएगी, हरेक के प्रति हमारी दृष्टि बदल देगी। ऊर्जा मौत से बचने में न लगाकर समझने में लगाई जाए तो जीवन जीना भी उपलब्धि हो जाएगा।

The fire of the God must burn within us continuously

The fire of the God must burn within us continuously ,day and night.The intensity of it may increase or decrease.But the fire must not be blown out otherwise it shall be very difficult to light the fire of the God again.

The God seeks intensity in our worship/love for him

The God seeks intensity in our worship/love for him- There were two friends. Once, they have decided to do penance to meet the God. They reached in a deep and dense forest and started the mediation/ penance, to meet the God, beneath a Tamarind tree. Years and years passed but they could not be able to meet the God. Fortunately a saint, who uses to meet God, was passing nearby the Tamarind tree. They saw the saint, recognized him and ran after him to meet. After meeting the saint ,they requested the saint “sir kindly do a favor to us .We know you meet the god always, so this time if you meet him please ask him/her ,how long they shall have to meditate to meet the God. Looking at the eagerness of them the saint melted on their condition and after assuring them to do the needful, he walked away. After some time, the saint again came back to the meditating people. The ascetics again asked about the reply of the God against their question. The saint pointed out to one of the ascetic and told him that the God has told that he shall give audience to him after the year’s equivalent to numbers of tamarind available in the tree, beneath which you are meditating. The first ascetic became restless after listening to the version of saint and told who will waste so many precious years to only to meet the God. He loosed the patience and fled from the forest.
Then the second ascetic asked from the saint politely ‘sir, what the God has said for him. The saint started brooding and told to him that you condition is very very tough. The God has told, if you meditate for the years equivalent to the numbers of leafs of the tamarind tree, which are nearly uncountable, beneath which you are meditating then only the God shall give audience to you. The second ascetic became very very happy .He started weeping, singing and dancing, shouting with joy/internal pleasure and love like a mad and telling “I am the happiest man in this world; at least the God has assured me that he/she will meet me.
Looking at this ,the God became very happy with the second ascetics, he immediately presented him/her self in front of the second ascetic within fraction of a second and blessed him .

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ambitious people start sharing their personal experiences with the superpower/divine power/the God/Guru

Ambitious people start sharing their personal experiences with the superpower/divine power/the God/Guru-religious teacher,with public,to gather more and more disciples/crowd for them,to gain more and more importance in the eyes of general people.This is straightaway the insult of the divine powers who have supported them during their scarce as well as of their religious teacher/Guru-saints,due to whom they are en-lighted.The moon/disciple does has its own light ,it is en-lighted by sun/Gurus/religious teachers.These personal experiences must not be shared publicly,it must be very very confidential.It is a sign that a worshiper/seeker of the God has started travelling downwards instead of going upwards,and he/she has become proud of achieving something ,which the God/Guru never likes.

Once the great saint Shri Ram Krishna Parmahans

Once the great saint Shri Ram Krishna Parmahans told a story to his disciples-A religious teacher preached to his disciples that –“God is within every living thing of this world”. After sometime a disciple of the teacher, who had trust on the teacher, was passing through the forest. A nervous, frightened man who was running in the opposite direction of the disciple came across the disciple, and shouted ‘run away run away, change your direction, as a mad angry elephant is coming towards you, it may hurt/kill you. But the disciple thought, if his teacher has told that the God is there within me as well as within the Elephant, then how can the Elephant hurt him. He ignored the suggestion of the the shouting man and kept on walking in the same direction. Soon after the mad Elephant reached to him, hurt him , threw him beside the walkway and fled. The disciple became sad ,went back to his teacher , told him about the occurrence and asked why he preached wrong, if the God does not exists in the Elephant. The teacher smiled and said to him” My dear son the God exists within the Elephant, in you and also in the person who was shouting and stopping you from going near to the Elephant. Why did not you follow him, when the God had already warned you earlier through the shouting man?.


 God is in the shape of Female though God is shapeless. But he presents himself in the shape you imagine for him, provided if you call for him with extreme love, by heart. God is within every living thing of this world. So we have to love, be kind, take care/ pity and regard every body of this world. The God is everywhere equally, within the atmosphere and beyond it, in the universe. But may be slightly more at religious places (i.e. Church, mosque, temple etc.) because people always think good at these places. Where there is love and peace there is God.

Therefore to regard God in real sense, we must regard every female of this world as they are our mothers, sisters, daughters etc within the time period of Navaratra or beyond the Navaratra also without hesitation, rather than dancing and singing on roads and doing useless expenditures to show off in a poor country like India.

A fakir/saint reached at the court of a sultan/king

A fakir/saint reached at the court of a sultan/king, who was always worrying to increase his existing territory and because he was unable to do the same ,he was not satisfied /unhappy with the Allah/ God. The moment the King saw the Fakir/saint, he honored the Fakir by a beautiful shawl. Though the Fakir accepted the shawl but he started ignoring the shawl by he spiting on it and clearing the frozen cough in his nose, in the shawl. Looking at the insult of the gift, the King got very angry with the Fakir,he pulled his sword. The Fakir laughed and told to the King-" O King !The God has given/gifted to you such a big dynasty, treasure, so many people to serve for you, but you are not satisfied with the God. And if you are unhappy because I insulted your small gift like shawl, think how much the Allah/God would be unhappy with you, if you are insulting his gifts like-dynasty/treasures/people .So you should also to learn to be satisfied with the gift ,the God has given to you............lol................

The moment we realize that we have committed crime or sin,repent,feel the pain of sufferer mentally

The moment we realize that we have committed crime or sin,repent,feel the pain of sufferer mentally and try to confess it as well as try to help/recover the sufferer,who is suffering, due to our committed sin/crime,most of the punishment against the committed sin/crime is forgiven by the God automatically.Infact punishments are for those who do not realize that they have committed any crime in their life time though they have committed lot of crimes/sins. -

Jyot se jyot

Meaning-Enlighten others with your light.Love of river Ganga must be flown by you always everywhere.On the way if see any any poor ,sad person embrace/hug him always with love. a)He who does not have friends or no body in his life , has the support of God only.Who are poor and week are always loved by the God.So the Perl of love should be sprinkled by you everywhere. Enlighten others with your light.Love of the river Ganga................ b)You are hopeless,the love for you of people has become kettle from you or you yourself are not being loved by the people from whom you should have been loved,Even if the edge/support for you have been broken,but never close the door of kindness for others,always support others.The candle of kindess must be enlighten by you always everywhere.. Enlighten others with your light.Love of the river Ganga................ c)Everywhere the darkness is existing ,directions itself have forgotten their direction .Human being have gone become devil so to whom to say our pain.Event then try to change the earth into heaven. Enlighten others with your light. Love of the river Ganga................. Mr Andonis my eyes became tearful while writing the meaning of the song.Hope you will like it though my English is not that good as you yours.Translation is done quickly,so the appropriate words or sentences would not have been used,because I had also not listened the entire song earlier so I have to listen the entire song to translate it in English for you.Thanks.

The tendency of our soul ,to go nearer to God and to merge in God finally,

The tendency of our soul ,to go nearer to God and to merge in God finally,is a chain reaction and occurs automatically,spontaneously,because everything of the world is part and parcel of the God only.Our qualities and defects like-worship of the God,truthfulness,honesty, dishonesty,kindness, trustworthiness,being cunning and deceitful etc are admixtures of the reaction, which accelerate or retard or stop the reaction for a while or interrupt the reaction, quantity/volume wise, the goodness or badness available in us as well as to finish/end the evils within us.Because finally every thing of this world and the God has to become the one ,as there can not be two.You will surprise to note that the God is trying for oneness with us,more than us.So we need not worry about ourselves because the God has to accept us sooner or later depending upon the time of the chain reaction,whether we are good or bad .If we are bad then it shall take more time.We may say the chain reaction is the process of screening ,where the lumps or higher size stones are again sent to crusher for grinding, to achieve the desired fineness and segregate the undesired particles.So we must rejoice , whatever we may be, we are of the God,for the God and run by the God.

"Kabira jab hum paida hue, to jag hanse hum roe,

"Kabira jab hum paida hue, to jag hanse hum roe,
Aysi karni kar chalo ki ki hum hanse jag roye"

Written by the greatest Saint Kabir Das.

Meaning-When we had taken birth in this world,we were crying and the people were laughing. So we must do such type of good performances in this world, that when we shall leave(i.e.die )the world ,then we should laugh, and the people of this world should weep/cry for us.

"Saint Kabir Das has modernized Hindu religion,but still people are not following him".

"Jaa par kripa Ram ki hohin,

"Jaa par kripa Ram ki hohin,
Tapar kripa karahi sab koi.
Written by Saint Shri Tulasi Das".
Meaning-If the God is pleased with a person,then everybody of this world/universe becomes pleased/happy/kind for him/her and start loving him as well as helping him automatically.

There are two types of a door of a room.- Sri Ravindra Nath Thakur

There are two types of a door of a room.One who's shutters swing towards out side and another which swings inside by hinge.And again two types of latches are there.One is to open the door from out side only and another is to open the door by inside only.

--The above is inspired by a play of Respected Sri Ravindra Nath Thakur----------

To restore peace in this world the saints must be dictators

To restore peace in this world the saints must be dictators like Hitler,Nepolean & Mussolini, and their followers must be disciplined ,more than the armies of all the three dictators.

Where there is beauty there is a beast

Where there is beauty there is a beast.Every/most of the beautiful persons are cursed .The effect of curse is slightly less, if he/she is a religious person.

One of my friend Mr Visweshwara Rao has written something notable.

One of my friend Mr Visweshwara Rao has written something notable.Though I don't have daughter ,but I feel he is right,so I am sharing it with my friends
Your little girl will hold your hand for only a little while...but will hold your heart for a life time. It's DAUGHTER'S WEEK, if you have a daughter who makes your life worth living by just being around - and you love her as much as your own Breath.........if you are proud of your Daughter, copy/paste this to your wall ......Daughters are angels...Cherish them...

In Europe ,three very close best friends who were working in German Army

In Europe ,three very close best friends who were working in German Army and cooperated very much each other during war, separated from each other after their retirement.After a long time they could able to meet each other.But their friendship could not continue because their status were different money wise and profession wise.THANKS GOD still mostly in India status of people do not come in between for friendship at least.Recall the touching story of friendship of Shri Krishna and Sudama.

A bullock cart was moving on the village road

A bullock cart was moving on the village road.A dog who was walking beside the bullock cart walked below the bullock and started walked miles and miles with bullock cart in the moving direction of bullock cart .When a long time passed the dog started feeling that the bullock cart is being carried by the dog and it started being anxious very much.
Like this the God is moving this world and since we have been remained in this world for long time we have started feeling that we are moving/ the world like the dog though the one and only one God is moving the world..,...lol....

Say good to goodness of everybody.Say goodbye to badness of everybody.

Say good to goodness of everybody.Say goodbye to badness of everybody.Always keep quiet if you cannot reform one's badness.Never say goodbye to anybody.Because everybody is mixture of good and bad in different percentages.Hence if we say goodbye to anybody because of his/or her badness then we won't have any friend and we become unsocial.Your tolerance to somebody always pays to you in the long run.

Slavery, corruption is neither Hindu, nor Muslim, neither Sikh nor Christian, but are painful for all.

Slavery, corruption is neither Hindu, nor Muslim, neither Sikh nor Christian, but are painful for all. We are Indians. It does not matter from which religion we belong to-It is just like we are sons/daughters of which father and mother... etc. Our goal is to fight against evils only, irrespective of our castes, religions, provinces, languages.
Please note, those who deny from reality- they are liable to be thrown out of India to seek some other suitable country for them to live.

There is a proverb in our religious books-"Udhav man maane ki baat,

There is a proverb in our religious books-"Udhav man maane ki baat,Daad chuhara chadike, vishkeera vish khaat".Therefore these Government people are like poisonous insects who want to eat poisonous things only even if ,nectar is offered to them to eat.

What is wrong in praising for somebody,

What is wrong in praising for somebody, if, he or she, is doing well. You have nothing to spend from your pocket. You don’t lose your self-respect/prestige .Off course it is your proud that does not allow you to praise for somebody. To me ,this attitude shows how much coward/foolish/funky you are . Please start doing it without hesitation; you will receive it’s reverberations of from nos of mouths/pens of others for yourself, as you have appreciated the creature of God. So God also likes it.

My heartiest regards, enormous love and lot of blessings to my sisters on the eve of ‘Raksha Bandhan’

My heartiest regards, enormous love and lot of blessings to my sisters on the eve of ‘Raksha Bandhan’. They are the best blessings for a person after or at the time of mother. Their unbound, unconditional, love and affection for their brothers are highly appreciated, whether they are own sisters or not, of a brother. They are like angels for their brothers who can bestow only happiness to their brothers. I have no suitable words to thanks them.

Where there is love and peace there is God. God is within every living thing.

Where there is love and peace there is God. God is within every living thing. So we should love, be kind, take care/ pity and regard every body of this world. Our proud does not allow us to travel towards God. We have to be polite and see equally everybody whether a person is a rich /poor, black /white by race. Godly people always smile and always are peaceful. One must has to keep faith in God blindly. Please convey the above to our friends to finish evil and terrorism from the mother earth.

Hindu religion must be reformed/modernized

Hindu religion must be reformed/modernized .It should be attractive; process/methods of worship must be simplified, considering lack of time, so that one should not feel it burden. Simplicity must be adopted. Expenses on worship/performance of rituals should be reduced. The gist of all religious books must be prepared. For this our saints Sant Kabir Das,Tulsi Das.Shankaracharya,Ramakrishna Parmahans efforts are appreciable.

Feelings of Brotherhood between hindoos must be generated .

Feelings of Brotherhood between hindoos must be generated .Cast barricade must be removed. We must believe that those who worship/believe on God are of same caste. People who wants to adopt Hindu religion must be welcomed.

One should not get married if he or she is not willing

One should not get married if he or she is not willing. Marriage is very pious/auspicious ceremony. Its sanctity, truthfulness must be maintained. It should be done once in a life. People must adjust with partner whole life, irrespective of merits or demerits of husband or wife. Always remember only one ‘The Almighty’ is error-less.

The quality, to get married only once in life,

The quality, to get married only once in life, is the only difference between civilized human beings and animals. God may forgive all mistakes of human being except remarriage. The most arduous, challenging task of a person is to adjust with another person whole life. And certainly those who fail are liable for punishments from God’s end. If you do not forgive the mistakes of your life partner/others then The God will never forgive you.

The quality of to get married only once in life,

The quality of to get married only once in life, is the only difference between civilized human beings and animals. God may forgive all mistakes of human being except remarriage. The most arduous, challenging task of a person is to adjust with another person whole life. And certainly those who fail are liable for punishments from God’s end.

We should not forget the people's love for us

We should not forget the people's love for us, even if it was for a very small time period in our lives. It is such type of debt which can never be returned back to people who loved us, by any means. It is always better to forget the pain we receive from people. Just like, we always forget pricking of thorns into our soles.

ladies/females- single point concentration on their husband

The qualities of ladies/females- single point concentration on their husband or boy friend and children,they bring up the creatures of God in form of their or of others sons and daughters with love and high devotion,they keep the God's world neat and clean, their remarkable patience , faith,high devotion and totally dependence upon the God pleases the God very much,they may go to any extent to serve for people,whom they love,they love their parents,they are sentimentally attached to the persons whom they love . I have seen,where ever group of ladies are good,gents and children are automatically also good.Ladies are deputed angels from the God.They need not worship the God if they perform their duties regularly and if they worship even after doing the above then it is very very good/excellent.Therefore all Indian Saints/good people have very high regard for ladies.So in India they are worshiped as Goddess and more than 50% Indians belive that the God is Female.-Therefore the ladies/Females may play or are playing important role by inspiring people for Global Peace.

There is a vast difference between the two statements

There is a vast difference between the two statements ,as under;
a)I am the God AND b)The God is within me also ,as the God is within every living thing of this world.
1)The God is equally everywhere in this universe,invisibly-are you?So a) is may be wrong.
2)The God neither takes birth nor dies -Are you?So a) a may be wrong.
3)The God is the least of the least and biggest of the big-infinite-Are you?So a) is wrong
4)Nothing is in this universe is like the God-Every body is like you,So a) is wrong.
5)The word God and the word love are synonyms,Are you?So a) is wrong.
6)The God can present himself/herself in any shape as you imagine for him/her.Can you?Never.So a)may be wrong.
Therefore a) is the speech of arrogant type of People who are not God.We must beware of such type of people who say"I am the God"

It is somebody’s strong believe ,which creates the God.

It is somebody’s strong believe ,which creates the God. If we believe on -a person, an animal, a place, a stone then it becomes God for us. A person who does not believe on above then these has got no meaning for him. So it is the believer who creates the God due to his or her blind faith or point concentration.
The reality is- God is omnipresent, invisible and shapeless neither woman nor man

mom understood every thing

One of my friend Mr Suresh Kumar from Andhra Pradesh tells , the best SMS he has received yet is ,as under:-
While we were learning to speak, mom understood every thing u tried to say ….
But today we say a lot to her and claim “mom u don’t understand keep quiet.”

I say, can you live happily, can you eat good dishes

I say, can you live happily, can you eat good dishes, when you see the people living at your door step are starving, they don’t have cloths to wear, they are not properly educated. Or lead a life like them for few days to understand the pain of sufferers .Hence everybody is requested to think it over. And cooperate Mr Anna hazare and Baba Ramdev whole heartedly otherwise there won’t be any hazare and Ramdev to raise your voices against corruption, in future.

One hindu and one muslim ,theist started arguing.

One hindu and one muslim ,theist started arguing.Hindu told Our God Hanuman is great.Muslim told our God Allah is great.People said let them check.They instructed them to climb on the peak of hill/mountain of low height ,situated beside them, then jump in the trench from their taking the names of their Gods.Who ever shall be able to reach at ground safely his God will be greater.Both agreed and expedition to climb on the peak of the hill started .They reached at the top.Now they had to jump in a trench.The Hindu was clever so he told the Muslim you jump first.The Muslim has shouted the pious name of Allah as per Kuran and jumped from the hill in the trench.As he reached on the ground ,people saw the Muslim was alright nothing had happened to him.Now it was the time of Hindu to jump.The Hindu started thinking -it seems Allah is more powerful than Hanuman.So it is better to Shout the name of Hanuman first and then the name of Muslims God also in less volume of sound so that people can not guess.At least one of the two Gods shall save him definitely.He did the same and jumped into the trench from the peak of the hill.He could also be saved but his bones fractured badly.Therefore if he would have trusted on his God Hanumana also like the Muslim then nothing would have happened to him ,but his believe was oscillated, so he had to suffer. Therefore it is question of believe only....lol....

The social service centers, rehabilitation centers ,Charity Hospitals

The social service centers, rehabilitation centers ,Charity Hospitals ,Orphanage, Schools  for poor boys etc must be constructed beside /within the boundary wall of the religious places like-Temple,Church,Mosque,Gurudwara etc.These centers must be run by the money ,financed or aids,or by the donations collected from religious places.The priests of the temple should be designated as   in- charge of these social service centers.Otherwise there is no meaning of Constructing Temples, Churches,Mosques,Gurudwaras separately ,because it is as good as we provide a family quarter/quarter to  the priest of the temple to  lead a happy life,without doing any social work.And these priests start involving themselves in politics as no social work is assigned to them.Temple,Church,Mosque,Gurudwara has got no meaning if these places are not associated for doing social works for poor,destitute,mad,poor patients,orphans ..........................

बने पुजारी प्रेमी साकी, गंगाजल पावन हाला

"बने पुजारी प्रेमी साकी, गंगाजल पावन हाला,
रहे फेरता अविरत गति से मधु के प्यालों की माला' 'और लिये जा, और पीये जा',
इसी मंत्र का जाप करे'
मैं शिव की प्रतिमा बन बैठूं, मंदिर हो यह मधुशाला।
(Written by Sri Harivansh Rai Bachchan)
Literal Meaning-Lovers of wine be priests, Wine be like holy Water of river Ganjes, Priest rotate garland of glass of wine, chanting the mantra-take more drink more. I would become the idol of Lord/God Shiva, the wine House/shop would have Temples.
Actual Meaning-How nice it would have been, if every theist would be lover. And  would be dipped in intoxication of love continuously, taking care of others, would have chanted the mantras of love only, then we ourselves would have become lord Shiva and the entire world/state/country would have become temple.

If you would had lost your father/mother,

when you were a child. Then it is painful but ok because you would have developed the habit or the mental condition to live without father/mother.
If your father/mother were there but they did not love or concentrated on you much as you feel, though it is not possible then also it is ok, you would have practiced to live a detached life from your father/mother and let him/her allowed to love her other children elder/younger than you.
But the memories of loving father/mother, is very much frustrating, depressing when you lose your father/mother, who loved you a lot in their lives, spent quite a long time with you.
So, we must love our children, people very much internally, but at the same time we must try to develop a habit within your loved ones to enable them to live, survive without you, without getting frustrated/depressed. For this you may have to act rude, go away to some other place, non-communicative for a while for them to be detached from them.Otherwise they may disturb their personal/family lives in your memories.

Because we must always remember that the world is mortal and everybody has to leave this world within specified time.

ज्योत से ज्योत जगाते चलो

Brightness inside is the Meaning of Brightness out side.That is the real meaning of Deepawali Festival.An enlightened soul must try to enlighten other's soul.just like- to lit by one candle to thousands of candles
"jyot se jyot jalatey chalo prem ki Ganga bahate Chalo".

ज्योत से ज्योत जगाते चलो
प्रेम की गंगा बहाते चलो
राह में आये जो दीन दुखी
सब को गले से लगाते चलो

कौन हैं उंचा, कौन हैं नीचा, सब में वो ही समाया
भेदभाव के झूठें भरम में, ये मानव भरमाया
धरम ध्वजा फहराते चलो

सारे जग के कणकण में है, दिव्य अमर एक आत्मा
एक ब्रह्म है, एक सत्य है, एक ही हैं परमात्मा
प्राणों से प्राण मिलाते चलो

"Wish a very very Happy and prosperous Deepawali to all of you and your families"

Blind recovered

A person sitting beside me on train was continuously murmuring on the teenager male sitting in font of him.He was telling that how indecent ,ugly is he,seems to be miscreant,he does not combed his hair,he has not taken bath,his body odor is so bad.The teenager was probably not listening to him. Suddenly the teenager screamingly told to the comment passer that "Uncle uncle your money bag has slipped out from your pocket,so please take care".The critic got alert,checked ,really his purse was out of his pocket and there were lot of money in it,which he could able to recover.
Now every bad quality,image ,all bad odor was vanished ,as the teenager was the most handsome person for the critic.And all the way the critic went on talking to/ and appreciating the teenager ,till I reached at destination.
That is the beauty and ugly,critic and appreciator,bad odor and fragrance,within fraction of seconds ,if the God wishes, in his/her created world.

मीठे बोल बोलिये क्योंकि अल्फाजों में जान होती है

Shared with Thanks to Jyoti Maheshwari(Gayatri Pariwar):-

"मीठे बोल बोलिये क्योंकि अल्फाजों में जान होती है;
इन्हीं से आरती, अरदास और इन्हीं से अज़ान होती है;
यह समुंदर के वह मोती हैं;
जिनसे इंसानों की पहचान होती है"......
Speak sweetly/properly; because there is life in the words, you speak;
Because with the help of the words we speak, do prayers- Ardas, Azan also, to please the God.
Your sweet spoken words are such types of pearls of sea;
with the help of which only , you are recognized/identified, by the people that what you are actually, by heart/mind, by soul.

स्त्री का शील-भंग

There is a shloka in Sanskrit-
स्त्रीषु वृत्तोपभोगस्यात् प्रसह्यपुरुषो यदा |
" वधे " तत्र प्रवर्तेत कार्यातिक्रमणम् हि तत् ||
-- जब कोई पुरुष किसी स्त्री का बलपूर्वक भोग करता है, उसका शील-भंग करता है, तो निश्चय ही उसका वध कर देना चाहिए ..
When a man misbehaves with woman, towards transgression of her modesty,forcefully, then certainly such type of man should be slaughtered.

The punishments and rewards for the people of the world

God is omnipresent, so every crime every misshapen are watched by the God, but he/she never interferes to rescue somebody, why? Probably the poet saint Tulasi Das has answered for it long ago:- "कर्म प्रधान विश्व करी राखा,
जो जस करहीं सो तस फल चाखा"।।
Means-The punishments and rewards for the people of the world is Designed on the basis of good and bad Deeds of a person. The one who does good deeds is rewarded by sweet fruits to taste and the one who does bad deeds are rewarded by bitter/sour fruits to taste.
The God has given importance to the deeds of Human beings while granting fate to each and everybody of the universe. The person who does good deeds gets reward in lieu of good deeds, and the people who do bad deeds are punished against their bad deeds, in this incarnation or in their other reincarnations .So we have nothing to worry much. The God is great and he/she takes care of everybody, before and after death of one's .Because the world is just like a dream, a play, a drama and we are only Artists here.
However ,I have experienced ,if a person worships the God and does good deeds continuously then his/her punishments are eased a bit by the Lord God, but he or she has to face punishments against his/her bad deeds. Sometimes this also have been seen that God itself has taken the pain of its followers or faced the problems of its disciples in man/woman's form physically, AS Lord Krishna as well as Jesus Christ had faced, in lieu of their disciples ...............
Please note no Government or King can protect anybody from the punishments of a person from his/her bad deeds, visibly or invisibly.
Therefore, everybody is requested to do good deeds as far as possible, worship the God which is the prime requirement for a healthy society/person -physically or mentally. OTHERWISE CERTAINLY THE MISHAPS WILL GO ON OCCURRING,IN DIFFERENT FORMS ,THOUGH WE KEEP ON SHOUTING/CRYING ALL THE DAY IN THE FACE BOOK ,HELPLESSLY LIKE WEAK CHIRPING HELPLESS BIRDS,ON ROADS OR LIT LIGHTs/CANDLES.........LEAVING OUR DUTIES TOWARDS THE FAMILY MEMBERS /SOCIETY.............

Jai Mata Di
निशुम्भ शुम्भ गर्जिनी प्रचंड मुंड खंडिनी |
बने रणे प्रकशिनी भजामि विंध्यवासिनी |
दारिद दुख्य हारिणी सुता विभूति कारिणी |
वियोग शोक हारिणी भजामि विंध्यवासिनी |
लत्सुलोल लोचनम लता सनम वरं पद्म |
कृपाल शूल धारिणी भजामि विंध्यवासिनी |
त्रिशूल मुंड धारिणी धरा विघात हारिणी |
गृहे गृहे निवाशिनी भजामि विंध्यवासिनी |
करो मुदा गदा धरा शिव शिव प्रदायिनी |
वरा वरा नना शुभा भजामि विंध्यवासिनी |

Jai Mata Di

Light And Darkness

It is the darkness only which leads us to seek search of light.If darkness would not have been their, there would not have been any importance of light within us.So be in dark to be thirsty of light.Because your thirst for light is more important to enlighten you than light.


If you want to read the books of Osho inquisitively, definitely you do. He was ocean of knowledge. But never try to live a life like his because he was a scholar but not necessarily, he would have been fully God. However, his disciples may would have been much better than him, by listening to his preaching and going through and following his marvelous books. 
In Hindu and other religions lot of books had been written by people, great saints, scholars and lot of people would have become great by going through these books or worshiping the God through these books. But certainly it is not necessary that the writers would also have been great or would have leaded a life to be followed by people. Because please note, writers writes something by inspiration of the God or great people, or would have capacity to hear and convert the language of Zero/god and goddess / ब्रह्मान्ड into scripts, but it is not necessary they would also have been great or would have leading a life which should be followed .They may would have been part and parcel of God or great people but certainly neither they were God nor would have been great/respectable people.
I write a lot in Face Book. But it is not necessary as a person I am good , of course my scripts may be appreciable by few people only….ha..ha..ha.

Monday, March 3, 2014

अयोध्या में मर्यादा पुरूषोत्तम श्री रामजन्म भूमि पर अभी तक मन्दिर का नहीं बनना

अयोध्या में मर्यादा पुरूषोत्तम श्री रामजन्म भूमि पर अभी तक मन्दिर का नहीं बनना ही यह साबित करता है कि राम थे,राम हैं और निःसन्देह श्रीराम ही अयोध्या के राजा थे,और हैं भी।दयालु,भक्त वत्सल,प्रेम के सागर मर्यादा पुरूषोत्तम श्रीराम अपनी प्रजा के किसी भी वर्ग को दुखी नहीं कर सकते।नही तो जिस श्रीराम का केवल नाम ही लेने से मनुष्य के सारे कष्टों क निवारण हो जाता है,एक छोटा सा मन्दिर क्यूं न बनता भला। और इससे ये भी साबित होता है कि अल्लाह और श्रीराम एक ही हैं। वरना ये मत भूलें कि मात्र एक व्यक्ति के आरोप लगाने से,और अपनी कायर , मूर्ख प्रजा के समुचित विरोध नहीं करने के कारण उन्होनें माँ सीता का परित्याग कर दिया था।और तब से आज तक अयोध्या नगरी उदास की उदास ऩगरी ही रही,वैभवविहीन ही रही।गलत किये तो परिणाम भी झेलो। अगर नहीं बनता है मन्दिर तो बर्दाश्त करो।ये सब माँ सीता के तिरस्कार ही करने का फल है,भुगतो।माँ सीता वल्मीकि आश्रम(चम्पारण. बिहार) में रहीं,वहॅा के लोगों क समृद्धी देख कर जलो।और भारतीय मुस्लिम तुमलोग भी ये याद रखो कि अगर तुमने भी अगर अयोध्या नगरी मे राममन्दिर नहीं बनने दिया ,तो तुम लोग भी समृद्धी एवं वैभव हीन ही रहोगे हीं,जैसा कि आज तक रहते आये।क्योकि श्रीराम कभी अपने मन्दिर बनाने की पैरवी करने नहीं आएंगे......................... और भारत राष्ट्र के लोग आधारभूत से ही श्रीराम के ही स्थापित सिद्धान्तों पर चलते आये हैं,यद्यपि यहाँ के राजा या लोग किसी भी धर्म या देश के क्यो न थे या हों।
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ईसाई और ईस्लाम एक विदेशी धर्म है।

ईसाई और ईस्लाम एक विदेशी धर्म है।सनातन,कबीर पंथ(ईस्लाम धर्म से मिलता जुलता मगर लचीला/कट्टर नहीं ) और सिख स्वदेशी धर्म हैं। स्वदेशी अपनाइये और सदा खुश रहिये।वरना पहले तो भाषा ही समझने में आपकी जिन्दगी गुजर जायेगी तो धर्म क्या खाक समझेंगे।नहीं तो आपको पानी की जरूरत रहेगी तब आप अरबी फारसी में “मय मय/ आब आब” कहते कहते मर जायेंगे और कोई आपकी भाषा भी नहीं समझेगा।और ये भी हमेशा याद ऱखिये कि आज आप ने किसी कारण से कोई भी धर्म अपना रखा हो मगर हो,लेकिन आधारभूत रूप से आप हैं तो हिन्दू हीं………….


श्री राम, भरत जी,राजा सत्य हरिश्चंद्र, भीष्म,महाराणा प्रताप, पृथ्वीराज चौहान, रानी पद्मिनी एवं अन्य राजपूत हैं या थे .... अतःराजपूत वन्दनीय हैं।ये भारतवर्ष की रक्षा के लिये, भारतवर्ष की प्रतिष्ठा ,यहाॅ की सभ्यता संस्कृती की,कमजोरों की रक्षा के लिये ,मन्दिरों की रक्षा के लिये प्रतिबद्ध हैं। मगर वे राजपूत निश्चित रूप से आदरणीय नहीं हैं, जो विदेशी मुसलमानों की ,विदेशियों की,मदद करते हैं।और हिन्दू/ सनातन धर्म की,गौ माता की,स्त्रियों एवं बच्चों की मदद/ रक्षा नही करते ।ऐसे राजपूतों को मै तो राजपूत नहीं मानता। केवल "सिंह" टाईटल लगाने से दहाडने से ही कोई राजपूत नहीं हो जाता।वरना "सिंह" जैसे आदरणीय शब्द अपमानित होते है। मितभाषी ,सत्यवक्ता एवं धर्मपारायण भी होना आवश्यक है।
"क्योंकि रघुकुल रीत सदा चली आई प्राण जाए पर वचन न जाई" ।
अतः क्षत्रिय हों तो ऱाजा रामचन्द्र जी जैसे ,युधिष्ठिर,भीम,अर्जुन जैसे वरना न हों तो ही अच्छा है।http://youtu.be/CF_wh4Iahz4

On the Eve of Shiv Ratri:-

On the Eve of Shiv Ratri:-
My wife looks Lord Shiva everywhere fully, may be a little in me. Other’s wives, looks Shiva everywhere including me,I am not very sure that whether they find Lord Shiva in their husbands or not, you may better know......
However, the wife of Lord Shiva, Maa Parvati, looked the God fully, only into her Husband, she praised/ worshiped her husband that much, that people of the world also started worshiping her and Lord Shiva and started celebrating Shivaratri. So due to Maa Parvati's cooperation, contribution Lord Shiva could be able to attain the height of spirituality, thereby, became the Most Powerful God. She was the one and only one lady, who could not tolerate misbehave of her father with her husband and opted to die, by jumping into fire, then reincarnated herself newly for the Lord Shiva. So being the daughter of the king of the earth "Daksha", the most rich and powerful man of the earth ,she opted to live with Lord Shiva to lead simple life, as the Lord Shankara was/is her real wealth. Due to which, she also attained the heights of spirituality and became the most powerful Goddess.
I am, least of the least the most incapable disciple/follower of them to write anything about their greatness. Because what I experience, feel, sense of them, my palm, hands and fingers do not.......
The God may forgive me, if I am wrong.
"Wish a very very Happy Shiv Ratri to all of you"

अन्य धर्मों में भगवान सिर्फ गोरे हैं,छरहरे बदन के हैं,

अन्य धर्मों में भगवान सिर्फ गोरे हैं,छरहरे बदन के हैं,दयालू हैं,शांत स्वभाव के हैं।तो लोग या औरतें ,सिर्फ ऐसे ही लोगों को सम्मान क्यों ना देंगे भला? मगर सिर्फ और सिर्फ हिन्दू धर्म में ही भगवान गोरे भी हैं,तो साँवले और काले भी हैं।स्त्री भी हैं,बालिका के रूप में भी है,बच्चे एवं बालक भी ,हैं तो पुरूष भी हैं,बृद्ध भी हैं , युवा भी हैं। कद के लम्बे भी हैं,साधारण भी है, तो नाटे भी हैं।मोटे भी हैं तो पतले और छरहरे बदन के भी हैं।मनुष्य रूप में भी हैं तो पशु पक्षियों एवं चिडियों के भी वेश में हैं। शांत स्वभाव के हैं,तो नटखट भी हैं,तो कभी क्रोधी भी है।धनी(राजा) भी हैं,गरीब(रंक) भी हैं तो मध्यम आय वाले आम आदमी भी हैं।न जात न पाँत,निर्गुण भी हैं तो सगुण भी हैं।घट घट में भी हैं तो एक जगह पर भी है।साथ ही साथ हर रूपों में करूणा के सागर भी है।तो क्यों न हम हिन्दू धर्म ही अपनायें,ताकि हर स्थिती में हर स्वभावो में, हर रूपो में हम सभी के द्वारा सम्मान के योग्य बने रहें।

जाके प्रिय न राम वैदेही।

जाके प्रिय न राम वैदेही।
सो छॉँड़िये कोटि बैरी सम, जद्यपि परम सनेही।।
"The peson who does not love/like Lord Rama and Mother Sita,he/she must be abandoned by us like thousands of adversaries,even if the person is very close relative/friend of us"......

ईसाई और ईस्लाम एक विदेशी धर्म है।

ईसाई और ईस्लाम एक विदेशी धर्म है।सनातन,कबीर पंथ(ईस्लाम धर्म से मिलता जुलता मगर लचीला/कट्टर नहीं ) और सिख स्वदेशी धर्म हैं। स्वदेशी अपनाइये और सदा खुश रहिये।वरना पहले तो भाषा ही समझने में आपकी जिन्दगी गुजर जायेगी तो धर्म क्या खाक समझेंगे।नहीं तो आपको पानी की जरूरत रहेगी तब आप अरबी फारसी में “आब आब” कहते कहते मर जायेंगे और कोई आपकी भाषा भी नहीं समझेगा।और ये भी हमेशा याद ऱखिये कि आज आप ने किसी कारण से कोई भी धर्म अपना रखा हो मगर हो,लेकिन आधारभूत रूप से आप हैं तो हिन्दू हीं………….

muslim on hunger strike against Go Hatya

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समय की माँग सिर्फ और सिर्फ नरेन्द्र मोदी हैं..

समय की माँग सिर्फ और सिर्फ नरेन्द्र मोदी हैं.............बाकी के सारे लोग सारी पार्टियाँ किसी ना किसी तरीके से देश के या देश के बाहर के आतंकवादियों से या आतंकी संगठनों से जुडी हुई हैं। यही कारण है कि सिर्फ नरेन्द्र मोदी के सभा में ही बम का धमाका किया गया। एक प्रमाण मैं और भी दे रहा हूँ ,जो नरेन्द्र मोदी के समर्थन मे लिखने की वजह से आतंकी के द्वारा मुझे धमकी के रूप में फेस बुक के inbox में "समीर खान" द्वारा दिया गया,जो कि निम्नलिखित है।

"Oye Kumar aprajit chutiya .*** kisi se duahmani hai to jaake use bol saale agr muslmaano ke baare me bolega to ,,..etta chhed krenge ki koi tailor v naa sil paayega ..,saala kamaklu.. ! Etta bada hogay hai par saale maturity. Naa aayi ab tak tere andar.,!!"
उपरोक्त महोदय मेरे द्वारा Block किये गये है। इनका फोटो और मेसेज नाम,पता सब save कर लिया गया है।ये हजरत अभी जानते ही नहीं कि इनका पाला किससे पड गया है।
हूँह... एक कोढी दूसरों को धमकाने की कोशिश कर रहा हैं.......

हिन्दू धर्म में जल्द से जल्द एक ऐसी संस्था का निर्माण होना चाहिये

हिन्दू धर्म में जल्द से जल्द एक ऐसी संस्था का निर्माण होना चाहिये जो कि लोगों को ये समझाये कि वे आज चाहे जिस धर्म में भी हों मगर वास्तविक रूप से वो हिन्दू ही हैं। और कोई भी अगर हिन्दू बनना चाहता है तो शीघ्रातिशीघ्र उन्हे किसी सरल विधि से हिन्दू बनाये।इस संस्था का फैसला सर्वमान्य होना चहिये।

अगर हम हिन्दू हैं तो ये बडे दुख की बात है कि हम पूजा पाठ नहीं करते।

अगर हम हिन्दू हैं तो ये बडे दुख की बात है कि हम पूजा पाठ नहीं करते। केवल बडी बडी बातें करते हैं। अगर एक मुसलमान कहीं भी ट्रेन मे, बस में पाँच वक्त का नमाज पढ कर लोगों को एहसास दिला सकता है कि वो एक मुसलमान है और उसको अपने मुसलमान होने पर गर्व है तो एक हिन्दू दस बार कहीं भी पूजा करके य़े क्यों नही साबित करते है कि वो भी एक धर्मपरायण हिन्दू है? क्या भगवान की पूजा नही करना ही एक हिन्दुओं की पहचान है? अगर हम हिन्दू हैं, तो पूजा करना क्या शर्म की बात है?

मेरी तलवार खून की प्यासी है।

मेरी तलवार खून की प्यासी है।काश! कि कोई टाईम मशीन होती ,ताकि मैं सती माँ पद्मावती और अल्लाउद्दीन खिलजी के समयकाल में पहुँच कर धरती को विदेशी मुसलमानों से खाली कर देता। और वापस आकर इस काल में उन कायर नेताओं की भी खबर लेता ,जो वोट नही मिलने के डर से इस परम पूज्य पवित्र सती स्थल का ध्यान नहीं रख रहे हैं।

It is very much cold

It is very much cold .Sun always remained, surrounded by fog/cloud. Three days back, I and my friend were standing outside of the office. It was too cold. We were shivering. Both of us usually worship lord Sun also, regularly. At randomly I started murmuring” Oh how nice it would be if the Lord Sun would have come out for few time so that we would have warmed ourselves...Relieved from cold or few moments…Uttering this I came back to office sat on my chair and forgot what I had told. I was feeling drowsy also. Within five minutes my friend ,who heard my request to Lord Sun/God came to me rapidly and told “Come fast ,the sun has come out .I was surprised to see that the Sun spreading its bright rays….I went out…. Taken Sunbathe…satisfied and came back again after getting satisfied….after few moments again I had a glimpse of outside through window…Again the sun was shadowed by cloud/fog…people may say it is superstition but I say our request were heard. Therefore Science and God are two different features. And certainly the science cannot justify the God….It can never be denied because till today morning we did not have glimpse of Sun…..Because from that very daytime/date again the sun was shadowed for another two days by the cloud/fog…… I thanks to The God Sun heartily.


Shared with Thanks to Deekcha "Right to Recall's Photo"
एक संस्कृत अध्यापक अपने शिष्यों को उपनिषद ज्ञान दे रहे थे l

तभी उनका परिचारक (नौकर ) आया बोला ,

बाबू जी सरकार की तरफ से एक चिठ्ठी आई है

=क्या लिखा है ?

सरकार आपको संस्कृत के सेवा के लिए आदर्श शिक्षक का पुरस्कार देना चाहती है ,इसलिए ये फार्म भर कर भेजना है ,,सरकार आपकी पूरी जानकारी चाहती है l

=तो ठीक है धन्यवाद की चिट्ठी भेज दो सरकार को ,और लिख दो की,, मैंने संस्कृत की नहीं संस्कृत ने मेरी सेवा की है ,,संस्कृत ने मुझ पर उपकार किया है मैंने उस पर कोई उपकार नहीं किया है ,,,सम्मान करना ही है तो उन विद्यार्थियों का करें जो दम तोड़ रही इस भाषा को अब भी विशवास के साथ पढ़ रहे हैं l चिठ्ठी लिख कर ले आओ मै हस्ताक्षर कर देता हूँ l
इसी को कहते हैं निस्वार्थ निष्काम कर्म ,,इसी को कहते हैं आत्मज्ञान

आगे की कहानी स्वयं विडिओ में देखें ,, देखेंगे तो बगैर मुस्कुराए नहीं रह पाएँगे ,,और देख लेंगे तो सारे एपिसोड के लिए मुझे नहीं बोलना पड़ेगा ,,,सारे एपिसोड आप स्वयं देखते जाएंगे

you must know yourself before knowing anything else . but do you realy know yourself ?


Prayers of Christ

Yesterday, I heard people were praying nicely, beautifully to welcome The Jesus Christ. These prayers were so nice, so effective so heart touching that my eyes became tearful...I also thought of singing with them I felt myself into trance for few minutes. In fact there is no difference in Jesus Christ, Lord Rama/Krishna/Shiva of Sanatani and Allah of muslims. Then what for people fight to prove that their religion is the best? Or To show that they are suffering from inferiority complex? Somebody is Christian -Let him/her be, somebody is Muslim, let him/her be, somebody is Sanatani/Hindu let him/her be.... Unless we practice to see Rama in Jesus, Allah in Rama, Jesus in Allah……We do not reach at eminence of theism to look one in another...And till then no kindness of the God is channelized to us....

Jesus Christ

For few days the God is in the form of Jesus Christ…..We are thankful to our Christian friends to call the God to take birth on the earth in form of Jesus Christ, the saviors, the God of love, sympathy, who sucks, fetches ours/others deep pain for ever, bears the pains of entire people of world “whether we worship him or not”(i.e. the most fantastic act)...To grant relief everybody from worldly pains, to forgive us…..Also for granting us an opportunity to celebrate us the coldest day of the earth, when no festival of any other religion is scheduled…within a totally Blank festival-less Period for Christians and people of other religions ……Love the Christ Love the World…..Wish you all a very very happy Christmas…..

Insaaf ka Mandir Hai ye

if we do something wrong, we hesitate to step towards "the God/Christ/Allah”,to face him...The beautiful representation of above by the Great Actor Yushif khaan Sahab...the great Singer -Rafi Sahab...Film by the Great Mahboob Sahab....Music by the greatest music director -Naushad .Sahab...No Song can be better than this Song.......The remarkable fact about this Song is -Here everybody are/were master of their Art....... Meaning of the Song-The Hero ditches a poor, unqualified, good heart pious, truthful Lady earlier, circumstantially. Then he entangles with stylist, qualified another Female. He hides the fact to new Lady .The new lady tells her to go to temple /shrine for be blessed before getting marriage…Hero hesitates to be blessed in temple ,because he was on wrong path,away from truthfulness. Finally he admits that he was already married. And left the New Female to save him from committing sin…… The meaning of the Song is…..It is the place of justice, home of God, What you have to speak to God, speak to him if you have guts. Do not be fearful. …If you have kept somebody’s something valuable please return to her back. Even if a person is poor, give her love….At this holy place rich and poor are the same…Never feel that you have been defeated ,the decisions should such that the God must be also happy .If the God becomes happy if you walk on the path of sadness ,then it should be lovely for you . The real pious love is that where you bear pain for other and such type of loves only becomes immortal. As the God is aware of everything…..http://youtu.be/iNA13eCk-yg...

अयोध्या में मर्यादा पुरूषोत्तम श्री रामजन्म भूमि पर राम मन्दिर

अयोध्या में मर्यादा पुरूषोत्तम श्री रामजन्म भूमि पर अभी तक मन्दिर का नहीं बनना ही यह साबित करता है कि राम थे,राम हैं और निःसन्देह श्रीराम ही अयोध्या के राजा थे,और हैं भी।दयालु,भक्त वत्सल,प्रेम के सागर मर्यादा पुरूषोत्तम श्रीराम अपनी प्रजा के किसी भी वर्ग को दुखी नहीं कर सकते।नही तो जिस श्रीराम का केवल नाम ही लेने से मनुष्य के सारे कष्टों क निवारण हो जाता है,एक छोटा सा मन्दिर क्यूं न बनता भला। और इससे ये भी साबित होता है कि अल्लाह और श्रीराम एक ही हैं। वरना ये मत भूलें कि मात्र एक व्यक्ति के आरोप लगाने से,और अपनी कायर , मूर्ख प्रजा के समुचित विरोध नहीं करने के कारण उन्होनें माँ सीता का परित्याग कर दिया था।और तब से आज तक अयोध्या नगरी उदास की उदास ऩगरी ही रही,वैभवविहीन ही रही।गलत किये तो परिणाम भी झेलो। अगर नहीं बनता है मन्दिर तो बर्दाश्त करो।ये सब माँ सीता के तिरस्कार ही करने का फल है,भुगतो।माँ सीता वल्मीकि आश्रम(चम्पारण. बिहार) में रहीं,वहॅा के लोगों क समृद्धी देख कर जलो।और भारतीय मुस्लिम तुमलोग भी ये याद रखो कि अगर तुमने भी अगर अयोध्या नगरी मे राममन्दिर नहीं बनने दिया ,तो तुम लोग भी समृद्धी एवं वैभव हीन ही रहोगे हीं,जैसा कि आज तक रहते आये।क्योकि श्रीराम कभी अपने मन्दिर बनाने की पैरवी करने नहीं आएंगे......................... और भारत राष्ट्र के लोग आधारभूत से ही श्रीराम के ही स्थापित सिद्धान्तों पर चलते आये हैं,यद्यपि यहाँ के राजा या लोग किसी भी धर्म या देश के क्यो न थे या हों।