Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The punishments and rewards for the people of the world

God is omnipresent, so every crime every misshapen are watched by the God, but he/she never interferes to rescue somebody, why? Probably the poet saint Tulasi Das has answered for it long ago:- "कर्म प्रधान विश्व करी राखा,
जो जस करहीं सो तस फल चाखा"।।
Means-The punishments and rewards for the people of the world is Designed on the basis of good and bad Deeds of a person. The one who does good deeds is rewarded by sweet fruits to taste and the one who does bad deeds are rewarded by bitter/sour fruits to taste.
The God has given importance to the deeds of Human beings while granting fate to each and everybody of the universe. The person who does good deeds gets reward in lieu of good deeds, and the people who do bad deeds are punished against their bad deeds, in this incarnation or in their other reincarnations .So we have nothing to worry much. The God is great and he/she takes care of everybody, before and after death of one's .Because the world is just like a dream, a play, a drama and we are only Artists here.
However ,I have experienced ,if a person worships the God and does good deeds continuously then his/her punishments are eased a bit by the Lord God, but he or she has to face punishments against his/her bad deeds. Sometimes this also have been seen that God itself has taken the pain of its followers or faced the problems of its disciples in man/woman's form physically, AS Lord Krishna as well as Jesus Christ had faced, in lieu of their disciples ...............
Please note no Government or King can protect anybody from the punishments of a person from his/her bad deeds, visibly or invisibly.
Therefore, everybody is requested to do good deeds as far as possible, worship the God which is the prime requirement for a healthy society/person -physically or mentally. OTHERWISE CERTAINLY THE MISHAPS WILL GO ON OCCURRING,IN DIFFERENT FORMS ,THOUGH WE KEEP ON SHOUTING/CRYING ALL THE DAY IN THE FACE BOOK ,HELPLESSLY LIKE WEAK CHIRPING HELPLESS BIRDS,ON ROADS OR LIT LIGHTs/CANDLES.........LEAVING OUR DUTIES TOWARDS THE FAMILY MEMBERS /SOCIETY.............

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