Tuesday, March 18, 2014

One hindu and one muslim ,theist started arguing.

One hindu and one muslim ,theist started arguing.Hindu told Our God Hanuman is great.Muslim told our God Allah is great.People said let them check.They instructed them to climb on the peak of hill/mountain of low height ,situated beside them, then jump in the trench from their taking the names of their Gods.Who ever shall be able to reach at ground safely his God will be greater.Both agreed and expedition to climb on the peak of the hill started .They reached at the top.Now they had to jump in a trench.The Hindu was clever so he told the Muslim you jump first.The Muslim has shouted the pious name of Allah as per Kuran and jumped from the hill in the trench.As he reached on the ground ,people saw the Muslim was alright nothing had happened to him.Now it was the time of Hindu to jump.The Hindu started thinking -it seems Allah is more powerful than Hanuman.So it is better to Shout the name of Hanuman first and then the name of Muslims God also in less volume of sound so that people can not guess.At least one of the two Gods shall save him definitely.He did the same and jumped into the trench from the peak of the hill.He could also be saved but his bones fractured badly.Therefore if he would have trusted on his God Hanumana also like the Muslim then nothing would have happened to him ,but his believe was oscillated, so he had to suffer. Therefore it is question of believe only....lol....

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