Friday, March 23, 2012

Categories Of Ladies For A Man

Hypothesis (i.e.Guess)-Ladies are of two categories for a man. One is of mother’s category. The women/females like our mother, or aunt, grandmother, sister, daughter, or Lovely sisters of the sites of the"Face Book", whether they are blood relatives or not, comes under first category. And the ladies/Females like- beloved, wife, friends come under second category. The first category of women are respectable, are divinely, for a person, mostly the ladies under first category do unconditionally love men. Whereas the ladies of the category two may also be of like category-1 if they really love a person or may be so- so or may be average/just good ,or may be worst for men.

Even after, if a person as well as all of above takes reincarnation, the soul/the God maintains the dignity of above. Means in next reincarnation the females of category one remains as category one for a man and females of category two remains as category two for the same man.

All stories, we have heard from the people of life after death ,till date, implies that, those who remembered their earlier incarnation, they never told that the sister or mother of earlier incarnation became the beloved or wife in next incarnation. Means category of women were maintained.

The most surprising thing is that, there is constant rivalry between females of first category and second category for man, to whom they are related. Rarely, good relation is established between the ladies of two categories in case of very good hearted or divinely ladies.
The above phenomenon is how and why? I cannot explain. Or may the God forgive me, if I am wrong, since I am innocent.

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