Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Phenomenon Of Death And Life

During travel of life ,so many people come in touch with us and go away from us for ever-How,why,what for,who are/were they,for what purpose ? No body knows.Daily more than thousands of stories occurs in our life,or we do more than thousands of works, meaningful or meaningless daily,think about more than thousands of events daily ,and finally one day every thing finishes when we have also to say bye bye to surroundings for ever ,for another travel may be in different form in different time and space.Every thing we do ,think we dream becomes obsolete within fraction of second. If only this is the reality of life,that we even can not carry our memories ,happenings ,deeds ,experiences with us even after our death then what is the use of our lives/life?To Fill and forget only?Then why we are so serious about life,let it go let it finish, if we have no control over it. 

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