Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Incarnation And Death-Rama Krishna

Once,The great saint,Shri Ramkrishna Parmahansa was sitting in a Grocery shop. The owner of the shop was hardly of 22years old. Since his father was died in early age, so, he became the in-charge/owner of the shop. Surprisingly ,the people observed a goat was coming to the shop continuously, repeatedly and every time the 22years old owner of the owner of the shop was driving it away by abusing, caning it ,by stick .Looking at this Shri Ramkrishne Parmahansa laughed loudly, and then kept mum,and then walked away.
After sometime one of the followers of Shri Ramkrishne Parmahansa asked from Shri Ramkrishne Parmahansa, “Sir you usually do not laugh but why you were laughing loudly at the Grocery shop”. Shri Ramkrishne Parmahansa answered “Look. The Goat was the father of his 22years old son, who is presently the owner of the shop. I laughed because I saw the same behavior, he( i.e. the goat )was receiving from his son, what he was doing with the poor customers/people ,when he was alive in the form of human being in his earlier birth/incarnation”……Think it over…..

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