Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Other's Love Can Not Be Enslaved

We must not use our money, resources, high post, and position to enslave somebody's love for us. The real love can never be slave of others. Wait till infinite time period and just behave well, courteously with them from whom you want to be loved and pray to the God only. If the person starts loving you even after infinite time period, then you are fortunate. Only in the field of love, we are helpless. This phenomenon is totally governed by God only. Why everybody's mother loves her sons and daughters even if he/she is ugly, poor, eccentric, selfish, hard hearted or bad, just because of illusion created by the God. So why should not we try to love and concentrate on the God rather than wasting our time, and because
the god loves everybody ,so we should try to love the everybody unconditionally.

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